Luna Map

 Near side map with major landing sites (click on to enlarge)

 Far side from Earth map (click on to enlarge)

The Far side from Earth cannot been seen from Earth as our Moon is tidally locked to Earth always pointing the same way towards the Earth.

Tidal locking

Tidal locking is the name given to the situation when an object's orbital period matches its rotational period. A great example of this is our own Moon. The moon takes 28 days to go around the Earth and 28 days to rotate once around it's axis. This results in the same face of the Moon always facing the Earth.

Google Moon (Link here) is a very good resource.

Far side

The Far side of the Moon holds a lot of interest, 

One complication of exploring the Far side is the lack of direct communications with Earth, to resolve this China is in the process of orbiting a number of communications relays specifically to allow permeant communications from Earth called Queqiao, as of writing Queqiao-1 and 2 are currently operational(2024) . The Americans had a study in 1968 to support its Apollo missions but it was never implemented.

Currently China has a exciting set of robotic lander missions to the Far side that started with Chang-e 4 that landed on 3 January 2019. Chang-e 6 returning to Earth for the first time ever Moon samples from the Far side. while Chang-e 7 and 8 are in preparation of a human mission in 2029.

One particular possibility is as a good location for Radio Astronomy 

China have a plan  a constellation of satellites in formation, using the far side of the Moon as a shield against earthly interference and attempting to pick up the faint signals from the early universe.

SEE also

Apollo Human landings 1969-72