Lunar Starship

SpaceX won the NASA contract to land two NASA astronauts onto the Moon in 2025 as part of the Artemis 3 mission.

NASA have also awarded SpaceX a second Human Landing System(HLS) contract to land 4 astronauts onto the Moon with their Lunar Starship for the Artemis 4 mission NET 2027.

SpaceX Is Working On There First Lunar Starship Prototype!

It will be interesting to see how the construct the crewed Lunar Starship with its vast capacity especial with the requirement for a maximum of just 4 people living on the Moon. As there is also 1/6 of Earth's gravity on the Moon the living quarters will be more akin to living on Earth than any previous space mission also given the vast amount of weight available for consumables such as water that can also be used to shelter in given the treat of any solar storm radiation. This will give the Lunar astronauts the ability to have proper showers and cleanly washed clothes that will help mitigate the dangerous lunar regolith contamination from Moon walks and activity on the Moon's surface. Their large living quarters will allow for beds for a more familiar Earth style of living while living in the Moon gravity, unlike the very cramped conditions of the Apollo moon Lunar landers in the six 1969-1972 manned Moon missions to sucefully land; that only stayed on the moon for a maximum of just 22 hours and 4 minutes of the Apollo 17 Moon landing.