
India has had space ambitions since 1962 and in 1969 formed the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

Chandrayaan-4 Lunar sample return NET 2028

The  'Chandrayaan-3' lunar lander mission by the end of 2020 after the landing failure of 'Chandrayaan 2' was sucfully launched on 14 July 2023,landed 23 Aug 2023.

India attempted unmanned mission to the moon in Sept 2019 'Chandrayaan 2'

 'The Gaganyaan' Human Spaceflight project

ISRO  are pushing to accelerate their first uncrewed test flight of their human rated Gaganyaan spacecraft to late 2020.

Two suborbital manned test flights within two years(before 2021) Using the GSLV Mk III three-stage rocket to lift Gaganyaan into orbit,

India hopes to launch its first three men into space in 2022(now NET 2025) to become the fourth nation after Russia, the United States and China to send a manned mission into space.

The chair of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) confirmed the timeline and said the pilots and crew, often called vyomanauts – derived from vyom, the Sanskrit word for space – would spend at least seven days in space.

Spacesuit design


In 1980 the first satellite to be placed in orbit by an Indian-made launch vehicle, SLV-3.

20 September 1993 India first attempt to launched the first Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) rocket

15 October 1994 successful PSVL on its second attempt

18 April 2001 saw the first launch of Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) giving India the ability for the first time to reach Geo. 

2 September 2007 first satellite   INSAT-4CR, into a geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO)

22 October 2008 launched its lunar orbiter, Chandrayaan-1 and successfully inserted into lunar orbit on 8 November 2008

Mars Orbiter Mission, which successfully entered Mars orbit on 24 September 2014, making India the first nation to succeed on its first attempt

On Tuesday 14th January 2017 India lofted a record 104 spacecraft on a single PSLV rocket.

5 June 2017  first heavy Geosynchronous Satellite launch with GSLV MkIII rocket.

Wiki is a good source of further information  Wiki ISIO

ISRO - India's Record-Breaking Space Agency | Answers With Joe


Indian Space Station by 2030.

India Plans To Launch Its Own Space Station By 2030

Looking farther there is also a plan for a manned landing on the Moon in 2040