Blue Origin

Blue Origin (External Link) is Jeff Bezos space company founded in 2000. Blue Origin's Subreddit

Blue Origin, LLC was established by CEO and founder Jeff Bezos with a bold vision of greatly increasing the number of people that fly into space so that we humans can better continue exploring the solar system. Blue Origin(BO) is focused on developing vehicles and technologies to dramatically lower the cost and increase the safety of human spaceflight.

"Driven by our company motto, Gradatim Ferociter or 'step by step, ferociously,' our incremental development process builds upon each success as we develop ground-breaking spaceflight systems. But we don’t just build rockets—we build a culture around methodical innovation and exploration."

Coat of Arms


To see millions of people living and working in space and to move heavy industry away from Earth and into space.

Currently Blue Origin has a development facility near Seattle, Washington and an operational launch facility in West Texas where it is launching its New Shepard with its human rated Capsule just touching the edge of space (Karman line) for around 5 minutes.

Blue Origin is expanding and is developing a new orbital launch facility at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station using Launch Complex 36 and will be ready for its new Orbital Rocket using its BE4 engine now in development.

New Sheppard

BE4 Engine

'New Glen' Heavy rocket

Super Heavy 'New Armstrong' Rocket

Blue Origin Rocket naming system :

    • New Shepard - named after Alan Shepard, who had the first Mercury flight that reached space, but not orbit. (This rocket also reaches space and not orbit)

    • New Glenn - named after John Glenn, who was the first American to reach orbit. (This rocket will be a GTO-class rocket, capable of any earth orbit trajectories)

    • New Armstrong - named after Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon (Guess what this rocket will do?)

Rob Meyerson, President, Blue Origin

External link to Blue Origin's Subreddit

Blue Moon Lander

The Blue Moon Lander is a proposal to set up a Luna base on the South pole at Shackleton Crater to help kick start Luna mining starting with a propellant plant for converting the frozen water into rocket fuel of liquid Oxygen and Hydrogen.

Aspirationally starting with a lunar landing mission by 2023.

Introducing Blue Moon


BO has also proposed to NASA of using New Glenn rocket as modules for commercial habitats by repurposing the spent stages.

Repurpose New Glenn Upper Stage as a Commercial Habitat

There are also rumors of what Blue Origin call 'New Lindbergh' being a possible point to point Earth transport rocket or possibly Moon program due to a reference to Shackleton crater, near the lunar south pole, where water ice may exist.


Bob Smith CEO

Bob Smith CEO