Proxima Centauri

Proxima Centauri is a small red dwarf and currently the nearest star to Earth currently at 4.243 light years first spotted in 1915 is part of the three star, Alpha Centauri star system with the two larger Alpha Centauri A and B sunlike stars forming a binary pair, the two main stars are very easy to see from the southern hemisphere.

Proxima Centauri has only about 12 percent of the mass of the sun approximately 1.5 times the size of Jupiter, and about 1/600th the luminosity - so dim that it cannot be seen from Earth with the naked eye.

Proxima Centauri as viewed by the Hubble Space Telescope

The stars of Alpha Centauri lie 4.3 light-years from us, which is around 270,000 times the distance from the Earth to the sun. To travel that distance within a generation a chemical rocket like the ones we use today would need fuel equivalent to the weight of all the stars in the Milky Way. A fusion rocket could reach the system in 50 years, but the technology is still far from viable. The proposed Starshot nanocraft technology could make it there in just over 20 years.

What is really amazing about Proxima Centauri is that it has a planet that might support liquid water.

Called "Proxima b" the planet at least 1.3 times the mass of the Earth,

Proxima b orbits around the star in 11.2 days.

This YouTube by mic of orion is worth a watch