
Tesla builds autonomous using Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) electric cars and shortly trucks

Tesla Model S self driving demo 2016


2008 Roadster (Original)

2012 Model S Saloon

2015 Model X - SUV

2017 Model 3 Saloon

2019 Model Y - SUV first delivery March 2020

2019 Semi Truck

2019 Pickup Truck - Cybertruck due 2021

2020 Roadster v2 - 250+ mph Supercar due 2021


Transportation on Mars will different in many areas than on Earth. There is no Oxygen in the Martian atmosphere so Tesla's battery technology will be well suited also their autonomous driving will be very advantageous for the trucks needed on Mars.

Building roads will take time but once built high speeds can be achieved in the almost complete vacuum on Mars.

The first vehicles will need to cope with the rocky and bolder spawned torain and most likely need to be nuclear powered.

The lower gravity will affect tyre designs for traction also the Martian regolith, dust and vacuum will limit what the tyres can be made of.

Manned Vehicles will need have pressurised cabins with oxygen supplies.