Exo Planets

Planets that orbit other stars

I highly recommend downloading NASA's JPL Eyes on Exoplanets App

Kepler spacecraft was the first to especially search for exoplanets, Kepler pointed a one small area and found 1000s of Exoplanets using the transit method of the dip in the light from its star as the exoplanet passed by.

TESS is an exciting new spacecraft that will scan 82% of the nearby stars, launch 18 April 2018.

Proxima Centauri 4.22 light-years away.

Proxima B and also potentially there may be Proxima C

Ross 128 b 11 light-years away

Tau Ceti e 11.9lys

Tau Ceti f

(Note from Wilhelm Gliese Catalogue of Nearby Stars)

Gliese 581g 20.3 light-years

Gliese 581d

Gliese 667C c 22 light-years

GJ 1132b 39 light-years. Detected atomsphere. (Gliese–Jahreiß (GJ) catalog)

Kepler 22-b an "Earth 2.0". In habitable zone 620 light-years from us.

HD85512b 35 light-years

TRAPPIST-1 39 light-years System Has 7 Earth-Sized Exoplanets, 3 In Habitable Zone

PH1 orbits two suns with second pair of 2 more suns orbiting as well, 5000ly from us.

55 Cancri e Belonging to a class of worlds known as diamond planets,

Kepler 10c very large earth like rocky planet

HAT-P-11b 124 light-years the size of Neptune has water

Kepler-1649c This planet is the closest to being Earth like so far discovered.

LINK habitable-exoplanets-catalog


Astrobio New Planets

SEE Barnard's star , Teegarden's star