Artificial Gravity

In space, it is possible to create "artificial gravity" by spinning your spacecraft or space station. When the station spins, centrifugal force acts to pull the inhabitants to the outside. This process could be used to simulate gravity.

With the upcoming advent of reusable spacecraft building a test for Artificial Gravity has finally come of age.

Testing environments preparing for Moon and Mars bases and for use in interplanetary manned spacecraft.G

1/6 G to simulate the Moon

1/3 G to simulate Mars

and up to 2G to help astronauts keep fit.

Ultimately as in Arthur C. Clarke's novel "Rendezvous with Rama" where he describes a city that rotates to simulate gravity, and even talks about what its weather might be like.

Or a hotel in space would need artificial gravity that may help the 50% of people prone to space sickness.

Note: Gravity is an illusion that no one fully understands why it works including the late Einstein where Gravity is the deformation of space-time or Isaac Newton where it is the attraction of two masses or anything with Energy, microgravity is a misnomer as the ISS experiences almost the same effect of gravity from the mass of Earth as we do, the ISS is only a few hundred kilometers from Earth, what they experience is free fall. "Artificial gravity" is NOT real gravity as related to by mass that forms a gravity well. If it was we would be walking on the inside surface of Earth, not on the external side being pulled down due to its mass. (If this is error please email me)


One far future idea is to have at the centre of the spaceship a micro black hole to provide the mass for artifical gravity, but this mass defeats the need for the ship to accelerate, but Stephen Hawkins is prodicting the existence of relatively tiny black holes that would be hot enough to emit many particles via Hawking radiation, so could also be used as an energy source of X-rays and gamma-rays to power the ship, but the crew would need to be sheilded from this radation, each posible solution brings with it its own set of complications.

This idea might mean space ships will be spherical or oval in shape to withstand the forces exerted by the black hole, The crew would be moving around the rim of the ship ouside the inner shield.