
Interstellar Technologies ( Hokkaido, Japan) since May 2003

A private company who's aim is to bring down the cost of rockets.

Interstellar Technologies Inc. became the first private firm in Japan to launch a rocket into space on Saturday 4th May 2019 is the third launch attempt.

Memo 3 successfully flew to space on 4th May 2019 reaching a height of about 110 kilometers (68 miles) in altitude before falling into the Pacific Ocean after 10 minutes of flight time.

Memo 3 Launch 4th May 2019

Small class Momo Sounding rocket 10-meters tall for a 30cm cubesat payload of up to around 20Kg giving just over 2 minutes of 10–4 G microgravity levels

“Momo” that has been worked on for over 10 years. is a liquid-fuel rocket which propellants are fed by Helium gas pressure.

With liquid fuelled 12kN rocket engine that use ethanol (EA) for fuel and liquid oxygen (LOX) as an oxidizer,

Momo July 2017

Momo’s rocket maiden launch 30th July 2017 on from the Japanese island of Hokkaido only got to roughly 20 km (12 miles) above the ground, when the launch crew lost contact and triggered the emergency engine shutdown.

Its goal was to reach 100km and then splash down the payload, although the fairing itself is a non-watertight structure (although it is possible to make

the fairing watertight for only the payload section)