January 2009 Special Toku for Bill Higginson

Dear Haiku Friends,

The Shiki Special Kukai, the Toku, in memory of William J. Higginson was the seventh to be held and sponsored by the Ehime Culture Foundation and Hiromi Inoue and Kim Komurasaki of the Shiki Team at Matsuyama from the Shiki Haikusphere site.

Gary Warner, owner of Haikuworld.org; Robert Bauer, and Jennie Townsend of Haikuworld's Shiki Monthly Kukai acted as secretaries for the 794 entries from 292 poets.

This was a first for the Haikuworld kukai team. We had no idea just how many entries or poets we'd hear from but it turned out to be a wonderful adventure as they poured in and often with a memory to share. As usual, Bill brought out the best in us…

On February 15, 2009, the Shiki Team at Matsuyama presented the grand prize to Dorota Pyra, a preschool teacher from Gdansk, Poland, the poet who took first place in the special kukai held in memory of William J. Higginson.

January 2009 Results

Kigo Theme: 


A Special "Toku" in Honor of William Higginson

First Place -- 67 Points


the water falls

into its sound

Dorota Pyra

67 Points

Second Place -- 51 Points

valentine's day - 

a glimpse of the shop girl's 

red bra strap

Paul Hodder

51 Points

Third Place -- 47 Points

green coin

in the fountain

a forgotten wish

Susan Sanchez-Barnett

47 Points

Fourth Place -- 46 Points

For a moment

a monk carries the orange moon

on his back.

Alexis Rotella

46 Points

Fifth Place -- 41 Points

out of the blue

into the blue

a whale's breath

Josh Wikoff

41 Points

after confession white petals on the path

Scott Mason

41 Points

Sixth Place -- 40 Points

winter river

a heron takes the whiteness

into the dark

Matt Morden

40 Points

Seventh Place -- 33 Points

sleet storm

her needles clicking out

a red mitten

Catherine J.S. Lee

33 Points

children's ward window

the blue sky clouded

with nose prints

Melissa Spurr

33 Points

Eighth Place -- 30 Points

red tailed hawk

its autumn shadow

touches mine

Billie Dee

30 Points

her crayons…

the red one smaller

than the others

K. Ramesh

30 Points

Ninth Place -- 29 Points


the curled red fingers

of a lost glove

Carole MacRury

29 Points

Tenth Place -- 27 Points

kyuu yuu to

momoiro tsubaki

takara na ri

charlie smith

27 Points

Eleventh Place -- 26 Points

silver moon

sometimes I'm happy

for no reason

Melissa Spurr

26 Points


my son's cello-

red leaves in the wind

Cherie Hunter Day

26 Points


but a memory

white lily

James M. Thompson

26 Points

Twelfth Place -- 25 Points

between the sky

and the open-mouthed boy, 

a red balloon


25 Points

orange peel

in a single curl

the new year

Deb Koen

25 Points

Thirteenth Place -- 24 Points

first light--

a duck flaps out

of all the gold

H. Gene Murtha

24 Points

white graveyard- 

Mr and Mrs Snowman

melt into each other

Winona Baker

24 Points

road to the beach

wave after wave of blue


Elaine Riddell

24 Points

Fourteenth Place -- 23 Points

the White Empire-

chrysanthemum garden

under the snowfall

Vasile Moldavan

23 Points

pitch black

I stub my toe

on the planet

Deb Koen

23 Points

stitching a line

across the setting sun

. . . black loons

Carole MacRury

23 Points

after fireworks

we find it again

the yellow star

Lorin Ford

23 Points

border fence

a white-winged dove

between rusty barbs

Melissa Spurr

23 Points

midwinter night - 

my white breath drifts

into the Milky Way

Paul Hodder

23 Points

Fifteenth Place -- 22 Points

a cicada

in amber . . . 

yellow silence

Li Ree

22 Points

in the center

of the buttercup--

more yellow

Terri L. French

22 Points

the thin whiteness

of a coyote's call

. . . deep winter

Carole MacRury

22 Points

Sixteenth Place -- 21 Points

morning fog

the brief white lines

of breaking waves

Christopher Herold

21 Points

Seventeenth Place -- 20 Points

a broom sweeps up

its yellow straws

evening sunlight

Earl Keener

20 Points

shadows . . . 

an orange koi

swims the curves

Don Baird

20 Points

deep red

the first cry of

the newborn

Elena Naskova

20 Points

autumn river

his red notebook

left in the canoe

Francine Barnwarth

20 Points

Eighteenth Place -- 19 Points

heat shimmer

the fragrance

of purple sage

Tom Painting

19 Points

last potato to peel

a pale shade of indigo

below one eye

Harvey Jenkins

19 Points

Nineteenth Place -- 18 Points

train journey. . . 

mother's white hair

on the page

K. Ramesh

18 Points

on the spring lawn---

small blue flowers

I didn't plant

John Soules

18 Points

yellow moon

the onion

full of tears

Francine Barnwarth

18 Points

first snow…

pouring deep-red

into the inkstone

Pamela A. Babusci

18 Points


her red socks dancing

in the suds

Ruth Powell

18 Points

Twentieth Place -- 17 Points

black and white-

memories of the seasons

before we met

Kv. Páll Ingi Kvaran

17 Points

wolf willow

the white breath

of a doe

Linda Pilarski

17 Points

a soldier

coming home - 

the green fields below

Li Ree

17 Points

a day by the window

black branches

bud with rain

Natalia L. Rudychev

17 Points

Twenty-First Place -- 16 Points

empty summer day- 

at 4 P.M. 

I break the green beans

Janelle Barrera

16 Points

abandoned hut

a red carp streamer

bleached in the sun

Carmel Lively Westerman

16 Points

packing up

a big black dog

licks my hand

Roberta Beary

16 Points

spring sunlight

an emerald sheen

on the starling's head

Andre Surridge

16 Points

Twenty-Second Place -- 15 Points

moon-viewing concert

the girl in a yellow kimono

takes a bow

Hilary Tann

15 Points

the fortress moat

a girl in pink

skates backwards

Marlène Buitelaar

15 Points

junked cars - 

the old gray cat rubs his chin

along a bumper

Sharon Hammer Baker

15 Points

winter storm-

the yellow crayon

worn down to a stub


15 Points

Twenty-Third Place -- 14 Points

rising tide . . .

the white backs

of birds at sea

Patrick M. Pilarski

14 Points

will the hibiscus

on the other side of town

bloom the same wild red

Elsa Colligan

14 Points

golden green

the light livens

our tea

Merrill Ann Gonzales

14 Points

silver threads

of rain. . . Stitching

sky to grass

Rose Marie Stutts, EdD

14 Points

spring equinox

a frisbee

out of the blue

Scott Mason

14 Points

yellow moon-

add cheese 

to shopping list

John Irvine

14 Points

white lies

the changing shape

of icicles

Jennifer Corpe

14 Points

Twenty-Fourth Place -- 13 Points

blackened prairie. . . 

a blind man describes

the color of rain

H. Gene Murtha

13 Points

a bridesmaid again

her blue eyes


Carmel Lively Westerman

13 Points

no longer green

all the weeds pulled up 

by their throats

Christopher Herold

13 Points

winter light

a child's white breath lingers

on the playground

Martin Gottleib Cohen

13 Points

lady bug

on a bare white wall

moving day

jim kacian

13 Points

blue sky 

one lone cloud

hides my shadow

Jeff Hoagland

13 Points

Twenty-Fifth Place -- 12 Points

mid day heat -- 

the little red balls

on the sombrero's trim

Terry Ann Carter

12 Points

a blue moth

from the chicory flowers…

morning star

Lorin Ford

12 Points

lunar eclipse

the white of my thumb

in the viewfinder

Paul Cordeiro

12 Points

alfalfa bales

shelter us from the wind--

white faced cows

DeVar Dahl

12 Points

moon-lit lake-

silver droplets dripping

off her silhouette

Curtis Dunlap

12 Points

autumn pond

amidst the red and yellow leaves

an old face

Richard Burri

12 Points


beyond the breakers

a black orca fin

Trish Fong

12 Points

Twenty-Sixth Place -- 11 Points

for his ashes…

blue moonlight

on the river

Pamela A. Babusci

11 Points

our baby's first kick . . . 

mist rises from the river

in the pink dawn

Catherine J.S. Lee

11 Points

next to your grave

a black rectangle of dirt

a new neighbor

S.E. Carlisle

11 Points

to a blind friend

I describe the purple asters

as less

Janelle Barrera

11 Points

deep white drifts --

this snow that fell

while I slept

Helen Baker

11 Points


the red maple


Gael Bage

11 Points

how red!

our cheeks are

at meeting

Merrill Ann Gonzales

11 Points

lush green lawn

together an old couple

push their mower

Winona Baker

11 Points

purple ink: 

Bill's signature poem occupies

a folding fan's rib

Dennis M. Holmes

11 Points

summer night

an ambulance

pulses red

Bill Kenney

11 Points

Twenty-Seventh Place -- 10 Points

freshly plowed field--

purple wildflowers

outside the fence

Adelaide B. Shaw

10 Points

snowy Sunday

a pink cupola

inside a limpet shell

paul m.

10 Points

high surf

white foam darkens

the sand

Jane Reichold

10 Points

she offers me

a cup of green tea - 

relax she whispers

Mike Montreuil

10 Points

school girls

released into summer-

green apples

Beth Powell

10 Points

red dragonfly

the gait of the drunk

following behind

Ed Markowski

10 Points

blue sky-

another year the old house

without paint

Tom Clausen

10 Points


bulbs burst into

white peonies


10 Points

he has blue blood too…

that red blooded butterfly

crazy on the flight


10 Points

Strawberries - 

the blind child is tasting

the red color

Eduard Tara

10 Points

peach glow…

the embers

of a year

George Hawkins

10 Points

bare trees

I sip green tea

from her favorite cup

Peggy Willis Lyles

10 Points

red dress

winter wind animates

an abandoned doll

Lech Szeglowski

10 Points

one brown leg

swinging out of the hammock

an old love song

Sandra Simpson

10 Points

in front 

of Kandinsky

I can hear red

Li Ree

10 Points

october rain

a puddle of yellow

under the maple

Ed Schwellenbach

10 Points

pitch black night

they wonder where

the next bomb will drop

Victor P. Gendrano

10 Points

Twenty-Eight Place -- 9 Points

no farmer to point

with a white turnip -- but

bill higginson

miriam chaikin

9 Points

blue sail

reflecting across the water

blue sail

Andrew Shimield

9 Points

New Year's morning - 

white footprints to to the church

in the virgin snow.

Djurdja Vukelic-Rozic

9 Points

grave green leaves - 

trying to be here

a little longer

Lech Szeglowski

9 Points

at night

the floating whiteness

of Nippon Daisies

Karen Klein

9 Points

blue moon :: 

the xray

of a tumor

Timothy Russell

9 Points

a red rose

in the snow

december bride

Terry O'Connor

9 Points

a primrose field

the wind plucks off one yellow…


Tomislav Mareti?

9 Points

power blackout - 

lightning switches on

white irises

Lorin Ford

9 Points

orange sunrise

over a frosted world

a robin sings

Jo Pacsoo

9 Points

frog song stops

the fall of yellow leaves

from his book

Brenda Roberts

9 Points

full moon

spilt all over

red wine

Natalia L. Rudychev

9 Points

Twenty-Ninth Place -- 8 Points

olympian - 

she tests the gold medal

between her teeth

Andre Surridge

8 Points

mixing red and yellow paint

my son discovers


David Grayson

8 Points

we whisper

in the room with white coffins - 

a light snow falling

Terry Ann Carter

8 Points

just as the frost

blooms on my window

cyclamen lipstick red

Ie Suzume Shi

8 Points

Blue skyline -- 

a red ball falls in the sea

the moon rises

Magdalena Dale

8 Points

red hibiscus . . . 

what comes

from the heart

Francine Barnwarth

8 Points

the buds purple, 

a couple of snow flakes

taking their time

John Shiffer

8 Points


their petals color

the wind white

Ellen Compton

8 Points

In no time

the white flower loses

all the petals

Magdalena Dale

8 Points

new coolness

a touch of yellow

in the aspen

Tom Painting

8 Points

the orange glow 

of a tossed cigarette


jim kacian

8 Points

pink dawn

slowly the grass turns

green again

Max Verhart

8 Points

blue ridges

becoming darkness

the tail of a deer

John Barlow

8 Points

forgetting myself

I speak out of turn-

the purple orchid

Christopher Herold

8 Points

yellow straw

the feathery scent

of hatching eggs

Ferris Gilli

8 Points

Thirtieth Place -- 7 Points

Grandma's house-

even the red geranium has aged

beyond recognition

Constantin Stroe

7 Points

condolence letter--


on a sheet of white paper

Kristen Deming

7 Points

nor'easter - 

high on the bluff

I make a red fist

George Dorsty

7 Points

red moon

a glowworm crawls

along my finger

Garry Gay

7 Points

black sky

another star

on the heavens

Brenda Roberts

7 Points

on your book

red camellia

falls from vase

charlie smith

7 Points

sakura eve 

blue eyes search the trees

for Issa's ghost

John Stone

7 Points


in the robin's nest

three blue eggs

Betty Kaplan

7 Points

brown leaf

more thin and dry than last year

so too your skin

Peg Duthie

7 Points

red-haired girl out outglowing fireflies

Roberta Beary

7 Points

alley walk . . . 

yellow sunflowers

lining the slums

Patrick M. Pilarski

7 Points

the red hills--

sunlight becoming

pinot noir

Ellen Compton

7 Points

morning heat

a swallowtail drifts

into the blue

Ann K. Schwader

7 Points

stained glass window

in the old church…green grapes

still ripening

Tom Genovese

7 Points

the white glow

of a red giant

autumn wind

Althea Rowe Watson

7 Points

a white bone

picked clean by the crow

fresh snow

Andrea Gradidge

7 Points

red maple

after the last bird 


hortensia anderson

7 Points

cold snap -- 

shock of white

in my hairbrush

Shelley Krause

7 Points

a foal's first steps

deep in red clover

morning sun

Ferris Gilli

7 Points

war news-

rubble the same gray

in any country

Cherie Hunter Day

7 Points

evening rain

the pink glow

of crabapple blossoms

Irene Golas

7 Points

white sun

a snail in the bloom

of a daffodil


7 Points

Thirty-First Place -- 6 Points

four white ducks

single file

in winter rain

Jerry Gill

6 Points

pushing up

from under the snow

a white snowdrop

Betty Kaplan

6 Points

A temple bell rings - 

flurry of pink cherry petals

fade away, too.

Daniela Bullas

6 Points

nearing dusk - 

white goose feathers drift

across road dust

Nadaskic Diordievic Jasminka

6 Points


of a red pepper:

winter moon on Shiki's shoulder -

Kurt R. Westley

6 Points

red leaves

I hold the ladder

while he climbs

Peggy Willis Lyles

6 Points

a black butterfly

hovers over the stage . . . 

Taiko drumming

Joseph Kirschner

6 Points

falling star

a voice fades into

the blackness before me

Ed Markowski

6 Points

Silent snowflakes swirl

in the purple twilight sky,

warm candlelit room.

Kimberlee Medicine Horn Jackson

6 Points

sounds of the new year-

orange, green, gold


Gillena Cox

6 Points

winter night--

on an old wooden altar melts

a yellow candle

"tori inu"

6 Points

gypsies dancing

in my yard--

orange day lilies

jill lange

6 Points

so much left to say…

black grapes burst

on the way home

carol pearce-worthington

6 Points

a brown leaf

frozen on my windshield

hospice parking lot

Karen Klein

6 Points

I repeat

just for its melody-



6 Points

headstone - 

her bouqet reflected 

on black marble

Hilary Tann

6 Points

the room dark, 

then suddenly

a cat's yellow eyes

Paul O. Williams

6 Points

in black and white

the soldiers anguish


Bill Hudson

6 Points

Pink peonies - 

missing not a petal, 

the tiny ants.

Zhanna P. Rader

6 Points

kotoku in the lagoon: 

its black legs longer

than my camera lens

John Irvine

6 Points

red oak--

white with snow

black with crows

Grzegorz Sionkowski

6 Points

A skylark - 

how deep can be 

the blue

Eduard Tara

6 Points

white clouds come and go--

yet what color 

is the wind?

Bruce Kennedy

6 Points

after the fire--

a spool of green fern

unfurls in the sun

Renee Owen

6 Points

Foreclosure sale--

a few white tulips

along the fence

Heather Jagman

6 Points

Poems Receiving less than 6 Points

red faced

she pushed her cart

market time


5 Points


phenomenon unmatched

black hole

Tom Connally

5 Points

dog-eared book

red camellia

rests on top

charlie smith

5 Points

the sun dissolves

into a golden sea

with the day

Ignatius Fay

5 Points


ends in a blizzard

of white

Merrill Ann Gonzales

5 Points

the other gulls

gather around this one gull

red droplets on white

Pris Campbell

5 Points

Vermillion sunset

black wings curve low to descend,

ripples on the water.

Kimberlee Medicine Horn Jackson

5 Points

Peaceful red koi glide

in temple white reflection,

watched by summer sun.

Mrs. Jean Lewis

5 Points

apricot sky

long shadows

on the snow

Linda Pilarski

5 Points

whitecaps and seagulls

fading into morning mist

grey skies above

natalia kuznetsova

5 Points

inside my black diary:

all my days

and dreams

helge t.

5 Points

buffalo plains

an artist's 

white canvas

H. Gene Murtha

5 Points

wooden crosses

brown leaves mounded

into graves

Helen Baker

5 Points

another argument

the rose petal's 

burgundy edge

Paul Hodder

5 Points

cancer ward-

he colours all the butterflies

with red

Rita Odeh

5 Points

first kiss-

her cheeks

become red

Katarzyna Predota

5 Points

Curled tightly alone

Thrown wrenching upward, skin red

Dripping awake, birth

Saxony Olivia McArthur

5 Points

cherry blossoms

surrounded by pink

the bride wears white

Elaine Riddell

5 Points


he wipes fleck of red lipstick

from the neck

Katarzyna Predota

5 Points

overcast sky

red geraniums

even redder

Marylouise Knight

5 Points

Winter moonlight - 

her long hair turns silver

for the first time

Eduard Tara

5 Points


flashes past like a thrill

a kingfisher

Tarumi Hideo

5 Points

a black scratch

over snowy fields - 

the telegraph

Sara Winteridge

5 Points

sunrise ~

threads of gold paint

in the water jar

Trish Fong

5 Points

midwinter grey

dusk coming home

on the early bus

Frances McCarthy

5 Points

the broken crystals

white, soft glitters in the night - 

my frozen tears

Posnaies Oana Aurora

5 Points

morning moon

white cream rising 

in the white milk

Michele Root-Bernstein

5 Points

summer fair--

a child's pink face

in cotton candy

Rita Gray

5 Points

white flowers cradled

in her small stained hands - 


Don Holt

5 Points

blue bottle 

on the windowsill

spring tonic

Ruth Powell

5 Points

rain dripping

from the red-and-white awning . . . 

I catch your yawn

Michael Dylan Welch

5 Points

scarlet fingers bloody wrists

when will we have enough


Joanne Baldwin

5 Points

a rusty lure

ripples the still water

a yellow bill

Fr. RP

5 Points

Sunday afternoon

simmering red sauce fills house

garlic bread toasting

Hazel A. Witherspoon

5 Points

The river flows

Moonlight across stones

Into blackness…

James Sawer

5 Points

Valentine's Day

a red starfish

in the tidal pool

Earl Keener

5 Points

the night thick

with the day's heat-

amber moon

Curtis Dunlap

5 Points

maroon calla lilies

holding moonlight--

I release a prayer

Pamela A. Babusci

5 Points

the mangrove creek

brimming with blue sky-

leap of a fish

John Barlow

5 Points

the blue hour--

inhaling a sweet smell

of bruised peach

Michele Root-Bernstein

5 Points

flower moon

she slowly stirs lavender

bath salts

Bette Norcross Wappner

5 Points

blinding snow--

the white light

inside a passing bus

Michael Dylan Welch

5 Points

bombing respite

she frees her red-stained doll

from the rubble

Victor P. Gendrano

5 Points

blue iris

erratic dragonfly flight

stone Buddha laughing

Carol Borges

5 Points

African drum

her red high heels rolling


Elena Naskova

5 Points

cold dawn light

a black cap chick asleep

on the feeder perch

Garry Eaton

5 Points

red geraniums

within the cells' white-

vesper bell

Serban Denk

5 Points

a paper white


eclipse of the moon

Natalia L. Rudychev

5 Points

over mudflats

the winter light pinpoints

a boat's blue hull

Matthew Paul

5 Points

white gauze mesh

shrouds the young lettuce

rising moon

Ferris Gilli

5 Points

blackbird off

into the spiral

of his song

Jon Baldwin

5 Points

the wind has entered

in the void temple--

red petals fall

Isabel Pose

5 Points

breaking trail-

some little red berries

have stained the snow

Tom Clausen

5 Points

Even in winter

the deep red

of a pomegranate seed.

Ellen Romano

5 Points

the blue of the sky…

and a white butterfly

crazy on the flight


4 Points

spots of blood

on the grass still green-

red leaves

Constantin Stroe

4 Points

graffiti - 

a palette of blues

mixed on cement

Don Baird

4 Points

new years morning

waking up from a dream 

of white butterflies

Jerry Gill

4 Points

my garden teaches me

the meaning of 

cerise, vermillion …

Andrew Shimield

4 Points

Green apples

on the orchard floor.

Deer feeding.

Trevor Camp

4 Points

childhood landscape

in the colorful patchwork

patch by patch

Dorota Pyra

4 Points

white tissues

becoming a grey mound


Mr. Kim Chamberlain

4 Points

january rain

discarded Christmas tree

still green

Terri L. French

4 Points

goldfish prints

on her Kimono sleeves

dissolves into the circle dance

Motoko Satoh

4 Points

a red winter cap

on a latchkey kid

playing with his own shadow

hajimu hirakita

4 Points

Thought it was a frog

until it did not jump up…

A wrinkled green leaf.

Lex Joy

4 Points

white water lilies by Monet, or in the pond, alive…

Elsa Colligan

4 Points

ruby sun

on the twilight sky

a spring breeze

Narayanan Raghunathan

4 Points

spring breeze

in a grand finale

falling pink sakuras

john tiong chunghoo

4 Points

frozen pond

blackbirds turning leaves

the child inside her

Gryta Wansdronk

4 Points

grandpa's farm - 

only a leaning shed

and yellow lilies

Catherine J.S. Lee

4 Points

autumn sunset - 

pink, red, violet clouds

staining the blue sky

Virginia Popescu

4 Points

Rainbows color

Red to violet

dance from clouds

Lorraine Margueritte Gasrel Black

4 Points

drove of black umbrellas - 

still standing

by your name

Lech Szeglowski

4 Points

Sunday morning - 

her red eyes reveal

the night before

Mike Montreuil

4 Points

silver fish jump--

in the shallows

a dancing heron

Maureen Irvine

4 Points

All day rain

the ruin, the rust

of autumn.

Alexis Rotella

4 Points

bright morning-- 

the meadow turns yellow

with dandelions

Grzegorz Sionkowski

4 Points

asking where to go 

my blue eyes passing hers

out to sea

Werner Reichhold

4 Points

slowed-down air --

thick green silence drifts

in from the plains

Marylouise Knight

4 Points

among stars

the sun of haiku reveals

white echoes

Jane Reichold

4 Points

From the night

the light of some

white flower.

Ljubomir Radovancevic

4 Points

frozen pond

by degrees gives up

the scarlet koi

Sara Winteridge

4 Points

Next to each other

a review of white crosses.

Army cemetery.

Ljubomir Radovancevic

4 Points

World in grey


for the days to come


4 Points

night sky--

I look up to the whites

of my father's eyes

Tim Singleton

4 Points

wrapped in tattered gray blanket

feeding squirrels in the park

he laughs

Ginny Leidig

4 Points

under the wings 

of a Peacock butterfly

grey shadow


4 Points

strong gusty winds

strip yellowed leaves from branches

a straggler clings

Ginny Leidig

4 Points

desert autumn

a pumpkin

in heavy orange crayon

Dana Duclo

4 Points

magnolia push

within the frosted green leaf

a new haiku grows

Mike Keville

4 Points

the day plunges into indigo crickets trill

Rob Scott

4 Points

summer dusk; 

the orange of the newborn

robin's mouth.

manoj saranathan

4 Points

cracked earth

a brick wall reddens

the raindrop

Kala Ramesh

4 Points

first blossom

the green ribbon

round grandma's hat

paul conneally 

4 Points

a moment's pause…

the pink blue green 

of her soap bubble

John Shiffer

4 Points

Sleeping late, 

the sky and my gray cat

are the same color.

Ellen Romano

4 Points

another gray day, 

my new red pen

writes brightly

Charles Rossiter

4 Points


the yellow palo verde

hums with bees

Earl Keener

4 Points


the grass


jim kacian

4 Points

red light

a few petals blow in 

and out

Jan O'Loughlin

4 Points

bristling pine - 

fox tracks 

in the red snow

George Dorsty

4 Points

she secures

her day with blue ink

autumn winds

Mary Davila

4 Points

a red paper clip

appears on my desk - 

noon-time nap

Mike Montreuil

4 Points

first flurries

I white-out

my name

Marily Appl Walker

4 Points

strong wind

pieces of blue sky

on the driveway


4 Points

summer sunset

we decide to paint 

the town red

Michele Root-Bernstein

4 Points

first snow - 

my old dog's eyes

speckled with white

Maddalena Elisa Rossi

4 Points

Cerulean skies

Dotted with white cotton-wool - 

A Maltese springtime.

Tanja Cilia

3 Points

gray beards wiggle

in old renga style

I count syllables

Brenda Roberts

3 Points

the land darkens,

clouds still full of pink light--

today's last birds

Paul O. Williams

3 Points

white roses

finally fade

winter chill


3 Points

birthday stroll…

a bright red berry

in the raven's beak

Scott Mason

3 Points

autumn art . . .

a stirring of red

in the gust

Don Baird

3 Points

Red cherry

pits on the stone wall--

young thieves

David McMurray

3 Points

first winter moon

stray black cat


Jerry Gill

3 Points

first morning--

all along the shoreline

all the white caps bow

Tish Davis

3 Points

around, back and forth

the hummingbird investigates

an unknown redness

Bill Hudson

3 Points

Red with shame

the sky at sunrise

her new kiss

R K Singh

3 Points

At the last flat

of a grey skyscraper

red geranium

Vasile Moldavan

3 Points

the pink speckles

in foxglove corollas…

midsummer snooze

Matthew Paul

3 Points

bleached snow

an eternity

of white

Patrick M. Pilarski

3 Points

pink rose mallows 

the tiny baby


Janelle Barrera

3 Points

pink rosebuds

on her casket

"for grandma"

Terry Ann Carter

3 Points

the seashore in summer

an old woman playing

with some blue marbles

hajimu hirakita

3 Points

early morning light

a time too soon for colour

when all cats are grey

Deirdre Godwin

3 Points

as my Granma did

I crap to the sunrise

from the yellow rice fields

Minako Noma

3 Points

cherry tomatoes

teardrops of

a lonely old fool

Mary Meriam

3 Points

withered birch

hidden amidst green pine

mistaken for ghosts


3 Points

a butterfly

on a pink rose


Keith A. Simmonds

3 Points

summer's end…


my mother's red roses

Elsa Colligan

3 Points

icy moon--

the stillness of winter

on White Mountain

John Daleiden

3 Points

fresh nasturtiums

in the smooth green bowl

our waiter clicks his heels

Lin Geary

3 Points

black on white

winter starlings

drink snow

ruthanne price

3 Points

misty day - 

the old yellow radio

still works…

Israel Lopez Balan

3 Points

Shades of winter

cacti at my window

with red flowers

Magdalena Dale

3 Points

red winterberries

even the crow

looks content

paul m.

3 Points

red ink 

stains the page

a transfusion of words

Ruth Arnison

3 Points


my ex-blue jeans -- 

end of summer

Valeria Simonova-Cecon

3 Points

Among the beard's hair

Not a single black shadow - 

The winter has come

Ioan Marinescu-Puiu

3 Points

This all white world --

signatures of birds

crisscross morning snow

Alexis Rotella

3 Points

slanted sun light

reflects gold off

the limestone wall

Jerome Cushman

3 Points


in the womb of a sweat lodge

red rocks glow


3 Points

in the shadow

of the lighthouse

crimson entrails

Jon Baldwin

3 Points

white water

above the wave


Jane Reichold

3 Points


white pebble

turning blue

Dejan Pavlinovic

3 Points

summer sunset

the color of her skin

after the long nap

Kv. Páll Ingi Kvaran

3 Points

fresh snow…

in each deep footprint



3 Points

winter gloom

two vibrant goldfinch

lift my mood

Gael Bage

3 Points

child's nose

pressed against the window --

thundering white

Cornelia Traian Atanasiu

3 Points

bridal night--

her cheeks turn red

hearing his footsteps

Quamrul Hassan

3 Points

autumn leaves

green to yellow to red---


John Soules

3 Points

dress code lifted

the nun chooses sky blue

and sensible shoes

Beth Powell

3 Points

flirting sunbather

blinded by the lifeguard's 

zinc white nose

Meredith Stern Cavalieri

3 Points

the train pulls out - 

a pink "welcome-home"-balloon

left behind, too

Maddalena Elisa Rossi

3 Points

only my prints

on cold green dew

and her grave

Chandra Bales

3 Points

early sunset

the snowy field

turns red


3 Points

clear sky

the coffin's white lid

even with the snow

Fr. RP

3 Points

winter noon 

a crow pecks at the black ice

Martin Gottleib Cohen

2 Points

darkened field

the ice glows red on the sycamore

Martin Gottleib Cohen

2 Points

a sunlit window bowl

the goldfish gasping

on the kitchen floor

Garry Eaton

2 Points

along the wall


all dressed in fuschia

Bill Hudson

2 Points

peace on earth

blue paper cranes all over

her children's tables

Audrey Downey

2 Points

Blood-red horizon - 

among the returning ships

one is missing

Zhanna P. Rader

2 Points

Girl in the gloaming--

little by little her white paper cranes

become grey

Vasile Moldavan

2 Points

in the winter sun

now green, now blue - 

the mallard's head

Tomislav Maretic

2 Points

spring puddle

my red rainboots

bigger now

Roberta Beary

2 Points

afternoon tea--

her favorite white cup

with hand-painted violets

jill lange

2 Points

spring buds, 

the bright red

of her sweater

Charles Rossiter

2 Points

reconciled - 

her little white heart

on my latte

Ernest J Berry

2 Points

newly bare branches

watching the indigo sky

fill with pink contrails

susan delphine delaney

2 Points

white table

in a white cup--

black coffee

Tanya Dikova

2 Points

red hibiscus

satellite images

of a hurricane

Peggy Willis Lyles

2 Points

grey winter dawn


a hundred sparrows!


2 Points

letting go

now it's just a dot--

the red balloon

Linda Marucci

2 Points

a red maple leaf

quivering on the first snow

autumn retiring

natalia kuznetsova

2 Points

full cold moon

startled by his shadow

the white hare


2 Points

from the wardrobe

flying towards me a blue

lavender fragrance.

Djurdja Vukelic-Rozic

2 Points


under the wiper blade

a wet red leaf

Mykel Board

2 Points

harvest moon: 

the pumpkins

are even more orange

oino sakai

2 Points

the strength of red neon

in blustering snow


Lin Geary

2 Points

drawing lesson- 

she asks what color (is white in a dream?)

is a dream

Rita Odeh

2 Points

yellow flowers-

a meeting in the garden

face to face with the sun

Jadwiga Gala Miemus

2 Points

not enough to cover

red crabapple fruits - 

first snowfall

Jyothirmai Gubili

2 Points

winter skaters

the blue glow

of a boom box

carol pearce-worthington

2 Points

cold grey morning

blizzard of emotions

love lost in winter

Todd Eddy

2 Points

rolling over

into a green dream

morning rain

Ann K. Schwader

2 Points

the tide recedes:

old red boat

sinks into the mud

Maureen Irvine

2 Points

yellow leaves --

the old tortoiseshell

glares back

Ann K. Schwader

2 Points

fresh strawberry

from the garden

a taste of red

Susan Sanchez-Barnett

2 Points

from the black dot

in the blue sky

the skylark's song

Grzegorz Sionkowski

2 Points

fading light-

a fruit vendor's son bites into

an unsold red persimmon

Angelee Deodhar

2 Points

tundra swans

gathering on the green

winter tourists

Barbara Snow

2 Points

bitter cold morning--

red silk poppies

in the chinese vase

Marylouise Knight

2 Points

grey-morning…trees sway.

birds take shelter in the boughs.

she died yesterday.

Anthony T. Nasuta, Jr.

2 Points

blue porcelain

fresh from the kiln

bright winter morning

Tarumi Hideo

2 Points

white~out - 

the buzzard waits

for road kill

Sara Winteridge

2 Points

sudden gust

ripe purple plums sway

thud thud thud

Trish Fong

2 Points

small black cat

leaves large hole in my life

when gone

Oriane Stender

2 Points

Grey clouds rule

nevertheless I know

blue sky remain above


2 Points

Slivers of rainbows

exploding into the air

from her third finger.

Bonnie Hudson

2 Points

cabbage white and I spring meadow

Christopher Patchel

2 Points

December wind

all colors go back

into the white

Ludmila Balabanova

2 Points

Black and Tan

more dead soldiers

along the road

Karen Cesar

2 Points

trickle of water

over moss, over stone

deep forest green

Rita Gray

2 Points

autumn dusk

the red mountain's hot springs

glints with gold steam

Althea Rowe Watson

2 Points

black ice--

the wiper still going 

on the overturned SUV

Michael Dylan Welch

2 Points

blue flash - 

the overcast sky 

just glanced at me

Rob Scott

2 Points

well into winter

the eye starts to discover

different shades of white…

Cristian Mocanu

2 Points

quarrel's end

the red arc of the rainbow

so vivid


2 Points

incense ascending

through purple stained light

the color of prayer

Ed Schwellenbach

2 Points

sleeping child

one raspberry stain escaped

the sponge

Nancy Smith

2 Points

white blanket of snow

a soft wet covering

muddy footprints

Tom Connally

1 Points

A red dragonfly

rests above the front doorway, 

a summer breeze blows.

Kimberlee Medicine Horn Jackson

1 Points


the leaves of the saijiki

are gold

George Hawkins

1 Points


blue morning glories face

my pale face

Ed Markowski

1 Points

after the war

a flock of bluebirds

glitters on the grass

Penny Harter

1 Points

green convertible

white leather seats

memories glide past

Carol Borges

1 Points

pivoting on blue

the first dance of the 

red breasted robin

Tish Davis

1 Points

the flight of swallows

a puff of black smoke

from fireworks

Duncan MacLaurin

1 Points

spring rain

streaming toward the valley

yellow poppies

Adelaide B. Shaw

1 Points

rain-rounded headstones:

stubby gray erasers

against slate sky

Peg Duthie

1 Points

Am I dreaming?

A Shinkansen comes and goes

on the azure skyline.

Daniela Bullas

1 Points

ocean breeze

flutters her robe--

a flash of pink thigh

Charles Rossiter

1 Points

winter trees

burnt umber and gray

under a pale moon

jill lange

1 Points

Darwin's two hundredth

a pink iguana

ours for the saving

Helen Buckingham

1 Points

mowing the lawn

a darker green 


David Grayson

1 Points

all the red leaves

still I challenge

the precipice

Hans Jongman

1 Points

long night's drive

ahead in red neon--

Open 24-hours!

Terri L. French

1 Points

gum trees

dusty leaves disguise

a brown moth

Patricia Prime

1 Points

becoming autumn-like

a white star

on the horse's forehead

hajimu hirakita

1 Points

yellow on yellow

pine siskin on witch hazel

late winter color

Deirdre Godwin

1 Points

green dewdrops

on quivering leaves

a silky sun

Keith A. Simmonds

1 Points


"Tavern on the Green"


Mykel Board

1 Points

I've outlived

the black-framed note tells me

another doctor

Mykel Board

1 Points

a warm night

chopped with the black of shutters

the full moon

Djurdja Vukelic-Rozic

1 Points

past promise of spring

store front red wagon appears

in my best friend's yard

Harvey Jenkins

1 Points

Nepalese morning

her red sari glows

against mud walls

Harvey Jenkins

1 Points

adrift in the bay:

man in a red boat


Maureen Irvine

1 Points

yellow dust - 

the tractor's engine


George Dorsty

1 Points

the scent of purple wisteria

suddenly rich

now that people are gone

Tarumi Hideo

1 Points

country lane - 

the mail lady's blue

rubber glove

Karen Cesar

1 Points

full strawberry moon

shines on plump, ripe, red berries…

gatherings of june

Pat Geyer

1 Points

first snow

we watch tonight

a black-and-white film

Ludmila Balabanova

1 Points

summer morning--

a white moth

in a spider's web

Rita Gray

1 Points

missing half

of the winter moon--

a black bird's sleep talking

Emiko Miyashita

1 Points

November rain…

I gather a load

of blacks and blues

Heather Jagman

1 Points

hospice garden

white bindweeds climb

the sky


1 Points

morning baptism

a window to her soul

sky blue

Dan Schwerin

1 Points

the red cheeks

of the one I once loved

berries dropped on snow

Paul Cordeiro

1 Points

mourning dove

bursts from the green

heart of the boxwood

Shelley Krause

1 Points

Poems Receiving No Points

white on the mountain

after last night's storm

all rained away

Paul O. Williams

Fuchsia; amaranth;

Carnation; rose; lavender;

Blooms, or shades of pink?

Tanja Cilia

Red is for passion; 

Courage, blood and sacrifice…

Anger, sin, and guilt.

Tanja Cilia

a small brown bird's nest

blue and white speckled eggs

miracle of life

Tom Connally

etching red hieroglyphs

into a sunset sea

lone sailboat

Pris Campbell

Perfume lingers, 

red roses wither,

like lost love long gone.

Mrs. Jean Lewis

under the rainbow

splashes of color

traffic sounds

Ignatius Fay

beyond blue

a new country

of images

George Hawkins

blue and gold

remain from the wild bird's visit


Pris Campbell

Trees pierce blue sky

in tones of red and orange.

Autumn's dress is bold.

Mrs. Jean Lewis

leaves red and yellow

skitter in the chill gust

long-sleeved shirt

Ignatius Fay

blushed skin--

flushed to red

taking us into ravines

Ed Higgins

Shades of green

islands rise from the sea--

does diversity matter?

David McMurray

my fluttering kite

a red tailed hawk stroking up

into a huge sky

Garry Eaton

Drumming stillness

Rain dripping from leaves and eaves

Rainbow puddles

James Sawer

on an oar

a red dragonfly

mountain gazing

Darrell Lindsey

yellow sunflowers

girl on a swing

father pushing too high

Carol Borges

salty-blue sky

dawn rising

you retrieved all morning

Ed Higgins

coca-cola can

green tea cup

sweating together

Penny Harter

100-year red oak

again in my deepest dream

100-year red oak

David McMurray


Tangled white sheets…

Abandoned bed

James Sawer

late spring

another cough

pierces the red blossoms

Darrell Lindsey

noon's yellow sun

line-dried towels

rubbing across her shoulders

Ed Higgins

morning gray sky-

wild geese settle on 

the nursing-home lawn

Penny Harter

ms finished-

the poplars have lost

most of their gold leaves

Winona Baker

gray sky

snowflakes falling in the 

dancing child

Elena Naskova

a poet rests

in red blossoms

mellow spring

Darrell Lindsey

the fast-moving

grey wisp of cloud

a skein of geese

Duncan MacLaurin

After the repair

pink paint grows molds on the wall--

autumn breathlessness

R K Singh

White color of me cries do not turn back to black

Wojciech Cybulski

the afternoon quiet--

before a twisted oak

rows of red tulips

Adelaide B. Shaw

new year's day 

the fireplace's red-hot flame

from last year's twigs

Audrey Downey

new year morning rain-

red bracts of the poinsettia


Gillena Cox

My white loneliness keeps me away from purple war

Wojciech Cybulski

winter river

a pair of snow white swan

bobbing along

Audrey Downey

kiskadee's beak-

a twig with green leaves


Gillena Cox

Sea waves

roll from faraway

white peaks

R K Singh

Black mother says I do not have white milk anymore

Wojciech Cybulski

autumn deepens

so many birds

in a fine red sky

John Stone

art contest

a small hand selects crimson

from the crayon box

Carmel Lively Westerman

the calico color

of the cat's coat crinkles --

Bill's last book's earmarks

Dennis M. Holmes

the seasons sing

red, yellow and green

forever changing

Betty Kaplan

clematis flower

joining on pergola

the blue dusk

Tomislav Mareti?

snowmelt - 

alpines bloom

on the soft green hill

Andrew Shimield

Winston-Salem -- 

the silver shimmer of summer

lifts in his hokku

Dennis M. Holmes

black orchids

the spiders silken strand

in a summer breeze

John Stone

Texas sky

wind turbines

out of the blue

Tom Painting

Fragrant clover field - 

reflected in his eyes,

the blue sky.

Zhanna P. Rader

highway in the mist - 

a red sport car flies 

out of the sky

Nadaskic Diordievic Jasminka

The blind old pilgrim:

I hear a white lark twitter

high near the sun.

Horst Ludwig

in the pond's calm

where others lie waiting

sinks a red leaf

"tori inu"

Violet time, 

snow trickling on the graves, 

on my way home.

Horst Ludwig


vermillion shrine gate --


Yukiko Yamada

exhausted autumn

the leaves turn dark yellow

father is gonna die

Nadaskic Diordievic Jasminka

yellow sunset--

orange leaves

now more red

"tori inu"

a wild duck mother

crossing the super highway 

with her golden brood

Horst Ludwig

my sandals crack

sheets of ice

the snow a soft, warm white

Peg Duthie

Noon on Lake Kawaguchi - 

A path with stars of white light

shows the way to Mount Fuji.

Daniela Bullas


on her eyelashes - 

sunset pink

Guatam Nadkarni

Green scent of seaweed

Sea creature bites spinning past

Sushi carousel

Patricia Lammers

teenage remains

a junk shop kimono

black, ochre . . .some yellow

Helen Buckingham


one eye


Ernest J Berry

Small red lips

smile at granddad's joke

The sun shines.

Trevor Camp

silver moon - 

drop by drop it turns

the ocean milky

Guatam Nadkarni

Turquoise bands of blue

Nestling in purple grey clouds

Smoky winter sky

Patricia Lammers

the gerbil's claws

Shocking Pink--

cactus in bloom

Helen Buckingham

temple bell

rainbows falling

from waterfall

Ernest J Berry

the little girl's 

yellow raincoat

dotted with blossom

Andre Surridge

Every night,

deer tracks in the snow.

Blue street lights.

Trevor Camp

winter moon - 

the silver phantom

rides the sky

Guatam Nadkarni

Silver skim coating

Mirrored likeness of the sky

Freezing winter pond

Patricia Lammers

telltale stance…

yellow stains

in the snow

Linda Pilarski

cherry petals

even pale pink of her dress

moves me to a whisper

Dorota Pyra

Yellow sticky note - 

Memory of my friend

Becoming worse

Andrzej Dembo?czyk

in a paddock

of yellow clover

a picnic blanket

Patricia Prime

fall gold drupelets

the burning bush of Moses

wild raspberry

Stephen Rojcewicz

Yosemite bound-

beside the old stagecoach trail

a pink cherry blooms

susan delphine delaney

blue dragonfly

hovers the length of the oar

a frog kicks away

Hans Jongman

whittling wood

from a black pencil

my father's penknife

Patricia Prime

massive gilt framework

nuanced tones, stark black

Whistler in winter

Stephen Rojcewicz

two cranes blush

leaving the meadow

red sunset

Mr. Kim Chamberlain

testing twelve brands

of pink champagne-

their first wedding

David Grayson


a child's blue galoshes

turn turtle

Hans Jongman


deep crimson and orange

the season prolongs

Stephen Rojcewicz

this winter morning

the lunar mountains echo

the dusky blue sky

susan delphine delaney

the color of chaos

is a yellow--

daughter's room

Mr. Kim Chamberlain

aniseed café: 

spider web

in the green fennel

John Irvine

in new year's sky

the white tail of kite whirling

children's sighs

Motoko Satoh

fluffing its feathers

finch sits by a Christmas light

red ones are warmest

Deirdre Godwin

reddish violin

in her little hands

a delicate tune

Tanya Dikova

single yellow leaf

only colored in the garden

now catches a beam of morning

Motoko Satoh

the tailor's daughter crawls. . . 

pink cloth pieces

all around

K. Ramesh

far gone day

on a white bed-

a bird's shadow

Tanya Dikova

black wing

white moon

first frost

Mary Meriam

from the back

of the snowy mountains

a golden hearse

Minako Noma

red leaves' thrilling--

scent of smoke

has gone

Jerzy Ma?ysz

a scarlet rose

glowing with fire in the sun

midsummer heat

natalia kuznetsova

volcano erupts

red lava shoots in the air

brown island is formed

Joseph Spence

Blue moonlight - 

Forked black shadows

on the snow

Lex Joy

red pears

green glass bowl

let her go

Mary Meriam

your brown eyes gone

transparent tears now drip

missing your red lips

Joseph Spence

at his gravestone

I leave white smokes of incense sticks

New Year's Eve

Minako Noma

blue sky, white clouds dance

reflecting the spring of life

nature turns green

Joseph Spence

A closed white gate

but he climbs over - 

the black beetle.

Lex Joy

red rays of light

caress the evening sky:

island sunset

Keith A. Simmonds

Under sorrel skies

yew trees and a hermit's urt

with satellite

Wendy Videlock

Blue Monday-

the tea pot whistles

a wake-up tune

Curtis Dunlap

hunters' moon

the melancholy red wine

a wrist

Jeff Hanson

backyard play

the yellow jacket chases

a black kitten

Edward Dallas

fall winds

twisting leaves

reveal red tops

Noel Sloboda

With words to spare

a red-tail sails through

No Thoroughfare.

Wendy Videlock

purple sage

under december's new moon


Jeff Hanson

mother's red roses

the garden club nemesis

green with envy

Edward Dallas

spilled birdseed

black on the snow

suddenly disappears

Noel Sloboda

Child, may you know

the holy, difficult slope

and pink begonias.

Wendy Videlock

summer heat

a green leaf floats to the earth

I go pick it up

Jeff Hanson

gray sky. . . 

sky mind

of the winter gull

Billie Dee

yellow sky


tornado season

Noel Sloboda

quicksilver snowflakes

meld into one

evening patio

RJ Clarken

see-through umbrella--

the shimmering raindrops

and this red leaf

Ellen Compton

rap music

behind two closed doors

red and black

Joseph Kirschner

a green tree-top


since yesterday

Dusko Matas

night sky portrait

dark canvas with white brush strokes


RJ Clarken

a wild field

of cosmoses

a rainbow

Narayanan Raghunathan

a white dot

from the blueness of sea

grew into the sail

Dusko Matas

centuries old stone buddha

on his grey shroud now

splotches of green and white

john tiong chunghoo

gray sidewalk

slush-blanketed path stones

retreating footsteps

RJ Clarken

a black plastic bag

tumbles down the empty street

Christmas Eve

Joseph Kirschner

dew-drop on

the white flower loses

a pink butterfly

Narayanan Raghunathan

on the tomb stone

always only

a yellow rose

Dusko Matas

after taking my ill fortune

the lotuses now

stiff, grey and falling

john tiong chunghoo

just look!

another oil puddle gleaming

blood red

Doris Kasson

first snowing

black zebra crossing lines


Boris Nazansky


and yet more whiteout

my mind's stillness

Bruce Ross

snow crust

a gray squirrel

nibbles blankness

Bill Kenney

through frozen trees

the brown and blue flutters

of jays

Jo Pacsoo

forest cycling all day breathing green pines

Jan O'Loughlin

playing it safe

in the nursery

…one wall pink

Doris Kasson

old washwoman's hair

carrying late autumn away

white wave crests

Boris Nazansky

the old lady smiles

a redbreast brightens 

her winter garden

Gryta Wansdronk

the snowstorm

has covered almost everything

these gold-green weeds

Bruce Ross

white narcissus

beside a steaming tea pot

our rendezvous

John Daleiden

just spring

the bay lies calm

and silver

Jan O'Loughlin

yes he can

brown-eyed runt of the litter

runs fast

Doris Kasson

red sunset

mirrored in the ripply lake

breeze in my curtains

Boris Nazansky

no fingerprints

a trace of pink blossom

he left us, the thief

Gryta Wansdronk

morning whiteout

the slender leafless trees

so empty

Bruce Ross

a young priest

in rose vestments

his mother in white

Bill Kenney

red sunset

on a warm winter day - 

icicle reflections

John Daleiden

in just one night

the red maple drops its leaves--

I still need summer

oino sakai

The yellow

Lotus rises

the stars crown

Lorraine Margueritte Gasrel Black

clasping his hands

the wind whistles

into the black starless night

Renee Loke

a red butterfly

on a yellow water lily - 

what a summer day!

Virginia Popescu

white hedge

no snow


Cornelia de Brabander

50th birthday

and half of my life gone--

blue skies ahead

oino sakai

fish on the river


the white sound of water torn

Ie Suzume Shi

green reeds

turn brown

Summer sun smiles

Lorraine Margueritte Gasrel Black

between the grey window

the wind chime tings--

welcoming me home

Renee Loke

waxwings drunk on blue

juniper berries laugh

flounder in the snow

Ie Suzume Shi

a long depression -- 

painting her bedroom

apple green

Helen Baker

looking up 

between the golden leaves

makes me remember my first autumn

Renee Loke

night with frozen stars - 

golden full moon shining

on the vault of heaven

Virginia Popescu

flamingos - 

flaunting their pink

or quiet contemplation?

Jyothirmai Gubili

against a blue sky

long tail trailing in the breeze

flies a child's red kite

Todd Eddy

Ink-blue river

seamed with clouds of daisy-white,

mermaids embark my dream.

Beate Conrad


beige and brown and reddish


Max Verhart

one white hair

the poet and his father

share the mirror

Lin Geary

the temple's shadows

deepening blue tempting

violets and grapes

Beate Conrad

oblivious work-

eyes of the bee covered

with yellow pollen

Jadwiga Gala Miemus

purple data cables

hang from the ceiling-

spring in the building

Marlène Buitelaar

carefully arranging

white roses in a vase -- 

a drop of blood

Max Verhart

red lehua blossom

on fresh lava - 


Jyothirmai Gubili

a flash of orange


summer's end

carol pearce-worthington

chilly mountain stream

reflecting blue sky of

april, when snow melts

Todd Eddy

The sun smiles: 

All white the ice princess dressed

now in rainbow light.

Beate Conrad

winter morning-

the greenness of that meadow

from grandma's window

Rita Odeh

autumn rain

changes the moonlight

into silver drops

Jadwiga Gala Miemus

on the rear shelf

her silver cowboy hat

waiting for the weekend

Marlène Buitelaar

spring green

like no other


Penelope Sargent

a white plastic bag

caught in a bare winter tree

windsome buddies

Mr. Paul R Cassidy

painting class - 

just white and blue

for a winter mood

Israel Lopez Balan

pink storm

whirling schoolgirls

sakura smiles

Jon Espen Vassbotn

white hair frames mother's face

brown eyes


Penelope Sargent

orange bowl

reflections of the moon

in the owl's eye

Mary Davila

my son watches the rain

a white glimpse of hope in his eye


Jon Espen Vassbotn

red hats, pink shorts

grandmother and granddaughter

stroll through summer

ruthanne price

clumsy guest

burgundy stain

on white cloth

Penelope Sargent


to the scent of a red rose

winter thaw

Mary Davila

a yellow post it note

on the fridge door gallery

~ memento mori ~

Jon Espen Vassbotn

every light but two red

ruthanne price

winter wind - 

the traffic light

turns red…

Israel Lopez Balan

the last dregs 

of her fortune

cup of green tea

Susan Sanchez-Barnett

the orange glow of the city…stretching into night

colin stewart jones

sunshine petals

against the widow's weeds

yellow dandelions

Ruth Arnison

your lips

on the inside of my wrist

two blue veins

Sandra Simpson

Bryce Canyon

tiny red manzanita

at its very edge

Karen Klein

Absorbent visions

lurk a red lit hallway

dark shaded heart

Saxony Olivia McArthur

New Year's Day

silver threads of tinsel

on a discarded fir tree

paul m.


hooking a shark

out of the blue

Ruth Arnison

spring hillside

a green mist rises

through bare branches

Elaine Riddell

last year's 

supermarket pumpkin -

this yellow flower!

Sandra Simpson

violet dress-

with every move you make

smell of heather

Katarzyna Predota

Pink cocktails, drunk

ripped racecar red denim jeans

green puke, night over

Saxony Olivia McArthur

metallic grey sky-

the dip and swell of pigeons

on a telephone cable

Angelee Deodhar

sharp raps on glass

crows separate from black

sunflower seeds


seated behind him

his white hair blue

in the moonlight

Jerome Cushman

The warm orange hues,

Flow serenely to a close,

Create a vision.

Julianne Marie Gatt

just like that

summer shower

blue sky blue road

Robert Seretny

hospital window-

purple wisteria shadows cross

the counterpane

Angelee Deodhar

Snow shakes

off green bamboo that sways

with red cardinals



roll red in the 


Jerome Cushman

Heaven in the puddle

A blue flower nearby -

What competition

Ioan Marinescu-Puiu

Although faded

It still lights up our nights

The lonely white rose

Ioan Marinescu-Puiu

tall oak in summer

holly pine and spruce nearby

so many colors of green

Anthony T. Nasuta, Jr.

the horizon - 

meets the sky's blue

and the sea's blue

Maria Tirenescu

my hook in the sea

watching for signs of a bite

brown pelican

Tom Genovese

it's snowing hardly - 

the wild beast foot-marks

at the white surface

Maria Tirenescu

after death

the surfer's eyebrows

waving green

Werner Reichhold

persimmons -- 

all the western faces

white with frost

Josh Wikoff

in the chapel

a shaft of spring light

greening up her hair

Barbara Snow

a breeze - 

the red petals

under the shaken poppy

Maria Tirenescu


blue light in your eyes

goes star to star

Werner Reichhold

winter birth

crimson steam flickers

in the lamplight

Ron Moss

…to the left

…or to the right?

pink petal carpet

Barbara Snow

Gold finch rests on spruce

Through fog seagull flies…on rocks

Sound of ocean surf

Anthony T. Nasuta, Jr.

a white heron

pecking in the stream

cold morning

Takizawa Takayasu

pink shell

on the way to

unknown world

Kitahashi Mitsuko

Winter sky

the beauty of White Pieta

took my breath away

Yamauchi Sakae

first green

in spring garden

only weeds

Jeff Hoagland

half a dozen

swans are their own


Michael Nickels-Wisdom

blue again

my foot scratches

a sock indent

Jon Baldwin

white narcissuses arranged

welcome in 

the New Year

Takizawa Takayasu

blue poppies

long for the ocean

for ages

Kitahashi Mitsuko

biting a green lemon


sweeter kiss

Yamauchi Sakae

ragged patch

of pale blue sky; 

unseen lilacs

Michael Nickels-Wisdom

Red petals

falling off as soon

as picked up - the poppy.

Ljubomir Radovancevic

ruby-red sunset

the flocks of crows

the castle garden

Takizawa Takayasu

mother's physical therapy

getting orange sunshine

late summer

Kitahashi Mitsuko

the sound of bees 

brilliant yellow

goldenrod flowers

Jeff Hoagland

as many

bluets in the ground

as bullets

Michael Nickels-Wisdom

violet sky 

cold breath 

as he forms words

Garry Gay

white is a robe the Saudi wears

hospitality flows out 

like a river

Stella Guillory

long sickness

a blood red talon

on the snow

Ron Moss

spring fever

new piglets nestle

into pink

Marily Appl Walker

moon on the fencepost

around the brown wood

wire loops turn silver

Frances McCarthy

August sweet william

your ribbons all in tatters

white and red and rose

Stephen Collington

rain subsides

from the cloudy sky

"--- sudden blue

James M. Thompson

his most favored ginger scraper

earth tone shard

an abandoned rice bowl

Stella Guillory

tiny blue shoes

mourners drift past

the snowdrift

Ron Moss

sky blue triangle

morning fills

the curtain gap

Frances McCarthy

golden orb-weaver, 

goldenrod, golden summer

sun in September

Stephen Collington

the yellow

of a banana slug . . .

along my walking stick

Garry Gay

a red urge

like a piano

a gift from mother

Stella Guillory

I place a little Buddha

with the pinks in my planter

first day of spring

Marily Appl Walker

and now October

passing, and with it passing 

yellow red brown gold

Stephen Collington

strange flowers?

yellow and fuchsia

tennis balls

James M. Thompson

dusting off his book


crow black trees begin to caw

David Boyer

true blue

ten kilo walk makes me

sing a lot

mae hiroya

Black boats paddle

on choppy blue waters.

Wintering Coots.

Bonnie Hudson

white warp set

loom waits for color

life begins

Oriane Stender

after a leaf

to the yellow carpet 

a chestnut

Dejan Pavlinovic

on the broken branch

leaves turn red--

he never had a chance

David Boyer

streaming yellow

weavers leave behind

the silence

John Barlow

a dog lies

on pathway full of

purple blooms

mae hiroya

one white snowflake

after another…

great laughter

Bruce Kennedy

indigo warp

rose weft ends before achieving violet

life cut short

Oriane Stender

red eye

amidst the blue-

sea sunset

Dejan Pavlinovic

blue after the storm--

the dumpster

overflowing with balloons

David Boyer

white morning 

one of kids has just

cried out

mae hiroya

garden nandina

scarlet clustered berries

winter feast

Ginny Leidig

at sunset

an odd red cloud -

the shape of someone's soul

Ludmila Balabanova

vermillion blood

stains broken streets

the dead of winter

Cathy Drinkwater Better

at the red dot "You Are Here" map

a slight breeze blowing

this way

Tim Singleton


under the feeder…

shades of gray

Karen Cesar

white cherry-flower

is falling down in child's hand - 

unexpected gift.

Posnaies Oana Aurora

color of flowers

bright pattern of butterflies

like spattering paint

Pat Geyer

rain-soaked schoolyard…

bouncing down the street

a red umbrella

Cathy Drinkwater Better

three inches long

three inches away

a black-capped chickadee

Tim Singleton

that late night moonlight

gleams upon a blacksmith's forge

and cools red embers

Posnaies Oana Aurora

young green tree leaves grow

up to wear an old fall coat

of many colors

Pat Geyer

as shadows lengthen--

rust and orange


Cathy Drinkwater Better

new year's day 

pale pink sunrise

ancient earth

April Serock

burnt orange skyline - a sunset missed

Ken Saunders

who left the cap off

the blue-tongued lizard

soaking in the sun

Christine Allinson

a red-crowned vulture

wings spread to the sun

Easter morn

Renee Owen

campfire smoke

the sky as grey…

cold silence

Ruth Powell

freedom of airs--

on a green field

rows of white crosses

Isabel Pose

give body heat

animal to mineral

blue rock in my bed

Ken Saunders

evening rain

a snail by the curb

caught in traffic light colors

Richard Burri

a rain-splattered newt

…red feet slowly circle

the autumn lake

Renee Owen


on white wad

unfold - bright paper chains

Ken Saunders

april morning jog…

pacing my dew-wet shadow

a yellow butterfly

Richard Burri

the wounded deer

has dyed red

the dew of the dawn

Isabel Pose

white sky

the rumble of snowblowers


Jennifer Corpe

November rain

gray-hoofed horses rush

across cobblestones

Sherry Weaver Smith

counting winter stars with a gray finger

Dana Duclo

beach sunset

their silhouettes deepen

to indigo

Bette Norcross Wappner

year turned sunny

redwood shade squeaks 'bye, hello?

a black-capped chickadee…


first dawn

the blush

of some undrunk champagne

Jennifer Corpe

sunlight through water- 

yellow fish descend

to coral bones

Sherry Weaver Smith

winter night-

how warm the green leaves

in my dream

Tom Clausen

a child cries

the yellow balloon soars

with a smiley face

Andrea Gradidge

countless scratches

on the windowpane--

the verdigris moon

Emiko Miyashita

zig zag

flashes of emerald


Gael Bage

into dawn, 

black night splinters-

magpies rasp

Sherry Weaver Smith

near and far

blue birds with the seeds

from white cosmos

Althea Rowe Watson

school haiku walk

gold dandelion dust

on little chins

Bette Norcross Wappner

their taupe hallway

a frieze in black felt marker

by their grandson

Andrea Gradidge

the amber arms

of his reading glasses--

another cricket joins

Emiko Miyashita

my father's grave-

the deep green

of fresh grass


new year's dawn--

white light reforms

in a dewdrop's wake

Terry O'Connor

rising mist…

the ocean skin

leaches blue

Rob Scott

they run

at the icy patch…

white breath

Terry O'Connor

his last year

our words flowed freely - 

deepening blue dusk

hortensia anderson

morning fog---

the muted caws

of a grey crow

John Soules

broken moon--

flood victim's white teeth

aftger getting the reliefs

Quamrul Hassan

winter solstice

the flash of the blue

among the spruces


sleepless night of rain - 

blue dawn soaks through 

the window

hortensia anderson

full moon--

even her grey hair


Quamrul Hassan

"What popsicle?"

asks my daughter's blue lips:

summer solstice

Heather Jagman

red cardinal

winters only reminder

of summers passion

Michelle Chandler

Young eyes widen,

gathering scenes reflected

by a red glass heart.

Michelle Kilgore

calls of distant geese

through the little woods - 

low silver sky

Sharon Hammer Baker

a loaf shape

under the altar cloth

white Christmas

Dan Schwerin

grey smudge

horizon rain

chases me home

Joanne Baldwin

saffron robes

these autumn leaves

Michelle Chandler

cinnamon hearts

the children's laughing

red mouths

Meredith Stern Cavalieri

the indigo around her eye waxing hunger moon

Dan Schwerin

monastery sky

white ghost over flint

snowy owl

Joanne Baldwin

red, ,red, , 

the nameless flower-

lightning flashes!

manoj saranathan

red sun

the one in my belly


Michelle Chandler

the sun sets

behind our sail

red right return

Beth Powell

sibling rivalry

his eyes

a darker shade of green

Meredith Stern Cavalieri

tangerine sun - 

the birds sing louder

this morning

Sharon Hammer Baker


myriad greens and one blue-

a meadowlark

manoj saranathan

coughing blood, 

Shiki stains

the Milky Way

Bill Pauly

blood pressure falls

a green line on monitor

bird skimming waves

S.E. Carlisle

yellow flames

and falling leaves

the poet's beard

paul conneally

snow covered tracks

black gondolas escaping

from the city

Ed Schwellenbach

winter sky -- 

pulling blue

out of dad's eyes

Irene Golas

heading home . . . 

brown mango blossoms link

my past all the way

Kala Ramesh

lost in the desert

a valentine heart

blown into sunset

Bill Pauly

part-time job's waiting: 

warming up the boarding house

Santa's red outfit…

Cristian Mocanu

each yellow flash

of the snow plow -- 

the rush of dusk

John Shiffer

desert sands

the never-ending

blue blue sky

Kala Ramesh

easy to lose

purple waves

wishing on stars

Bill Pauly

into your lunchbox

the last of the peking duck

scallions still green

S.E. Carlisle

sea of white troubled

by all rainbow's colours: 

New Year's fireworks

Cristian Mocanu

white birch

looses color

to winter's ground

Judi Honiker


my loneliness

and this red wine on table

Tanu Deo Sharma

white frosted waves

pushing pulling

…star shine

Kristen Deming

surf song

gray gulls plait

the sunset

Nancy Smith

unpacking sweater box-

white cat hairs remind me

my Fur Ball is gone

Hazel A. Witherspoon

a snow cone of white

on the beagle's nose tip

the winter moon

Paul Cordeiro

kaleidoscope of color

bursts into spring

lavender and sage

Judi Honiker

July Fourth

the rockets red glare…

again the dead

Fr. RP

day of red roses

few hearts will blossom

few will wither

Tanu Deo Sharma

deep winter--

reluctantly turning off

the computer screen's blue

Kristen Deming

drug dealer

where his eyes should be

silver mirrors

Nancy Smith

at the flower show-

tiny pink mimosa leaf

bobs in the breeze

Hazel A. Witherspoon

supermarket shelf

purple crocuses

open too soon

Hilary Tann

sky blue 

my favorite popsicle

falls to the ground

Judi Honiker

pockmarked garden

a white lily inches up 

just for a day

Victor P. Gendrano

all greens gone

this emptiness of season

so burdensome

Tanu Deo Sharma

black and white cows--

she stirs chocolate powder

into my milk

DeVar Dahl

pausing. . . 

the red of a red autumn


Billie Dee

red knit hats

the boys play pond hockey

by moonlight

DeVar Dahl

my red peels

now dangling, loopy spirals

in a squirrel's mouth

Shelley Krause