September 2014 Kukai

Congratulations to ***Michael McClintock***, winner of our Kigo section and to ***Arvinder Kaur***, winner of our Free Format section!


VOTERS' comments are indicated by "**"

POETS' comments are indicated by "^^" 

Kigo Theme:




First Place -  26 Points



our conversation

fading with the campfire

. . . crickets


Michael McClintock

(2,7,6) = 26 pts



Second Place -   17 Points


another autumn -

the unchanged rhythm

of the cricket's song


Arvinder Kaur


(2,1,9) = 17 pts

**this one is timeless



Third Place -   16 Points


summer night

walking in and out

of crickets


John Soules

(1,4,5) = 16 pts

 **Such a short haiku, expressing beautifully the way the crickets' chirping ceases as we approach, and restarts after we have walked past.



 15 Points



shared custody

her new fear

of crickets


Roberta Beary

(1,5,2) = 15 pts



14  Points



every night

the same bedtime story-

chirping cricket




(1,2,7) = 14 pts

**As plain as plain can be, and everyone who has been a parent will recognize its truth. The cricket plays its part very well.



13  Points


crickets, crickets!

how quiet they make

this small-town evening


Anne Zooey Lind

(2,2,3) = 13 pts



abandoned stage--

crickets live in concert

under the stars


Yesha Shah

Surat, India

(1,3,4) = 13 pts



night crickets

you sang yourselves

into the stars


Ron C. Moss

(1,2,6) = 13 pts



all night long

crickets tell me

i'm awake


Sandi Pray


(0,4,5) = 13 pts

**I've been there.



 12 Points


one part dusk,

three parts loneliness...

cricket calls



(0,3,6) = 12 pts

**Shaken or stirred, a convincing mood piece.



11  Points




the cadence of fall


Terra Martin

(1,2,4) = 11 pts



chirping crickets -

my own longings

join the clamour


Ajaya Mahala

Pune, India

(1,1,6) = 11 pts



cricket song

leaves turning

in the darkness


Bill Kenney

(0,3,5) = 11 pts



 10 Points



harvest moon

her snoring

drowns out the crickets



(1,2,3) = 10 pts



cricket beneath the window

neither of us



April Serock

(0,4,2) = 10 pts



 9 Points



lovers’ lane

the pulse of crickets

through the moon roof


Tom Painting

(0,2,5) = 9 pts



 8 Points



wedding day —

the cricket's song

yields to dawn


Carl Seguiban


(1,1,3) = 8 pts



vermilion sunset

the sprinkler head and cricket

in time


Bill Hudson

(1,0,5) = 8 pts



cricket song...

a dog-eared book

exhales dusk



(0,4,0) = 8 pts





Alan S. Bridges

(0,3,2) = 8 pts

^^ It is a popular myth that crickets produce their sound by rubbing their hind legs together.


night crickets —

the earth humming still

of its beginnings


Hansha Teki

(0,3,2) = 8 pts



evening crickets--

she misses the sounds

of her knitting


James Dobson,

Prudhoe, UK.

(0,3,2) = 8 pts



autumn evening—

we turn the music down

the crickets up


Sondra J. Byrnes

Santa Fe New Mexico


(0,2,4) = 8 pts



evening darkness…

crickets keep me



D W Skrivseth

(0,1,6) = 8 pts



 7 Points



cold snap…

the sudden silence

of cricket song


Ted van Zutphen

(1,1,2) = 7 pts



twilight –

in the cat’s paw

a cricket


Aurica T.

(0,3,1) = 7 pts



bait hook

the cricket that got away

begins to sing


aom (tim)

(0,1,5) = 7 pts



cricket bows

one final note...

autumn rain



(0,1,5) = 7 pts



a cricket

somewhere in the garden--

ripe tomatoes



(0,1,5) = 7 pts



old hut --

a cricket hidden

in a crack


~ Beatrice Syombua


(0,0,7) = 7 pts



 6 Points



fireflies gone

the crickets' songs

sound slower



(0,3,0) = 6 pts



first light --

on the shadow of the sun

a cricket


Archana Kapoor Nagpal

Bangalore, India

(0,2,2) = 6 pts



cricket song

waving grasses

gone to seed


Michele L. Harvey


(0,2,2) = 6 pts



perigee moon..

ebb and flow of the night

in the crickets' song


Anitha Varma,

Kerala, India.

(0,2,2) = 6 pts



lingering rain --

the late night sounds

of drops and crickets


~ Isabelle Prondzynski


(0,1,4) = 6 pts



September night

just your breathing

and a cricket's song



(0,1,4) = 6 pts



Russia-Ukrain armistice -

the crickets restart

their songs...


olga neagu

(0,0,6) = 6 pts



 5 Points



leaves dancing

flamenco music

cricket castanets


Tanja Cilia

(1,1,0) = 5 pts



when I go near,

the cricket stops singing!

a game we play​


Kala Ramesh

Pune, India

(0,2,1) = 5 pts



only the sound

of two mating crickets --

quiet evening


~ Denis shakava


(0,2,1) = 5 pts



demolished house -

the sound of crickets



Israel Lopez Balan

Mexico City, MX

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



alone again -

no cricket singing tonight

under the moon


Cristina Oprea

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



chirping cricket

in a tin bucket-

refugees camp


Lavana kray


(0,0,5) = 5 pts



sleepless night --

the chirp of a lone cricket

keeps me company


~ Arnold Ichenje


(0,0,5) = 5 pts



the song

of a single cricket

harvest moon


Carole MacRury

(0,0,5) = 5 pts

**Funny how much it sounds like the sound of one hand. Lovely jux.


news of war...

the faint song

of crickets



(0,0,5) = 5 pts

**What are they trying to tell us? I often resist the topical in haiku (in other people's haiku, anyway), but this rings true to me in a way that goes beyond headlines.



keep no



Bill Pauly

(0,0,5) = 5 pts



 4 Points



reluctant guests-

on the table a large tin

of toasted crickets.


--Kirsty Karkow

(1,0,1) = 4 pts



the september night

opens its mighty mouth



Oddbjørn Aardalen

(1,0,1) = 4 pts



autumn equinox

the transition between

Abbey Road tracks


Mary Stevens

(1,0,1) = 4 pts



cricket moon —

the song of my life

one last time


Vinay Leo R.

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



prairie grasses

just at sunset

a choir of crickets


Angela Terry

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



fading light


into silence


Barbara A. Taylor

Mountain Top, NSW


(0,1,2) = 4 pts





last supper


Ralf Bröker

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



in all my past lives

except this one -

a cricket


Susan Burch


(0,1,2) = 4 pts



record drought

a chorus of crickets joins

our church service


Carlos Gesmundo

(0,0,4) = 4 pts



sleepless cricket

recounting my

guilty deeds


Ruth Powell

(0,0,4) = 4 pts

**The projection of the sleeplessness and the recounting onto the cricket: beautiful and true.



 3 Points


crickets' cries

piercing this darkness...

demolished houses


Rita Odeh

Nazareth, Israel

(0,1,1) = 3 pts

**I like the way this haiku is open to interpretation. Are the crickets' cries mournful, or do they bring hope in a distressing situation?


deaf ear –

a half of the crickets



Eduard TARA

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



conjuring up

the space station

a cricket


Barbara Snow

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



after the rain

crickets and guitar

sound sweeter


charlie smith


(0,1,1) = 3 pts



this silence between us...

the cricket's chirp slows



(0,1,1) = 3 pts



morning drizzle --

a lone cricket chirping

in star grass


~ mwugusi collins (Kenya)

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



after midnight

a cricket's concerto

from the piano


Carol Raisfeld

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



closer crickets!

my old ears have signed off

this autumn


Svend A. Doggfall

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



city lights

somewhere in the shadows

singing...a cricket


Alegria Imperial


(0,0,3) = 3 pts

**This is a beautiful positive haiku. Even in the city, somehow, a cricket has survived to sing!


Insect chorus:

I add more & more things

to the mushroom soup


Sheila K. Barksdale

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



fading sunset --

the chirps of our crickets

grow louder


~ Patrick Wafula

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



crickets and clock

endlessly pulse--




(0,0,3) = 3 pts




the omnipresent

cricket song


S.E. Buffington

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



indoor cricket —

how large our home seems

as we look for you!


Shelley Krause

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



 2 Points



men at a rum-shop

keeping a culture alive...

chirping cicadas


--gillena cox

Trinidad and Tobago

(0,1,0) = 2 pts

^^on a forest trail with my book club in 2012, the guide told us, it is the male cicadas which makes the sound we credit to the chirp

of the insect, the females are silent creatures


mellow moon

back and forth on the porch swing

cricket duet


Bernard Gieske

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



the grass hums

so many





(0,1,0) = 2 pts



sliding trill

of the mole crickets --

length of a wormhole


Jayashree Maniyil


(0,1,0) = 2 pts



from grasses and thickets

an orchestra of crickets . . .

delights my sense of being


eric wp

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



Chirping for a date,

my lonely cricket tells me

just how hot it is.


Robert C. Howard

Belleville, Illinois

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



after the train

the porch-side all clear

restarts the chorus



(0,0,2) = 2 pts



out of his repertoire

the quiet chirping

of the lover


John McDonald

Edinburgh Scotland

(0,0,2) = 2 pts





an annoying cricket

in the house


RD McManes

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



down memory lane

pretending the tinnitus

is crickets


Jon Espen Vassbotn

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



this year, too

the crickets are singing

September birthday


--Diane Mayr

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



hot autumn night

a crickets song



Stevie Strang

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



after glow –

the cricket song

becomes a ballad



(0,0,2) = 2 pts



 1 Point



seem to know

we’re trying to sleep

damned crickets


Ignatius Fay

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



subtle tunes

on the doorstep

a cricket


Yukiko Yamada

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



musical evening --

dance of the fireflies to the tune

of the crickets


Kumarendra Mallick

Hyderabad India

(0,0,1) = 1 pts




cricket's monotone

gloom deepens




(0,0,1) = 1 pts



stars light -

in the silk of a yellow rose

a cricket's violin


Steliana Cristina Voicu


(0,0,1) = 1 pts



nature’s metronome

a cricket counts down the rise

of the super moon


Harvey Jenkins

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



summer moon...

the rising note

of katydid love songs


Samar Ghose


(0,0,1) = 1 pts



lain on the fresh hay -

between me and the stars

just the cricket song


Dan Iulian

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



last cricket

then thickening dusk

in loud silence


Boris Nazansky

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



almost dark

the frogs and crickets

change the melody


Gerry Bravi


(0,0,1) = 1 pts



dark outside

bright wood fire blazing

and the crickets song


Frances O'Keeffe

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



argument again--

the crickets don't get

a word in edgeways



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



No Points This Time, Sorry.



My wife calls him

a violinist; I sleep less

because of the noise.


Horst Ludwig



hosts of crickets

swirling in the summer wind...

farmers' anguish






neighbour’s cat

playing with a mouse

cricket’s song





unrequited love -

a cricket's courting song

underneath the couch




^^ for this juxtaposition I like the word "courting" better than "calling."


in grandma's cottage

a cricket singing sadly

funeral repass


natalia kuznetsova

Moscow, Russia




of an insomniac

crickets chorus


Gabriel Sawicki



from a distant field

the sound of tapping

a barn dance


David Williams



holidays in Mexico

I look at crickets

fried for dinner


Robert Kania



september evening

reckoning temperature

counting cricket chirps


Tom Conally

Gibsonville, NC



the moon

through the sauna steam..

and cricket chirps !


manoj saranathan




I hear a cricket

but only inside my head



Elaine Riddell



 tree-frogs and bullfrogs

cicadas and then crickets

journey through the year


Deirdre Godwin



silent evening --

crickets singing

in the bush


~ Edmond Tito




The cricket I heard

in the coffin last year -

a singing bush now.


Petya Gleridis



glowing sunset --

shrill chirps of crickets

refresh my mind


~ Peter Kimuli





tiny cricket

too cute to crush


Jane DeJonghe



house cricket...

the loud chirping sound

of dad


Ernesto P. Santiago

Solano, Philippines



melodious crickets

and my mum's humming --

supper preparations


~ mercy mbithe (Kenya)



I stealthily trail

a cricket on the wall --

full concentration


~ john ngota (Kenya)



Summer ends --

the cricket's song lodges

in her ears





I dance

to the crickets' chirps --

feet making beats


~ oscar ochieng (Kenya)



must it always be

the tiny ones who switch off

when I near, searching


Donna Bauerly

Dubuque, IA

 ^^I am well aware of crickets in the night!


autumn moon

as the cricket’s song is slowing

so love’s hope fades





Baby alone -

only a cricket chirp

for lullaby


Virginia Popescu




canicular days -

cricket in my bedroom wall

serenades all night


Daniela Bullas



 crickets' night--

knowing yet what's right

after an argument


Neelam Dadhwal,

Chandigarh, India



General Comments:


**The week got away just as most cricket do!


**Thanks again for this chance to read and vote on some good haiku.


**A nice variety of juxtapositions this month.


**Thanks for your time and the opportunity. Spring is here [in Australia] with summer temperatures, fireflies and crickets!


**I am well aware of crickets in the night!


**…these competitions… are always an incentive to the students to watch yet another aspect of the world around them.



Free Format Theme:




First Place -  27 Points



origami skiff -

a bit of my childhood

sails away


Arvinder Kaur


(1,5,14) = 27 pts

**The word "origami" and the overall sound of line 1 are what saves this from the sentimentality the subject invites.



Second Place - 22 Points



morning fog...

each afternoon dad recalls

mom's name



(2,5,6) = 22 pts

**A familiar theme? Yes, but, sadly, a familiar experience. The line division is beautifully judged.



Third Place - 20 Points



after the funeral

the glasses

she never could find


Bill Kenney

(3,1,9) = 20 pts




at the antique shop

the toy I had

when it was new


Mykel Board

(0,5,10) = 20 pts

**The longer I look at this, the more "it" seems to say.



19 Points


Milky Way –

losing the count

again and again


Eduard TARA

(0,2,15) = 19 pts



16 Points



the fog

finds him, lost

in thoughts



(2,3,4) = 16 pts




14 Points


that same old dream:

what I have lost

to the river


Bill Pauly

(2,2,4) = 14 pts



sandcastle —

the tide brings back

my inner child


Carl Seguiban

(1,1,9) = 14 pts

**Simple -- and so easy to imagine!


slipping skins

from boiled beets:

a word eludes me


Barbara Snow

(0,2,10) = 14 pts



evening rain –

the lost letter

in a book


Aurica T.

(0,1,12) = 14 pts



13 Points



baggage claim ––

my rowdy seatmate

reclaims me


Roberta Beary

(0,5,3) = 13 pts

**I love this - a humorous haiku of modern life.


high school reunion

finding the self

you once were


Tim Singleton

(0,4,5) = 13 pts



12 Points



winding deeper into the dark forest wild morels


Alan S. Bridges

(1,2,5) = 12 pts



day moon

the vague sense of something lost

and found


Svend A. Doggfall

(0,3,6) = 12 pts




11 Points



night swimmer

lost in a womb

of being


Ron C. Moss

(1,1,6) = 11 pts



in a song

from the sixties. . .

my youth


Carole MacRury

(0,4,3) = 11 pts

**For me, it would be a different decade, but I get it. We don't know which song it is. And it doesn't matter.

**A quite-often experience for me.


misplaced keys

found in the same pocket

as before


Carolyn Coit Dancy

(0,3,5) = 11 pts




9 Points


found in the trash

my mother’s day card



Susan Burch


(1,2,2) = 9 pts




her baby spoon

in the crow’s nest


Ignatius Fay

(0,3,3) = 9 pts



diverging crossroads

somewhere I left myself



Yesha Shah

Surat India

(0,2,5) = 9 pts



blind alley -

a stray dog and i

both lost


natalia kuznetsova

Moscow, Russia

(0,2,5) = 9 pts



turbulent river-

mom's call leading

the lost calf


Rita Odeh

Nazareth, Israel

(0,1,7) = 9 pts

**The traveler’s spirit of Basho!


nude beach-

a water snake

shed its skin


Dan Iulian

(0,1,7) = 9 pts



 8 Points



the beginning

of her last breath…



Ted van Zutphen

(0,3,2) = 8 pts



hollow sun —

the warmth

you once had


Vinay Leo R.

(0,2,4) = 8 pts



setting sun

for a while cheek to cheek

our shadows


Irena Szewczyk

(0,2,4) = 8 pts



where once we met-

the lost trail dappled

with violets



(0,2,4) = 8 pts



7 Points


a long lost uncle turns up

as my father


Harvey Jenkins

(1,0,4) = 7 pts



6 Points




a man searches

for sidewalk butts


Marshall Bood

(0,2,2) = 6 pts



falling, falling

from its pine tree aerie . . .

the smallest eaglet


--Kirsty Karkow

(0,1,4) = 6 pts




 5 Points



woodland mold ---

the missing girl

wore pearls


Michael McClintock

(1,0,2) = 5 pts

**This one leaves everything to the reader’s imagination. A layered story in 3 short lines. Showing, not telling.


in the closed sock drawer

after hours of looking

the lost kitten


Bill Hudson

(1,0,2) = 5 pts



one summer night

all i've forgotten

to remember


Sandi Pray


(1,0,2) = 5 pts



a sunbeam

lands in the hot chocolate--

lost childhood



(1,0,2) = 5 pts



first dream...

looking for my lost child

through a labyrinth



(0,2,1) = 5 pts

**A memorable piece which I think could refer to a wished-for child, a fear of loss or the awful, actual loss of a child.


my dream

traveling in space

lost in the stars


Bernard Gieske

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



I find it

the name I'd lost when we met

ten minutes ago


Elaine Riddell

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



summer’s close

the sea’s sound

in the shell


Michele L. Harvey


(0,1,3) = 5 pts



Indian summer -

a cricket found

its lost voice


Juhani Tikkanen

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



class reunion

bursting the bubble

of past memories


Terra Martin

(0,0,5) = 5 pts



4 Points



Oswego tea...

I find myself lost

in her bergamot note


Samar Ghose


(1,0,1) = 4 pts



Christmas morning

her teddy under the tree

in matching PJs



(0,2,0) = 4 pts

**Pure joy!


lost and found bin --

a single mitten

with half a felt heart


Angela Terry

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



a fish released

then caught again

my aunt's memory


- mechaieh

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



monday... paradise lost

friday... paradise found



Tom Conally

Gibsonville, NC

(0,1,2) = 4 pts

**Not your conventional haiku – or senryu, for that matter – but most effective for all that.



the moon pauses by

a man in wheelchair



(0,1,2) = 4 pts




the medicine box has lost

its blackbird song


Oddbjørn Aardalen

(0,0,4) = 4 pts



light snowfall--

finding a hostel

before dark


Ruth Powell

(0,0,4) = 4 pts



3 Points



blank stare

of a plaster doll's head

tilling the old farm



(0,1,1) = 3 pts



the sadness

of the 'lost

and found' shelf


John McDonald Edinburgh Scotland

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



milky way…

wondering which one

has her sparkle


Anitha Varma

Kerala, India.

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



temps below freezing

the lost and found box



--Diane Mayr

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



lost in memories -

the wind stirs up all the leaves

for a certain time


Cristina Oprea

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



shortly after dawn

the cotton flowers open -

I am lost for words


Daniela Bullas

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



finding an acorn

lost by a squirrel last fall —

oak sapling


Shelley Krause

(0,1,1) = 3 pts




around the corner

a chance encounter


Tom Painting

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



just married ...

years of lost baggage

found again


Carol Raisfeld

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



2 Points



Many stars blinking

lost their light above me

light-years ago


Horst Ludwig

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



out of the blue

a phone call from

an ex lover


Barbara A. Taylor

Mountain Top, NSW


(0,1,0) = 2 pts



lost in reverie ...

a conversation of birds

from the cherry tree


--gillena cox

Trinidad and Tobago

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



an incoming tide

bearing lost items

you found your heart


David Williams

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



the battle over

at forty-two



Stevie Strang

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



desperately seeking

my glasses - ah, there they are!

in the hallway mirror


Anne Zooey Lind

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



in the garage

scent of thistles and creek

dead lab's collar



(0,1,0) = 2 pts



summer evening…

scent of blossoms

names forgotten


D W Skrivseth

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



along the coast ...

under the rolling waves

my anklets


Archana Kapoor Nagpal

Bangalore, India

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



snail-hunting boys

in a weed-choked moat

endless summer


Sheila K. Barksdale

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



crowded bar

the phone's backlight

lights her smile


Jayashree Maniyil


(0,0,2) = 2 pts



mid night sky

searching for the star

where she resides



(0,0,2) = 2 pts



empty shell...

will the little snail

find it attractive


Neelam Dadhwal

Chandigarh, India

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



1 Point



Grandma walks back home

after days of absence...

a celebration




(0,0,1) = 1 pts



Old love letters

and forget-me-not flowers-

lost-and-found office


Vasile Moldovan

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



she has lost her scarf

scent of tuberoses

in the wind


Steliana Cristina Voicu


(0,0,1) = 1 pts



spring returns —

the grace of blossoms

from the lost


Hansha Teki

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



found an old friend

in that cumulus cloud

shelling peas


Leah Ann Sullivan

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



virginity lost

the innocence found

gone forever


RD McManes

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



out of the pit

a lost paper crane floats up

in the storm


Alegria Imperial

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



dentures at 80

I see her smile stretch

from tooth to tooth



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



scratching --

a pair of harvest mites

have found my bra


~ Isabelle Prondzynski


(0,0,1) = 1 pts



miles from home...

trombonist finds a lost coin

on green dolphin street


Pat Geyer

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



siesta time;

it too has found the roof-

summer squash !


manoj saranathan


(0,0,1) = 1 pts

**Needs work. No punctuation would help. But I like it.


hot rocky shoreline

father and daughter fishing

lost laughter found



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



look what I found

rediscovered confidence

now that you have gone


Deirdre Godwin

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



with Thoreau

feeling my way through the woods

in the dark


Donna Bauerly

Dubuque, IA

(0,0,1) = 1 pts

^^I am always "finding" myself, even at age 80, which I just accomplished


a yellow book

in a heap of dusty clothes --



~ annete nyagoha

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



red lipstick...

and now up there

the stars


Ernesto P. Santiago

Solano, Philippines

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



quarter 'till eight -

the car key's not in

the same old place



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



amazing grace

the song keeps running

through my head


John soules

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



lost somewhere

in the distant mist-

a knock to her heart


--- Kashinath Karmakar


(0,0,1) = 1 pts



lost keys--

I move to look

in one last place


James Dobson

Prudhoe, UK.

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



Lost on the field –

shining in the night

only a mullein


Virginia Popescu


(0,0,1) = 1 pts



No Points This Time, Sorry.



wondering, wandering

cloud nine

coming, or going?


Tanja Cilia



When I lost my mind,

I searched until it showed up

where I’d used it last.


Robert C. Howard

Belleville Illinois



music lost -

only one broken wire

in our love


Ajaya Mahala,

Pune, India



lost then realized—

the thread that

connects us


Sondra J. Byrnes

Santa Fe New Mexico




 losing itself

under an overcast sky -

a shadow of doubt


-- Shloka Shankar




back to my self-

cutting the ivy of memories

to find a door


Lavana kray




kid's innocent smile --

a shower of flowers of

the paradise


Kumarendra Mallick

Hyderabad, India



tiff long forgotten

"you'll miss me when i'm gone"

recalled this cold night






framed family portrait a lehman bond


Ralf Bröker



 lost ―

in the cosmos field

mom's voice away


Yukiko Yamada



an ant lost her way

in the house -

dad, help her go home


Petya Gleridis



lost sleep

yet late night's deep silence -



Jane DeJonghe



dusty torn shoes

with cobwebs all over --

finally found


~ geoffrey maina



I finally find

my dirty scarf in my desk --

evening preps


~ ambrose amuyoma



my lost bracelet

shimmering on the footpath --



~ kevin akidiva



 reflection of self

how many times have I lost

then found you


Gerry Bravi




dark night

strange street

and a clueless cab driver





under the sofa

long lost ring

should clean more often


Frances O'Keeffe



lost in thickets

with those noisy crickets . . .

the orchestra played on


eric wp



we found each other

dancing close

to "let's get lost"


Jon Espen Vassbotn




General Comments:


**Thanks again for this chance to vote on some wonderful haiku.


**#30, #36, #52, #59, #66, #99

I related to all of the above.


**This September batch was a pleasure to read. Perhaps the theme 'lost' or 'found' helped haikuists to tune into the sense of negative capability and 'sabi' that the haiku form's aesthetic serves so well. It was hard to choose!




Thank you for participating in the September 2014 Kukai!


We will announce the October 2014 Call for Submissions on Monday, October 6th. See you then!


With much appreciation,


The Shiki Monthly Kukai Team