



_________First Place__________


planting seeds-

the smell of wet earth

on my skin




________Second Place________



Amish buggies line up

at the bank window




_________Third Place________


strange handwriting

on an unsigned card...

periwinkle seeds





_________Below Third Place________

seeds blow past

the checkpoint -

no passport


Carol Raisfeld

no trespassing sign

the mourning dove feeding

on fresh sown grass


Janet Parker

A packet of seeds -

shaken out in my palm

a garden-to-be


Florence V.

rainwashed seeds—

a thousand colors blanket

the desert


•             naia


spring planting -

a robin pinches

a few seeds


Tore Sverredal


in the dust—

red pepper seeds sprouting

around irrigation pipes


MaryJane Turner

gentle breeze

the dandelion seeds

float away


James M. Thompson

still snow

unopened seed catalogues

on the mantle



Easter Sunday

a seedling arises

from the rotten leaves


Victoria G. Pulgar


beach picnic

she quickly spits

a watermelon seed



A man

A woman

The seed grows


Chance J

family picnic

the youngest pockets

a watermelon seed


Carmen Sterba


munching pumpkin seeds

by jack-o’-lantern light


Eileen Blas Schaefer


antique store–

mother’s seed pearl locket

close to my heart


Kathy Lippard Cobb


a bunch of seed packets

from nineteen sixty-eight



sowing in a flowerpot

the seed catalog’s

free specimen


max verhart


window sill sun-

three round yellow seeds

pressed into each pot




broad-casting seeds

thoughts of people

come and gone


Gary Steinberg


the seeds have grown

time to harvest


brad richards

Small rebel

blows dandelion seeds

across the golf course


Bettina Davis

Overgrown seed pots

on a window ledge,

cold spring.


Carmel C. Lively


early spring

seed packs replace snow shovels

near check out counter


between glass bottles

a packet of seeds—

recycling bin


roberta beary

last day of school-

seeds of learning

scatter to the winds


mary seabright

a spring feast

for the doves and sparrows

newly seeded lawn


Becky Bunsic (Tukiko)


landing on my desk

what will grow out of it?

dandelion seed


Barbara Franz

stride the night gabbing

intake cold snap - april fool!

mouthing a seed flake...



Seed and seed again

maturity, then to seed

growing, grown, then sewn.


Chris Swift.


blue scylla...

blooming so far from your friends

with birdseeds

joyce maxner