August 2003 Kukai

In the listing below, after each poem the author is listed, and then a three digit code revealing how many 3-point, 2-point, and 1-point votes were cast for this poem by the other participating poets. (214 = 12) would indicate that the poem above received two 3-point votes, one 2-point vote, and four 1-point votes.

August 2003 Kukai Results

Kigo Theme: Sunflower

First Place - Fifteen Points

storm clouds

a sunflower faces

the cracked earth

Darrell Byrd

(047 = 15)

Second Place - Twelve Points

cloudy sky - 

every sunflower looking

in another direction

Tomislav Maretic

(125 = 12)

sunflowers ~

my grand daughter leaps from

shadow to shadow

deborah russell

(036 = 12)

sunflower seeds

scattered on the sidewalk

a homeless man

Deborah P Kolodji

(214 = 12)

Third Place - Eleven Points

easing off the gas

wild sunflowers

on both sides now

mark e

(043 = 11)

Fourth Place - Nine Points

my yellow straw hat...

every sunflower in the field

turned toward me

Zhanna P. Rader

(122 = 9)

Fifth Place - Eight Points

between green fields

one sunflower blooms

by the ditch

Norman Darlington

(113 = 8)

cloudy afternoon-

munching sunflower seeds

with coffee

angelee deodhar

(113 = 8)

Sixth Place - Seven Points

in summer twilight

the darkening eyes

of sunflowers

Mark Smith

(023 = 7)

cool breeze

a firefly sparks

in the sunflower

Earl Keener

(023 = 7)

Seventh Place - Six Points

big smile

in the girl's hand

a sunflower

w.f. owen

(006 = 6)

a sunflower face

peeks through the gate -

how can we quarrel?

Carol Raisfeld

(022 = 6)

high noon –

sunflower’s shadow seeps

into itself

Nancy Smith

(022 = 6)

in the face

of sunflowers 

no time

but the present 

Cindy Tebo

(200 = 6) garden party --

a scarecrow supports

the drooping sunflower

Lesley Dahl

(022 = 6)

siesta ~

the drooping sunflower 


Cliff Roberts

(111 = 6)

Eighth Place - Five Points


on a cloudy day

children's laughter

Allen McGill

(021 = 5)

sunflower seeds

the chipmunk jumps

to the bird feeder

Carmel C. Lively

(021 = 5)

a mouse 

trembles in the shadow

of the sunflower

Jim Mullins

(021 = 5)

gathering dusk --

the sunflower field

faces west

Andrew Callister

(013 = 5)

Ninth Place - Four Points

summer storm- 

the sunflower bows 


Robert John Mestre

(004 = 4)

the sunflower

at night,

a moonflower


(012 = 4)

a hint of autumn ~~

first sunflower to ignore

the morning sun


(004 = 4)

under the feeder

a squabble of sparrows

a sunflower

Ann K. Schwader

(020 = 4)

dog days--

a grasshopper chews

the sunflower leaf


(004 = 4)


a blue jay pecks at

the last seeds of sun

Angèle Lux

(020 = 4)

Tenth Place - Three Points


an ant shines

on a sunflower


(011 = 3)

sunflower swaying

with the breeze --

a chickadee clings

Rosa Velt

(003 = 3)

traffic jam--

sticking out of the truckbed

the plastic sunflower

c. lee robinson

(003 = 3)

field of yellow

one sunflower faces

the other way

celia crook

(003 = 3)

cloudless day

the train glides 

through a field of sunflowers

Tore Sverredal

(003 = 3)

evening drizzle

the sunflowers

facing west

jane burton

(011 = 3)

Free Format Theme: School Classroom

First Place – Thirteen Points

old desktop

the principal looks for 

his initials

Jim Mullins

(037 = 13)

Second Place – Eleven Points

writing his name

with a lot of screeches

the new teacher

emile molhuysen

(124 = 11)

summer breeze ~

the clink of empty swings

circles the schoolyard

deborah russell

(043 = 11)

band practice night

the board approves a quote

for soundproofing


(124 = 11)

Third Place – Ten Points

first grader's scream

a pet snake

at show and tell

Carmel C. Lively

(026 = 10)

on the book cover

the same name

over and over

c. lee robinson

(034 = 10)

first school day

he hides his glasses

in the pocket

Tore Sverredal

(115 = 10)

Fourth Place – Nine Points

the school bus gone

from room to silent room

the dog follows me

angelee deodhar

(122 = 9)

one-room schoolhouse . . .

initials carved on the desk

from a child long-dead

Kathy Lippard Cobb

(122 = 9)

first day of class

sounds of nervous students

turning new pages.

zaida lysle

(122 = 9)

Fifth Place – Eight Points

the first day of school –

he passes his nursery playground

looking straight a head

Ruzica Mokos

(105 = 8)

august sunlight--

in an empty classroom

the teacher unpacks

Linda P

(024 = 8)

Sixth Place – Six Points

Night school.

A fat moth

trying to get in.

Horst Ludwig

(006 = 6)

with bear in her arms

waking up the teacher

for homeschool

pamela molhuysen

(022 = 6)

sharpening pencils

just to stand beside her

puppy love

oino sakai

(014 = 6)

summer ends--

a school of fish

under the bridge


(030 = 6)

abandoned schoolhouse

a horned owl stares

through the broken window

Lesley Dahl

(030 = 6)

Seventh Place – Five Points

art class

the teacher draws the line

no smoking

gillena cox

(005 = 5)

first day of school,

separated twins

both look sad

Nancy Smith

(013 = 5)


the box of crayons

neat as a choir

Earl Keener

(013 = 5)

Eighth Place – Four Points

poker face teacher --

test results placed

facedown on desk

Rosa Velt

(004 = 4)

a familiar voice

from the back of the room

last year's friend

Carol Raisfeld

(012 = 4)

each fall

same red geranium

first grade window

Ann K. Schwader

(012 = 4)

dusty silence

fills the now empty


n. beck

(101 = 4)

Ninth Place – Three Points

morning class--

shadows of heat waves

rise on the wall


(003 = 3)

a bed of moss

in a closed terrarium

the north star


(100 = 3)

The leaf leaves

its home –

first school day.

Rositsa Yakimova

(003 = 3)

Eighth grade

computers, rules, hearts

break before lunch.

Cheryle Jenson

(011 = 3)

home coming

a combination lock

on the student’s pack

Darrell Byrd

(011 = 3)

chewed eraser

he stares at the blank page

during the exam

Deborah P Kolodji

(003 = 3)

Small troubles,

tears down chubby cheeks –

lost pencil.

Trevor Camp

(011 = 3)