January 2004 Kukai

In the listing below, after each poem the author is listed, and then a three digit code revealing how many 3-point, 2-point, and 1-point points were cast for this poem by the other participating poets.

(214 = 12) would indicate that the poem above received two 3-point votes, one 2-point vote, and four 1-point votes.

January 2004 Kukai Results

Kigo Theme: Winter

1st Place

winter branch

the sparrow's roundness

in the wind

Martin Cohen

387 = 32 pts

2nd Place


sipping tea



243 = 17 pts

3rd Place

this poem

was shared on a mailing list-

-- withdrawn



4th Place

winter storm -

the cat bats a grape around

the living room

Earl Keener

142 = 13 pts

this poem

was shared on a mailing list

-- withdrawn



winter beach . . .

a wave takes back

his name

Kathy Lippard Cobb

126 = 13 pts

5th Place - Tie

winter chill -

my pale shadow

follows my dog

Grzegorz Sionkowski

124 = 11 pts


without a sound

the moon rising

Michael Baribeau

035 = 11 pts

6th Place

winter night

a soft whisper from

my summer love

Carol Raisfeld

123 = 10 pts

7th Place

winter stars

snow flakes swirl past

the masthead light

Darrell Byrd

033 = 9 pts

8th Place

cold winter night ~

between husbands

i push up the thermostat

-roberta beary

023 = 7 pts

winter jacket -

a handful of change

in the pocket

- ushi

015 = 7 pts

9th Place

winter vacation

the shadow of a note

under the professor's door

c. lee robinson

030 = 6 pts

10th Place

winter stars . . .

the burn of below zero

on bare hands

Marjorie Buettner

021 = 5 pts

winter wind

school children breath

into their mittens

Carmel C. Lively

110 = 5 pts

winter mist-

sky and earth

meld into gray

Mary Lee McClure

013 = 5 pts

winter's kiss--

a chilly snowflake

wets chapped lips


013 = 5 pts

sparrows huddle

deep inside the evergreen -

winter residence

Angie Kunath

021 = 5 pts

winter wind...

the builders unpack

new doors

Hugh Waterhouse

013 = 5 pts

11th Place


new child warms up

our house

john tiong chunghoo

020 = 4 pts

winter wind -

horses covered with blankets

in front of an inn

Dubravko Marijanovic

012 = 4 pts

winter frost

dawn light reveals

a hundred webs


004 = 4 pts

Winter bus queue

warming her hands in my coat ...

central heating


012 = 4 pts

winter dawn --

past the green light

only fog

Nancy Smith

020 = 4 pts

one bad pass

and the season is over--

long winter ahead

-- oino sakai

020 = 4 pts

bitter winter

grandmother's windowpanes

icing over.

Zaida Lysle

101 = 4 pts

12th Place

Free Format Theme: Office

1st Place:

home office

each child's height marked

on the door frame

Carol Raisfeld

196 = 27 pts

2nd Place

morning quiet -

the smell of coffee

in the office


1,3,10 = 19 pts

3rd Place

casual Friday :

the office temp's

purple Mohawk

- ushi

241 = 15 pts

office lunch-break -

a dozen different


Richard Goring

055 = 15 pts

4th Place

basement office--

a drawing of a window

full of sun

Marjorie Buettner

232 = 14 pts

office tension --

a fly at the window

keeps buzzing

Zhanna P. Rader

135 = 14 pts

5th Place

office window . . .

the street lights turn on

another night

Darrell Byrd

213 = 11 pts

6th Place

walk to the office -

the streetlights go out

one by one

Horst Ludwig

025 = 9 pts

7th Place

muggy afternoon -

only the fly awake

in his office

Carole MacRury

113 = 8 pts

8th Place

at first light

quiet moments in office

before the day's din


112 = 7 pts

new doctor's office

this month's magazines

in the waiting room

Owen Burkhart

015 = 7 pts

psychiatrist's office

not even

one small window

Ed Markowski

015 = 7 pts

9th Place


shade covers

his office window

w.f. owen

111 = 6 pts

office to office

the line runs between the toes

of resting blackbirds

Mark Hollingsworth

022 = 6 pts

new office--

in someone else's trash

the dead plant


022 = 6 pts

office bonsai

on the windowsill


Allen McGill

022 = 6 pts

still at the office:

kukai entry scribbled

in my Planner

-- oino sakai

014 = 6 pts

10th Place

home office

afternoon sunlight

kisses the desktop

Audrey Downey

102 = 5 pts

blast furnace heat

sparks catch me daydreaming

of an office job

Joshua Gage

102 = 5 pts

night in office --

answering machine says

you should be home

Olga Hooper

102 = 5 pts

office temple

desktop zen garden

with plastic rakes.

Zaida Lysle

110 = 5 pts

11th Place

home office

alphabetizing haiku

of last year


020 = 4 pts

office clock

fifty caring souls

check the batteries

Kylie Hooklyn

020 = 4 pts

the smell of marijuana

drifts through the window --

lawyer's office

Earl Keener

012 = 4 pts