


_________First Place__________frost at dawn a white narcissus tinged with gold Alison Williams  

 ________Second Place________narcissus ~the fragrance of one blossomfills the roomelsie

 _________Third Place________       leaningtowards the pane -narcissusAllan Dystrupheads bentat the water's edge- wild narcissushilary tann

_________Below Third Place________

duskthe narcissusremains whiteMax Verhart

the narcissuswe planted togetherbloom anywaygary steinberg

narcissusinstantlyI am ten againLinda Robeck

city slum-in a red window boxa single narcissusSue

tea ceremony -fragrance from narcissiwafts in the steamSusumu Takiguchi

grandma's bedroom-the silk narcissussmells of linamentDeVar

through the snow crustour first narcissus --your taxi waitingJoanna Preston

narcissusin your yellow noddingthe breeze, the breezepaul conneally

paper-white narcissus-    a snowbird peers into the florist's windowMarlene Egger

in the silhouetteof the narcissusis your memorypeigi

early bloom -this narcissusgives more than itselfEarl Keener  

church crying roomtoddler pinches a ladybugfrom the narcissusTim

done wateringdrops of sunlightstill on the narcissusYu Chang

thirsty butterflydrinking from the yellow cupsof narcissusCindy Tebo

moonshine -a sole narcissusreflects in the pondTore Sverredal

winter sunstalks of narcissi break throughthe wet leavesito

narcissus bloomingdown in the city park --no one noticesElaine Cleveland

threatened miscarriage ~spring unfurls the petals ofthe first narcissusHeather Madrone

rock garden-dormant narcissusawake with springTiana Jackson

White narcissi.The girl smiles returningwith the change.Horst Ludwig

quiet morningstill in a humble bownarcissus' frail headsemile molhuysen

table talka little highernarcissuscopyright 1/18/2000 by Wendy C. Bialek  

lingering scentsa tray of perfume bottlesone narcissus bulbBetty