November 2011 Kukai

The Shiki Monthly Kukai Results

November 2011 Kukai


Dear Friends,

First a short reminder that there is still time to participate in

the Nengajyou (New Year) Postcard Exchange. For more information,

please go to this page:


And Now...

Here are the results for the November 2011 Kukai, wherein our Kigo subject was EUCALYPTUS, and our Free Format subject was BATH


Congratulations to SHELLEY KRAUSE, winner of our Kigo section and to BRENDA ROBERTS, winner of our Free Format section!



The haiku are listed in order of total points received from voters. The numbers reflect the number of voters who gave the haiku either three points, two points, or one point -- followed by the total points for all votes.

Those who were given less than three points and who requested anonymity in such a case are so noted.



In the listing below, after each poem the author is listed, and then a three digit code revealing how many 3-point, 2-point, and 1-point points were cast for this poem by the other participating poets.

(2,1,4 = 12) would indicate that the poem above received two 3-point votes, one 2-point vote, and four 1-point votes.


VOTER'S comments are in italics below the respective poems.

Kigo Theme:




First Place  -  21 Points



deep breaths —

the old eucalyptus

loosens its bark


Shelley Krause

(2,3,9) = 21 pts

**Multiple angles to this, very engaging.

**A strong image, rich in associations



Second Place - 19 Points


winter dawn-

the scent of eucalyptus

filling the silence


Devika Menon

(1,3,10) = 19 pts



Third Place –  17 Points


rain all night

the scent of eucalyptus

in my dreams


Stevie Strang

(1,2,10) = 17 pts

**Stronger with each reading; the way it dematerializes as it goes.





eucalyptus leaves

koala eyes


peter pache

(0,4,9) = 17 pts



16 Points


eucalyptus shade

a didgeridoo drowns out

the evening rain


John McManus

(1,3,7) = 16 pts



14 Points


cold season

the scent of eucalyptus

fills the bus


Michele L. Harvey

(0,3,8) = 14 pts



13 Points


eucalyptus grove--

the painting teacher

adds blue to the green


aom (tim)

(0,2,9) = 13 pts

**It's all about seeing.



12 Points


firestorm . . .

charred love hearts

in the eucalyptus tree


Ron C. Moss

(1,0,9) = 12 pts



11 Points


another argument

a eucalyptus leaf

curled into itself


Paul Hodder

(0,3,5) = 11 pts

**The poem, too, curls into itself.



10 Points


blowing in the wind

the sweet scent of memories ...

eucalyptus buds


Keith A. Simmonds

(2,2,0) = 10 pts


scent of eucalyptus


missing her still


Rose Marie Stutts

(0,4,2) = 10 pts



9 Points


rutting season——

the trunk of a fever tree

scraped bare by antlers


--Kirsty Karkow

(2,0,3) = 9 pts



in dreamtime I dance

with koalas


-- Johannes S. H. Bjerg

(1,2,2) = 9 pts


fever tree

our on again off again

love affair


Gregory Longenecker

(1,1,4) = 9 pts


sound of an axe --

the rising scent

of Eucalyptus



(0,3,3) = 9 pts



8 Points



the woodsy-sweet smell

of my aunt



(0,3,2) = 8 pts



7 Points



in a moonlit garden

the tao of dreams


Margaret Dornaus

(1,0,4) = 7 pts


winter coat

draped on the radiator --

eucalyptus fumes



(0,2,3) = 7 pts


eucalyptus scent

riding in on the wind

a neighbor's gossip


Barbara Snow

(0,2,3) = 7 pts


autumn leaves

from the eucalyptus

a burst of crows


Tore Sverredal

(0,1,5) = 7 pts



6 Points


The dream of long life:

an ancient eucalyptus

in full blossom


Vasile Moldovan

(2,0,0) = 6 pts



in the eucalyptus trees

her healing touch



(0,1,4) = 6 pts


sleepless night

eucalyptus fragrance

and my son's cough


mariusz ogryzko (mogri)

(0,1,4) = 6 pts


winter clouds...

still the scent

of eucalyptus


Cara Holman

(0,0,6) = 6 pts



5 Points


down under –

her lips as she says




(0,1,3) = 5 pts


afternoon tea and gossip:

lorikeets chatter

in the blue gum tree


-- Chitra Rajappa

(0,1,3) = 5 pts


first sight

of the Southern Cross...

a hint of eucalyptus


Angela Terry

(0,0,5) = 5 pts



4 Points


kookaburra nest

lined with eucalyptus leaves

-- distant laughter



(0,2,0) = 4 pts


rainbow lorikeets!

a murmuration rises

from eucalypts


Merrill Ann Gonzales

(0,1,2) = 4 pts


fire in forest —

a squirrel hiding

under a eucalyptus



(0,1,2) = 4 pts


spelling bee


the tie breaker


Carolyn Coit Dancy

(0,1,2) = 4 pts


early morning

autumn rain dusting off

the eucalyptus


Barbara Campitelli

(0,1,2) = 4 pts


Eucalyptus ——

the wind whips strands of hair

across her eyes


Carmel Lively Westerman

(0,0,4) = 4 pts


haiku walk --

a dry leaf falls

from the blue gum



(0,0,4) = 4 pts



3 Points


the windless night

a green shivering

eucalyptus fever


Oddbjørn Aardalen

(1,0,0) = 3 pts


Day of the dead —

eucalyptus shadow drapes

her pale gravestone


Cezar F.C.

(1,0,0) = 3 pts


chainsaws wail

smell of eucalyptus

scents the air



(1,0,0) = 3 pts

** A fine and successful juxtaposition. Sadly, I know the scene well...


the child’s trampoline

swept two miles away

high in a gumtree


Barbara A. Taylor

(0,1,1) = 3 pts


ornamental tree

mislabeled eucalyptus

gives ten feet of shade


Harvey Jenkins

(0,1,1) = 3 pts


dirndl skirt--

the tiny waist of the

eucalyptus blossom


Terra Martin

(0,1,1) = 3 pts


dawn light —

a pair of doves shiver

eucalyptus leaves


Darrell Byrd

(0,1,1) = 3 pts


Giant Eucalyptus —

scratching on the belly

a little koala


Petru-Ioan Garda

(0,1,1) = 3 pts


whiff of eucalyptus ——

a commuter on the bus

unwraps a sweet


--gillena cox

(0,0,3) = 3 pts


evening breeze --

a eucalyptus leaf drifts

on the dusty lawn


~ Stephen Macharia

(0,0,3) = 3 pts


sweet scent of


the porch at dusk


Frances O'Keeffe

(0,0,3) = 3 pts


sudden leap --

the blue gum negotiates

an eagle's weight


~ Joshua Kaweto

(0,0,3) = 3 pts


Eucalyptus twilight

shadows fade into the wall


martin gottlieb cohen

(0,0,3) = 3 pts


a full moon

drifts in and out of cloud

the ghost gum


Elaine Riddell

(0,0,3) = 3 pts


riverside walk --

the wheezing sound of

blue gum leaves


~ Margaret Ndinda

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



2 Points



hollow the wooly butt euc.



Bill Hudson

(0,1,0) = 2 pts


eucalyptus mound

the Everglades

pull back


Alan S. Bridges

(0,1,0) = 2 pts


a birthing cry

under the eucalyptus

and a didgeridoo


Earl Keener

(0,1,0) = 2 pts


road trip . . .

with each passing eucalyptus

my son jumps numbers



(0,1,0) = 2 pts


i'm always

chasing rainbows

through eucalyptus trees


eric p

(0,0,2) = 2 pts


cold mist brings

eucalyptus fragrance

distant bell chimes


Narayanan Raghunathan

(0,0,2) = 2 pts


eucalyptus trees

layered in sun and dust

the wind on the field


Michael McClintock

(0,0,2) = 2 pts


a sneaking cat --

scent of eucalyptus



Juhani Tikkanen

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



permeates my room

like an old lover


toni dalton

(0,0,2) = 2 pts


Sydney tourist trap

in their eucalyptus trees

cardboard koalas



(0,0,2) = 2 pts


outback flight . . .

a line of River Red Gums

marks the watercourse



(0,0,2) = 2 pts


blue gum forest —

the thrum of crickets

turns up the heat


Liz Rule

(0,0,2) = 2 pts


cool twilight

the quilt of mist covers

eucalyptus trees


---Jacek M.

(0,0,2) = 2 pts


making gift baskets

fresh cut eucalyptus

fills the living room


Hazel A. Witherspoon

(0,0,2) = 2 pts


mid-winter --

the warmth of eucalyptus

on my chest


kawazu (Cliff Roberts)

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



1 Point


darkened room

the scent of eucalyptus

her labored wheezing




winter haze...

hot eucalyptus, mother

rubs into my chest


Ramesh Anand



eucalyptus incense

curling smoke envelopes

a moth


Lorraine Margueritte Gasrel Black



atop the eucalyptus

in the falcon's eye

hunter's view


Ben Gieske




through the eucalyptus ——

song of the didgeridoo


John McDonald



a eucalyptus

hugged by a koala






blue gum --

hammering a bent nail

through its timber


~ Douglas Kaucho



ended wedding —

only eucalyptus flavour

sailing through the sky


Manuela Dragomirescu



a ghost in the scent

of eucalyptus...

the child asthma claimed





sweet memories --

ethereal breeze

of eucalyptus


Virginia Popescu



scented room --

a heap of drying

eucalyptus logs





anglers don't take

care on the eucalyptus

over their head


Tomislav Maretic



No Points This Time. Sorry.



unexpected visitor

i spread eucalyptus to drown

smells of cabbage cooking


miriam chaikin



couple on the bench

with one, each





Sweetheart roses

and sprigs of Silver Gum

she's growing up


maxianne berger



the aromatic scent

of roadside eucalyptus --

sunset walk


~ Patrick Wafula



A Koala hides

behind the Eucalyptus.

Have no fear my friend.


Robert C. Howard



my sister’s cold --

mother boils blue gum leaves

for treatment


~ Collins Omuganda



taking a bath

and thinking of fever trees...

so cold outside


natalia kuznetsova




a mouthful

for Koala and me


Donna Bauerly



grey-green eucalyptus

their porcelain-smooth trunks

shedding sun-peeled bark


Ed Higgins



a native drum--

gum trees through winter moonlit

faintly in oil spill





far from midnight




Ralf Bröker



lemon tea with

eucalyptus honey

I feel better already


Meredith Stern Cavalieri



gum tree oil

the insects fly away

peace at last


Trevor Camp



sewer line --

a haijin proves a blue-gum

by sniffing its leaf


~ Isaac Ndirangu



eucalyptus leaves

rustling in the sun-seared wind

country waits for rain


Deirdre Godwin



eucalyptus vapors . . .

the distant blue haze

of her mood down under


Bill Pauly



green flowers' burst

huge eteric perfume spray -






long nights

of eucalyptus

cold season


Ann K. Schwader



office elevator

reeks of eucalyptus

...cold season


Diane Mayr



autumn night

standing guard to the garden

the eucalyptus trees


quamrul hassan



In the room

eucalyptus fragrance —

he has high fever





General Comments - Kigo Section:


**Interesting haiku in this mini-volume. Everyone of them is engaging and as usual, it's a challenge to make a vote. I love the references to healing in varied cultures.

 **I have to say that selecting six is nigh unto impossible... so many good ones must be neglected.... There should be a vote at the end of the year for the ones that got away!

Free Format Theme:




First Place -  21 Points



first bath

the mother crying

with her child



(0,6,9) = 21 pts



Second Place - 17 Points



father scrubs away

my sins


Roberta Beary

(2,2,7) = 17 pts




windswept clouds

the water in the birdbath

changes shape


Bouwe Brouwer

(1,1,12) = 17 pts



Third Place –  15 Points


cloudless night --

only the frozen moon

in the birdbath


--Jacek M.

(1,3,6) = 15 pts



14 Points


first light –

a layer of ice

on the bird bath


Liz Rule

(0,3,8) = 14 pts



13 Points


hot afternoon

a cat slowly drinks from

the bird bath


Paul Hodder

(2,1,5) = 13 pts

** Beautiful. Every word just right. Thank you for a delightful scene.



12 Points


New Year's Eve—

sharing my resolution

with the bath spider


John McManus

(1,1,7) = 12 pts

**Something like this happened to me with a giant centipede New Years Eve in Hawaii…that was definitely a year full of surprises…



10 Points


only child——

she pulls her naked doll

into the bath


--Kirsty Karkow

(0,3,4) = 10 pts


deep winter

a crack

in the bird bath


Alan S. Bridges

(0,2,6) = 10 pts


moonlight bathing --

the birch tree stands

even whiter


-- Johannes S. H. Bjerg

(0,2,6) = 10 pts



9 Points



in the sparrow's puddle ——

waxing moon


Juhani Tikkanen

(0,1,7) = 9 pts



8 Points


severe drought

bird bath

has no sky in it



(0,2,4) = 8 pts


first romance novel page...

her bath turns cold



(0,2,4) = 8 pts



7 Points



starlit tadpoles—

tiny toes rippling

the bath water


Ron C. Moss

(0,2,3) = 7 pts


bubble bath --

my brother's boat

sinks my rubber duck


Michele L. Harvey

(0,2,3) = 7 pts


in the stream

moths burst from the sedge

as she bathes



(0,2,3) = 7 pts


random thoughts

the bath water

gone tepid



(0,1,5) = 7 pts


morning bath --

white steam drifts

from my body


~ Patrick Wafula

(0,0,7) = 7 pts



6 Points


a hundred islands

glide from my bath

into the snow



(2,0,0) = 6 pts

**a haiku with a surprising and intriguing opening of view - for once: not one I expected


evening bath --

steaming in the soft strums

of a koto


~ Isabelle Prondzynski

(1,0,3) = 6 pts


hot jacuzzi bath --

the bubbling memories

of her younger years


Zhanna P. Rader

(0,1,4) = 6 pts



5 Points


loud splashes

in the morning sun ...

a bird bath


Keith A. Simmonds

(0,2,1) = 5 pts

**i would have preferred reading 'the bird bath' making the moment sharper


On the stone bridge

looking at the whirling waters

fairies at the bath...


Adina Enachescu

(0,2,1) = 5 pts


autumn afternoon

bathing in the sea

with the sun


quamrul Hassan

(0,2,1) = 5 pts


lemonade break...

the sound of sparrows

bathing in dust


Diane Mayr

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



after a long soak

I pull the plug



(0,0,5) = 5 pts


dark clouds --

the donkey’s last bath

in the dust


~ Isaac Ndirangu

(0,0,5) = 5 pts



4 Points


bath time

the stripped bark

of the madrone


Cara Holman

(1,0,1) = 4 pts


snowed in

a bath, a glass of wine

and thee


Stevie Strang

(1,0,1) = 4 pts


claw-foot tub

sharing the bath

with my brother


Carolyn Coit Dancy

(0,1,2) = 4 pts


waiting to bathe

in the star filled pond-

a frog's call


Narayanan Raghunathan

(0,0,4) = 4 pts


grandma's bath tub ——

hand made braided rugs

on the worn plank floor


Carmel Lively Westerman

(0,0,4) = 4 pts


Hot summer--

two sparrows take a bath

in the road dust


Constantin Stroe

(0,0,4) = 4 pts


tea on the porch

pine needles clutter

the bird bath


Tore Sverredal

(0,0,4) = 4 pts



3 Points


daughter, you enter

the moon, baptized

in bathwater


Bill Pauly

(1,0,0) = 3 pts


Sudden awakening—

a bath of dew for

two sleepy eyes


Vasile Moldovan

(1,0,0) = 3 pts


eyes reflecting

candle's flames

he joins me in the tub


Rose Marie Stutts

(0,1,1) = 3 pts


children play marbles

where sparrow

had his sand bath


John McDonald

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



an outcaste bathes

in the overflow


Earl Keener

(0,1,1) = 3 pts


one dog, one bath

one leap

the whole house showered


Frances O'Keeffe

(0,1,1) = 3 pts


skunks on the prowl~

the pup gets his first

tomato juice bath


S.E. Buffington

(0,1,1) = 3 pts


scorching sun --

a pair of weavers bathing

in stagnant water

~Consolata Akoth

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



the monkeys look




(0,0,3) = 3 pts


garden fountain

a house sparrow

dips with a rhythm


Ramesh Anand

(0,0,3) = 3 pts


donkey bath --

dust fills the air as it rolls

over and over


~ Gacugu Johnson

(0,0,3) = 3 pts


nightjar calls

moonlight bathes

barren branches


Lorraine Margueritte Gasrel Black

(0,0,3) = 3 pts


one year old

when he takes a bath

everyone gets wet


Elaine Riddell

(0,0,3) = 3 pts


mud bath —

old pig seems to suffer

by rheumatism


Petru-Ioan Garda

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



2 Points


in the birdbath

beating flapping songbird

water music


Ben Gieske

(0,1,0) = 2 pts


roadside --

a street girl takes a bath

in stagnant water


~ Chris Meshack

(0,1,0) = 2 pts

**the image is vivid - I can smell the dust & dirt and the (maybe) not so pleasant smell of the water. A haiku with a social angle.


old bones

cold night small comforts

hot bath


Merrill Ann Gonzales

(0,1,0) = 2 pts


I looked to the east

beyond the Catskill ridges

bathed in dawn light hues


Robert C. Howard

(0,1,0) = 2 pts


Eve bathing

dropping her half-eaten apple...

the snake retreating


Ed Higgins

(0,1,0) = 2 pts


windswept palms

the river rings around

a bathing girl



(0,1,0) = 2 pts


cold bath --

my goose pimples

grow bigger


~ Gloria Kerubo

(0,0,2) = 2 pts


marathon . . .

a fancy footbath

for deserving feet


Karen J. McClintock

(0,0,2) = 2 pts


fourth of July--

finches flutter

in the fountain


Barbara Snow

(0,0,2) = 2 pts


landfill —

under old bath

sparrow nest


Andrzej Dembonczyk

(0,0,2) = 2 pts


in the twilight —

only a old man

takes a bath



(0,0,2) = 2 pts


frozen pipes --

reluctantly taking a bath

in mom's old wash tub


kawazu (Cliff Roberts)

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



1 Point


my scented bath

almost as good as

the first sip of a martini


miriam chaikin



rubber duck

in the baby's bath

the colors of sunlight


Angela Terry



Summer morning

a green treefrog plops

into the bath tub


Barbara A. Taylor



hot springs . . .

taking a bath sitting

on a volcano


-Michael McClintock



a flute of champagne

and a hot bubble bath --






holiday ends

neighbor’s cat relaxes

in our bird bath


Harvey Jenkins



a white dog

takes a quick dive --

school pond


~ Andrew Otinga



moonlight bathes

my study room --

dim candle


~ Synaidah Kalahi



steam rises

from the tub

I picture his face


Meredith Stern Cavalieri



Bath, England

the chill in the mist


martin gottlieb cohen



watching the spider

busy above the sink

warm bath


Gregory Longenecker




the spotted owl

over the bathtub


Oddbjørn Aardalen




time to give the car

a free bath


Barbara Campitelli



sultry heat —

the Little Dipper into

the birdbath


Cezar F.C.



a flock of sparrows

taking bath in the sand -

sound of wings


Tomislav Maretic



No Points This Time, Sorry.


aging bathtub

neglect and mildew

our failed marriage



(0,0,0) = 0 pts


guys spoil

romantic baths

by cannon-balling


eric p



Around the bird bath

Hummingbirds flit and hover

A Summer's day


Angelika Kolompar



a dog shakes off

the excess bath water now ——

his owner showered


--gillena cox



steam slowly rises

a drop from the spout

echoes in the room


Bill Hudson



bathtub drains

the tomcat's paw-prints



~Alexander B. Joy



"Hurry up, Marianne!"

said the assisted living caretaker

Mom's first tub time in years


Donna Bauerly



drops from my wet hair

to the empty bath basin --

crackling sound


~ James Bundi



the blue of her bath

on a bubble

sesame street


Ralf Bröker



for a moment

all people one colour —

rose petal bath


Manuela Dragomirescu



school day--

ears into the bathwater

to avoid the dinner call





bath night again

more shampoo on hair

clean again


Trevor Camp



how could you do it

this cruel act against me

I am a wet dog


Deirdre Godwin



foul bathtub bubble

together my palms defy

the laws of nature


-Páll I. Kvaran



summer heat --

doves under the sprinkler flap

a cool bath


Darrell Byrd



on her shower shelf

'Nivea for Men – Sensitive' —

my unmarried friend





whisky, gin, wines

full of liquid You Tube —

Bath Tub?





towel around breasts

her hair in the bath water

whirling counterclockwise


Boris Nazansky



fourth floor

bath class for new parents —

hospital's bright spot





His painful feet —

thinking of a warm bath

with Dead Sea salt


Virginia Popescu



sunbathing —

the glow on the mallard's wings,

the tan on me






bubbles and a glass of Merlot

schloffs the week's drama


Hazel A. Witherspoon




General Comments - Free Format Section:


**General comment: Bird baths brought out some excellent haiku! Altogether a lovely theme with more haiku to vote for than I had votes...

 **It's never easy to pick what I think is the best from a great number of good haiku. How telling that quite a number of entries focused on a bird bath. I wonder what thought on observation versus reflection in haiku writing could be posed on this.

 **I repeat...this category was particularly difficult to choose which ones to give points to... and perhaps some very good ones are neglected simply because they were variations of one mindset causing almost repetition.   But I did the best I could...                               

 **Gosh, so many sparrows and koalas!





Thank you for participating in the November 2011 Kukai!


We will announce the January 2012 Call for Submissions on Monday, January 2nd. See you then!


With much appreciation,


The Shiki Monthly Kukai Team