January 2005 Kukai

Congratulations to bmm, the winner of our Kigo section, and to Ron Moss, the winner of our Free Format section!

January 2005 Kukai Results

Kigo Theme: Celestial Bodies

First Place -- 36 Points

glassy lake

a sudden icy wind

wrinkles the stars


(4,7,10) = 36

Second Place -- 19 Points


a firefly blinks its way

toward Mars

Ed Markowski

(0,4,11) = 19

Third Place -- 15 Points


a north wind levels

the chimney smoke


(1,2,8) = 15

Fourth Place -- 13 Points

cloudless night…

a plane flies into

the Big Dipper

Marie Summers

(0,3,7) = 13

a cat prowls

the midnight fence

milky way

Allen McGill

(0,2,9) = 13

cold harbor . . . 

the blind girl's hand

twirls a star

Kathy Lippard Cobb

(1,4,2) = 13

long journey--

a distant star becomes

a porch light

Earl Keener

(1,3,4) = 13

midnight mass

Orion rises low

over the fields

Agnes Eva Savich

(0,5,3) = 13

Fifth Place -- 10 Points

celestial map

she finds a planet

with her name

Carmel C. Lively

(1,1,5) = 10

Sixth Place -- 9 Points

summer night--

Sagittarius fires

a shooting star

Tristan Coleridge

(1,0,6) = 9

fast moving comet

a cluster of aid workers

eyes the dark sea

Angèle Lux

(1,1,4) = 9

Seventh Place -- 8 Points

star glow - 

a pitched tent

on the ridge

ron moss

(0,4,0) = 8

cloudless sky 

walking home

down the Milky Way


(0,3,2) = 8

Eighth Place -- 7 Points

midnight pleasure

viewing Orion with

her naked eye

Carol Raisfeld

(0,2,3) = 7

star chart

my son finds

the little dipper


(0,3,1) = 7

Ninth Place -- 6 Points

a frog croak - 

galaxies inside and

outside the lake


(0,1,4) = 6

housebond and waiting

for winter's end--

Canis Major

susan bond

(0,2,2) = 6

spaceship on Titan

my sons crash-land

after school

Deborah P Kolodji

(0,1,4) = 6

Tenth Place -- 5 Points

the north star

through dotted lace curtains--

her son's birthday

Laryalee Fraser

(0,1,3) = 5

In the dead of night

a sleepless puppy barking

towards The Great Dog

Vasile Moldovan

(0,1,3) = 5

new zealand -

one curled frond encircles


Kathy Earsman

(1,1,0) = 5

Christmas Eve--

through the shepherd's crook

the Star of David

Nancy Smith

(1,0,2) = 5

that evening

during a romantic walk

a clear Venus


(1,0,2) = 5

wrapped in a blanket

in the gently rocking boat--

Orion sparkles


(1,0,2) = 5

big talker

he woos her with his tall tales

under Taurus

Linda Warner

(0,0,5) = 5

Eleventh Place -- 4 Points

marriage date

the astrologer checks

their stars

john tiong chunghoo

(0,1,2) = 4

more war dead…

over the tv tower


roberta beary

(0,0,4) = 4

Almost dawn--

a bright meteor flashes

into a summer sea

Zhanna P. Rader

(0,0,4) = 4

Twelfth Place -- 3 Points

at each window

looking for winter stars

abandoned hut

Israel Lopez Balan

(0,1,1) = 3

airplane light


eyes of the Twins

Mark Hollingsworth

(0,0,3) = 3

celestial map

with Orion missing

jigsaw puzzle


(1,0,0) = 3

a view of Mars

until it turned on 

its landing lights

Owen Burkhart

(0,1,1) = 3

winter night hunt

Orion and wolf howls

prowl the sky


(0,0,3) = 3

shorter nights

Mars and Jupiter



(0,0,3) = 3

shooting star!

make a wish

too late


(0,0,3) = 3

Free Format Theme: Coffee

First Place -- 35 Points

autumn wake--

the widow's tremor

in her coffee

Ron Moss

(4,5,13) = 35

Second Place -- 26 Points

talking divorce

he pours his coffee

then mine

roberta beary

(1,8,7) = 26

Third Place -- 14 Points

morning rain. . . 


in my coffee

Marie Summers

(0,3,8) = 14

scent of coffee…

my cat opens

one eye

Marili Deandrea

(2,0,8) = 14

Fourth Place -- 13 Points

coffee stains

on a paper napkin--

her goodbye note

Darrell Byrd

(0,4,5) = 13

Fifth Place -- 12 Points

winter night storm--

the coffee grows colder

chapter by chapter


(0,3,6) = 12

Sixth Place -- 11 Points

grandpa's coffee rings

with a yellow marker

she makes smiley faces

pamela molhuysen

(0,3,5) = 11

Seventh Place -- 10 Points

writer's block--

stale coffee

and cigarettes

Tristan Coleridge

(1,2,3) = 10

old love letter--

how this coffee steam

blurs my vision

susan bond

(1,1,5) = 10

Eighth Place -- 8 Points

sunrise coffee--

horses graze the meadow

dusted with frost


(0,3,2) = 8

cold morning walk

steam from coffee cup

fogs my glasses

Terry Ingram

(0,3,2) = 8

melancholy morning

black coffee engulfs

a pour of cream

Agnes Eva Savich

(0,2,4) = 8

Ninth Place -- 7 Points

blind date

each eyes the other

over coffee


(1,0,4) = 7

night classes:

the professor first in line

at the coffee machine

oino sakai

(0,1,5) = 7

black coffee

darker than the nights

without you

Vic Gendrano

(1,0,4) = 7

Tenth Place -- 6 Points

new year's eve

waitress pours coffee

in my tea cup

Audrey Downey

(0,1,4) = 6

the phone still silent…

she scatters coffee grounds

by the rose bush

Laryalee Fraser

(0,1,4) = 6

wood stove--

the enamel coffee pot

heavier each day

Owen Burkhart

(1,0,3) = 6

family news

the new bride

refuses coffee

Kylie Hooklyn

(0,0,6) = 6

my manuscript back,

a coffee ring on page two--

someone got that far

Paul O. Williams

(0,0,6) = 6

coffee aroma-

morning birds drift in 

spring breeze


(0,2,2) = 6

Eleventh Place -- 5 Points

dark coffee bar

the moth-eaten deer head

misses a glass eye

Angèle Lux

(0,1,3) = 5

morning coffee

the night lights up

with each sip

Grzegorz Sionkowski

(0,0,5) = 5

skylight rain . . . 

a morning of coffee clouds

and your silence

Kathy Lippard Cobb

(0,2,1) = 5

five day forecast--

the weatherman grips

his coffee mug


(0,1,3) = 5

new widower

looking for a coffee cup,

only his wife's is clean

Zhanna P. Rader

(0,0,5) = 5

Twelfth Place -- 4 Points

empty office

still in the air

smell of coffee

Israel Lopez Balan

(0,1,2) = 4

after your news

a second coffee

…a third

Irene Golas

(0,0,4) = 4

coffee break-- 

ants mountain climbing

among sugar cubes

Nancy Smith

(0,1,2) = 4

alien cultures

worlds bizarre and wonderful

god i miss coffee

eric marin

(1,0,1) = 4

sudden change--

the coffee we shared

frozen to the cup

Earl Keener

(0,1,2) = 4

Thirteenth Place -- 3 Points

sound of coffee poured--

tinging of the stirring spoon-

swirling mist above

Linda Warner

(1,0,0) = 3

winter bus stop

twilight floats

in the coffee cup


(0,1,1) = 3

early morning--

waking to the smell of coffee

I make green tea


(0,0,3) = 3

back from vacation--

the grey-bearded coffee grounds

left in the pot

Glen Keener

(0,0,3) = 3

Alone at morning

grasp dark bitter company--

warmth in a cup.

Sandra Lee Friedlander

(1,0,0) = 3