April 2015 Kukai

The Shiki Monthly Kukai

April 2015 Kukai 

Dear Friends,

Here are the results for the April 2015 Kukai, wherein our Kigo subject was SPRING DREAMS, and our Free Format subject was SLEEPING LATE.  If you find any errors, please let me know so I can correct them online.


Congratulations to ***Maxianne Berger***, winner of our Kigo section and to ***Tomislav Maretic***, winner of our Free Format section!




The haiku are listed in order of total points received from voters. The numbers reflect the number of voters who gave the haiku either three points, two points, or one point -- followed by the total points for all votes.

Those who were given less than three points and who requested anonymity in such a case are so noted.




In the listing below, after each poem the author is listed, and then a three digit code revealing how many 3-point, 2-point, and 1-point points were cast for this poem by the other participating poets.

(2,1,4 = 12) would indicate that the poem above received two 3-point votes, one 2-point vote, and four 1-point votes.


VOTERS' comments are indicated by "**"

POETS' comments are indicated by "^^"


April 2015 Results 

Kigo Theme: 




First Place -  32 Points



spring dream:

she lets me touch

her belly's roundness


Maxianne Berger

(3,3,17) = 32 pts



Second Place -   19 Points



spring dream . . .

slipping my wings

into a workshirt


Michael McClintock

(0,5,9) = 19 pts



Third Place -   16 Points



spring dreams…

I count leaping lambs

instead of sheep


Michele L. Harvey


(0,4,8) = 16 pts



15  Points 



purple haze

the bluebells

of my youth


Barbara A. Taylor

(1,2,8) = 15 pts



spring dreams

pruning trees with the father

I never knew


Cezar C.

(1,2,8) = 15 pts

**"pruning trees" feels just right.


spring sun

the puppy's paws

chasing a dream


Carol Raisfeld

(0,3,9) = 15 pts

**This one easily slips by my anti-cuteness alarm system. Full disclosure: I once committed a puppy-ku myself.


spring dreams

I kick the quilt

to the floor


Carmel Lively Westerman

(0,2,11) = 15 pts

**I like the energy of this.



 14 Points 


spring dreams--

the sound of snow

changing to rain



(0,3,8) = 14 pts



the baseball glove

returns from the attic

spring dreams


Earl Keener

(0,3,8) = 14 pts

**As though the glove has a will of its own.



12  Points 


spring dream

the love note

at the very end


Samar Ghose


(1,1,7) = 12 pts



spring dreams

in yellow:



John McDonald

Edinburgh Scotland

(0,4,4) = 12 pts



spring in the park

an old couple on a bench

hold hands again



(0,3,6) = 12 pts



drifting from dream to dream hazy moon


Bill Kenney

(0,2,8) = 12 pts



11  Points 



spring dreams...

all those murmurs

of a silent brook


Arvinder kaur


(2,1,3) = 11 pts



ancient song

the frog pond’s full

of spring dreams


Harvey Jenkins

(0,3,5) = 11 pts



 10 Points 



spring dream

the homeless talks about

a tree house


Angèle Lux

(0,4,2) = 10 pts



Spring dreams

a sparrow sips

from ice melt


Paul Hodder

(0,2,6) = 10 pts

**Dreamlike in the sharpness of the image combined with a suggestive obscurity of meaning



 9 Points 


spring dreams--

some time in the night

snow turns to rain



(0,3,3) = 9 pts



a blue returns

for more withered stalks

spring dreams 


Miriam Borne

(0,2,5) = 9 pts



 8 Points 



planting the garden

seed by seed by seed by seed

feint sound of thunder


todd eddy

(0,2,4) = 8 pts



neither here nor there...spring dreams


S.E. Buffington

(0,2,4) = 8 pts



7  Points 


last chemo day...

filling her pockets with cherry blossoms

was just a dream


Lavana kray


(0,3,1) = 7 pts




my childhood memories

spring dreams


Gautam Nadkarni

(0,2,3) = 7 pts



spring dreams

a rosetta trembles

on my latte


Bruce H. Feingold

(0,2,3) = 7 pts



6  Points 




through lilies of the valley

in the rain


Jon Espen Vassbotn

(1,1,1) = 6 pts



pink blossoms

drift earthward—

spring dreams


Priscilla Cook

(0,2,2) = 6 pts



Matsuyama dreaming

sometimes the cherry tree

always the pine


Beverley George

(0,2,2) = 6 pts



hospice . . .

another spring day lost

to medicated dreams


Carole MacRury

(0,1,4) = 6 pts



first skunk---

the dog-eared pages

of seed catalogues


John Soules

(0,1,4) = 6 pts



in a dream

stepping out off a cliff

dandelion fluff


Barbara Snow

(0,1,4) = 6 pts



spring dreams —

a wild rose blossoms

in the veteran's boot


Paresh Tiwari


(0,1,4) = 6 pts



at night it reappears-

on top the drifting iceberg

a polar bear


Arie Regev

(0,1,4) = 6 pts



5  Points 



spring dreams

the clouds rise and skip

over the mountain


Bernard Gieske

(0,2,1) = 5 pts



spring dreams

our chance encounter

awakens me


Tom Painting

(0,1,3) = 5 pts




dream of growing old





(0,1,3) = 5 pts



spring dream--

the rooster awakens

with a start


James Dobson

Prudhoe, UK.

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



spring dawn

with the returning geese

my mind takes flight


Adelaide B. Shaw

(0,0,5) = 5 pts



4  Points 



Wedding dreams –

on the blossom cherry branch

a red lady bird


Virginia Popescu 


(1,0,1) = 4 pts



Vernal reveries

sway between hope and vision -

warm April breezes.


Robert C Howard

(0,2,0) = 4 pts



rain drops

down my windowpane…

thoughts of crocus


D W Skrivseth

(0,1,2) = 4 pts




my dream of ravens

plum blooms 


Ann K. Schwader

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



spring dreams -

awaken to the sound of

crashing trees


Brenda Roberts

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



first blossom

the dream stretches

from last night


Ramesh Anand

Bangalore, India

(0,0,4) = 4 pts



3  Points 



finally porch weather!

all the oldies down Maple Street

rocking their spring dreams


Anne Zooey Lind

(1,0,0) = 3 pts




what truth 

in this spring dream


Ajaya Mahala, 

Pune, India

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



spring dreams -

black and white their outfits

under the cherry tree


Ana Drobot

Bucharest, Romania

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



spring dreams ~

nothing stirs yet nonetheless

the blossoms fall


Gerry Bravi


(0,1,1) = 3 pts



spring dreams -

nodding, the old woman under

pink poui in bloom


gillena cox

St James, Trinidad and Tobago

(0,1,1) = 3 pts

**I like this haiku, but a comma in the second verse seems to be unnecessary


blossoming love

her smell hovers between

dreams and reality


Gabriel Sawicki

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



peace and quiet

all over the world-

spring dreams


Vasile Moldovan

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



spring dreams . . .

pale blue

song of the squill


Bill Pauly

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



in my dreams

wildflowers bloom

early spring


RD McManes

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



spring dreams -

the old woman brooming

jacaranda flowers


Israel Lopez Balan

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



April afternoon

in and out of sun

induced dreams


Diane Mayr

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



those squeaky bedsprings

a lifetime ago

spring dreams


Deborah P Kolodji

Temple City, CA

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



melting snow

gutter's slow drip on

first crocus


charlie smith

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



slowing traffic

a spring dream

in the crosswalk


--Peter Newton

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



 2 Points 



do it yourself

that spring dream becomes

an autumn nightmare



(0,1,0) = 2 pts



spring dreams—

next to fresh grass the ravens

feast on my garbage...


Bill Gottlieb

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



spring catnap

mom dishes the dirt

on heaven



(0,1,0) = 2 pts



Lilacs in bloom -

an orphan dreams of the times

when the war stops.



(0,1,0) = 2 pts



spring dreams

of a sporty ragtop



Ignatius Fay

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



while birds court

I try to return

to my dream


Ralf Bröker

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



spring dreams

grandpa's snoring

is green


Oddbjørn Aardalen

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



awake in my sleep –

among the mustard flowers

all over again


Daniela Bullas

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



blooming lilac

I awake to its

heady perfume


Meredith Cavalieri

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



floating garden

the colors of spring

in my pedicure session


Ken Sawitri

(Jakarta, Indonesia)

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



spring dreams--

our dogs

go straight to coupling



(0,0,2) = 2 pts

**And this goes straight to the point.


fertility center...

the bare lawn dreams

wild lavender



(0,0,2) = 2 pts



One  Point 



russet leaves—

a dream in spring




(0,0,1) = 1 pts



spring dreams

to swim again

or to float on a star


Barbara Campitelli

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



sleeping, dreaming...

beneath the cherry tree

pink petals drifting down


Rose Marie Stutts,EdD

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



April dreams. . .

oh, to wake the dormant buds

with a magic wand


--Kirsty Karkow

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



potential garden

nothing yet but lush green weeds

soon to be neat rows


Deirdre Godwin

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



blowing in the wind

the subtle scent of blossoms

dreams of spring


Keith A. Simmonds

Rodez, France

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



April dawn~

clinging to the dream

left for me


Darrell Byrd

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



earthy dream


covering her eggs



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



still snowing –

I’m dreaming of

magnolia’s bloom



(0,0,1) = 1 pts




yellow veils the earth

plants mating



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



feeling the wind

though no more pedaling

spring dream


Yukiko Yamada

(0,0,1) = 1 pts




in the mist, in the moss

spring dream


Beth Powell

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



spring carnival –

he makes space for another

on the trophy shelf


Jayashree Maniyil

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



spring testosterone

heightens my senses . . .

her curves and valleys


Eric P

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



blue spring flowers

printed on her pillowcase

she longs to smell dreams!


Munia Khan

Dhaka, Bangladesh

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



No Points This Time, Sorry. 



no more snow and ice

flowers and trees have blooms and leaves

spring dreams do come true


Tom Conally

Gibsonville, NC



Does the melting snow

dream of the wide, wide ocean?

Of course it does.


Horst Ludwig 



warm spring breeze

morning coffee turned cold

to vacation dreams


Bill Hudson



spring dreams-

each hive cell stored up

by a memory


Rita Odeh

Haifa, Israel




of April ... 

spring rain





dreams...sweet dreams

a cloud of blossoms

flying up


Natalia Kuznetsova

Moscow, Russia



your eyes

< the call of a crane

spring dream...


Svend A. Doggfall



dream in spring...

becomes the sound of

rain in the groove





waterfall memories

smooth dry stone

vernal dreams


Mark A. Fisher



birch buds and primrose

birds gathering twigs

the dreams of spring


Frances O’Keeffe



spring dreams

separated by a creaky floorboard

snoring shorthair, catnapping mouse





stage 4 lung cancer

my friend, may you still

find spring dreams


Donna Bauerly

Dubuque, IA




on my bedroom sill…

but a skylark’s


Alegria Imperial




spring rains --

blossom of dreams

in our rose garden


Kumarendra Mallick

Hyderabad India



april showers

only in dreams




Stevie Strang



scent of summer 

with some rainless clouds -- 

sleety wind


Juhani Tikkanen



Garden of morning calm -

forgotten in the gazebo

dreaming moon


Steliana Cristina Voicu

(Ploiesti, Romania)



hospital window —

lI look longingly for

blooming forsythia


Marta Chocilowska

Warsaw (Poland)



pasqueflowers blooming-

all signs in my dream 

have purple color


Tuvshinzaya Nergui

Tsetserleg city, Mongolia



mountain bluebirds

robin redbreast - next -

spring snowflakes


Jane DeJonghe  

Free Format Theme: 




First Place -   37 Points




sleeping late . . .

all the morning glories

curled up


Tomislav Maretic

(3,10,8) = 37 pts



Second Place -  24 Points



sleeping late

the crocus drift

in and out of snow


Michele L. Harvey


(1,7,7) = 24 pts



Third Place -  19 Points



sleeping late--

holding on

to holding you


aom (tim)

(0,4,11) = 19 pts



17 Points 



my leg

under his

sleeping late


Priscilla Cook

(0,4,9) = 17 pts

**I'm not sure how erotic this is, and that seems about right.

**gently erotic in only 8 syllables

**The "connection" here is beautifully made. 


sunday noon . . . 

the curve of her body

nestled in mine


Paresh Tiwari


(0,4,9) = 17 pts

**I'm not sure they have been sleeping, and I'm not sure I'm supposed to be. An effective teaser; the effectiveness is due in part to the uncertain relation of the ku to the assigned topic.

**another gently erotic haiku



16 Points 


sleeping late

another crack from

the woodstove



(0,2,12) = 16 pts

**That "crack" is perfectly placed both for its sound value and for its range of connotations.



14 Points 


sleeping late -

the tulips

this year


John McDonald

Edinburgh Scotland

(0,3,8) = 14 pts




13 Points 


waking late

I try on different excuses

for size


Paul Hodder

(1,1,8) = 13 pts



rush hour...

the old bag lady

still on her bench


S.E. Buffington

(0,3,7) = 13 pts



12 Points 



sleeping late

. . . the last nightjar

before dawn


Samar Ghose


(1,3,3) = 12 pts




the empty taste

of instant


Roberta Beary

(1,0,9) = 12 pts



new puppy

I pay the price

for sleeping late



(0,4,4) = 12 pts



sleeping late

the gentle rock

of the boat


Bernard Gieske

(0,2,8) = 12 pts



11 Points 



sleeping late...

again I try to conjure up

her face


Gautam Nadkarni

(1,2,4) = 11 pts



10 Points 


another dream

about getting up

I roll over


Gabriel Sawicki

(1,1,5) = 10 pts




the still moth clings

to the curtain


Earl Keener

(0,3,4) = 10 pts

**Whatever works. Keep modifiers to a minimum, but here it's the adjective "still" that makes this one stand out. (Not sure, though, if this fits under the "sleeping late" rubric.)


midlife crisis

still I dream

of missing

the school bus


Stevie Strang

(0,3,4) = 10 pts



sleeping in--

the shadow of the aspen

is short


James Dobson

Prudhoe, UK.

(0,1,8) = 10 pts



8 Points 



she tells me I missed

a beautiful sunset

black no sugar


Bill Kenney

(1,1,3) = 8 pts



sleeping late

our teen makes

a day of it


Tom P{ainting

(0,1,6) = 8 pts



April snow . . .

the mausoleum cat

sleeps in


Michael McClintock

(0,1,6) = 8 pts



Saturday sleep-in

the crows at dawn

have their own agenda


Adelaide B. Shaw

(0,1,6) = 8 pts



7 Points 



waking up to the stars at noon.



(1,2,0) = 7 pts



sleeping late

the warmth of the back pew

in a blizzard


Ignatius Fay

(1,0,4) = 7 pts



to stay or to leave…

on the lilac blossoms 

sleepy butterfly


Steliana Cristina Voicu

(Ploiesti, Romania)

(1,0,4) = 7 pts




curls under my covers ...

sleeping late


Ramesh Anand

Bangalore, India

(0,3,1) = 7 pts

**This keeps you guessing? Who or what is providing the warmness: lover, child, dog, cat? Each gives a different picture, but all are of comfort.


sleeping late 

the size of a marble

in her left breast


Cezar C.

(0,0,7) = 7 pts

**Line 1 acquires depths as the ku unfolds. I wonder if third person is the best choice for this one.



6 Points 


without the spring rains

the sleeping forsythia

refuses to wake


todd eddy

(0,2,2) = 6 pts



sleeping late -

lying at my feet

the sky after rain


Ana Drobot

Bucharest, Romania

(0,1,4) = 6 pts



comfort under down . . .

have I slept through

the coming of the geese?


Bill Pauly

(0,1,4) = 6 pts



5 Points 



an old fisherman

sleeps late in his hammock

catch of the day


Garry Eaton

(1,1,0) = 5 pts



Mother's Day -

waking up for the lunch

my sweeties cooked.


Zhanna P. Rader.

(0,2,1) = 5 pts



newlyweds no reason to get up


John Soules

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



sleeping late

who could mind

the spring rain


Beth Powell

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



Spring snow storm

the cat curls deeper

into her pillow


Bill Hudson

(0,0,5) = 5 pts



a rare day off

the cats and I...

go back to sleep


Rose Marie Stutts, EdD

(0,0,5) = 5 pts



4 Points 



sleeping late

I urge the old bitch

out the door


--Kirsty Karkow

(1,0,1) = 4 pts

**This one socked me in the eye! 


spring sleeps late ~

everywhere things waiting

to awaken


Gerry Bravi


(0,2,0) = 4 pts



sunrise . . .

how many more dare I

sleep through?


Carole MacRury

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



sleeping late--

bluejay in the hemlock

watching me



(0,0,4) = 4 pts



late afternoon -- 

a young leaf 

turning upright


juhani tikkanen

(0,0,4) = 4 pts



slowly waking up

in geography class

how did I get here?


Anne Zooey Lind

(0,0,4) = 4 pts



my new alarm clock -

on Sunday morning

meowing cat


Marta Chocilowska

Warsaw (Poland)

(0,0,4) = 4 pts



3 Points 



sleeping late,

jays wake me—

get to work, get to work, get to work…


Bill Gottlieb

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



the virgin moon wakes

time to share a single kiss

with her sun lover


Nancy Smith

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



sleeping in -

the dream that I am awakened

in a dream


Angèle Lux

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



end of a long dream --

still I hear the sound

of her anklets


Kumarendra Mallick

Hyderabad India

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



sleeping late

the beer's got

stale too


Oddbjørn Aardalen

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



late morning

i awake long enough

to fluff the pillow


RD McManes

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



spring forward…

ignoring the alarm

i fall backwards


D W Skrivseth

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



sleeping in--

the cat sits on my hair

and that's that


Barbara Snow

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



nothing to say -

even the crickets

keep silence


Israel Lopez Balan

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



2 Points 




the early cuckoo's call - light 

from my fifth floor flat


Ajaya Mahala 

Pune, India

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



sleeping late

until the aroma

of breakfast cooking


Barbara Campitelli

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



running for the bus


the snooze fairy


Jon Espen Vassbotn

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



missed! bird chorus

coffee, eggs frying, toast

east window sun



(0,1,0) = 2 pts



my dog whines

on your pillow 

noon sun


Ralf Bröker

(0,0,2) = 2 pts

**The dog makes an effective go-between in formal as well as thematic terms,


my long peaceful nights

yet email and household dust

never need to rest



(0,0,2) = 2 pts



on door hinges

the night floating back…

Saturday morning



(0,0,2) = 2 pts



sleepless night--

all those afterthoughts

and the ones before


Arvinder Kaur

Chandigarh, India.

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



the clock's buzz

a part of my dream

late for work


Diane Mayr

(0,0,2) = 2 pts




my alarm clock

spring birdsong



(0,0,2) = 2 pts




late night

the watchman taps away

into my sleep


Jayashree Maniyil

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



One Point




blackbird singing




(0,0,1) = 1 pts



surrounded by love

cat and dog on either side

I go back to sleep


Deirdre Godwin

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



moanful church bell...

I know that mom just pretends

sleeping late


Lavana kray


(0,0,1) = 1 pts



heavy showers

in the long winter morn

sleeping late


Keith A. Simmonds

Rodez, France

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



dog's bark

why does he not

sleep late?


Meredith Cavalieri

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



sleeping late-

the breeze blows in the window

to wake up me 


Vasile Moldovan

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



waking up late

full of good intentions -



Natalia Kuznetsova

Moscow, Russia

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



tough winter

even my plants

are sleeping late


Donna Bauerly

Dubuque, IA

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



sleeping late…

from crescent to new

the cat


Svend A. Doggfall

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



sleeping late

then the cry

of the village loon


Carol Raisfeld

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



everyone slept in

why not corn flakes

and chocolate milk



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



one eye open

distant church bells toll

day of rest



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



i win and loose

when i snooze late

in your arms


Eric P

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



full moon rhythm

joining the pulse beat-

spring night


Tuvshinzaya Nergui

Tsetserleg, Mongolia

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



the alarm clock

from my Secret Santa

hitting snooze


--Peter Newton

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



sleeping late-

summer honeymooners

missed the flight


Munia Khan

Dhaka, Bangladesh

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



spring snows

silence - the art

of sleeping in


Jane DeJonghe

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



breakfast in bed--

pancakes and

a full moon



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



No Points This Time, Sorry. 



You can make your bed

spread-eagled under covers.

Get up lazy bones!


Robert C. Howard



the most pleasant thing 

observed in one's retirement

is just sleeping late


Tom Conally

Gibsonville, NC



Some like to sleep late.

If you like to rise early,

they sure don't like you.


Horst Ludwig



sleeping late -

baby dove wobbles its wings 

with excitement


Rita Odeh

Haifa / Israel



 sleeping late -

perspiration soaks

my nightgown





tea in a coffee cup

long after roosters songs -

the mail box cleared


gillena cox

St James, Trinidad and Tobago



morning dream

missed dawn etching silhouettes

on the horizon






fighting spring sleepiness –

old dog, young cat and myself

have to change seasons


Daniela Bullas



Spring holidays...

after miles on the track

a long lie in


Barbara A. Taylor



sleeping too long -

she's suddenly awake now

in the cold shower


Miriam Borne



edging closer

when the old tomcat sleeps late

sparrows fill the yard


Harvey Jenkins



through the blinds,

Soft light on my opening eyes -

Cuckoo clock rings, its 10:00


Arie Regev



 morning light::

she left the door open

for the dog


Darrell Byrd



no smell of breakfast

the dog complains

tried to sleep in


Mark A. Fisher



curtain tops show day

but warm quilt induces

more snuggling to sleep


Frances O'Keeffe



sleeping late

rap-a-tap my keyboard awaken

the million stars


Ken Sawitri

(Jakarta, Indonesia)



dozens of thoughts

hover about snails –

sleeping late





out of bed

the sun has gone up

spring morning


Yukiko Yamada



old bear dreams on—

den warmed by snow blanket

long since gone


Jim Thoune

Bowling Green, KY USA



all night vigil

waiting on the all-clear

the sun wakes me at noon


Brenda Roberts



General Comments:

**I had a tough time with this category....to be fair, gave each of my favorites one vote.


**There were a lot of good ones this time, so I had to spread my 6 votes amongst them all.


**Slept late this morning. An omen?


**Not much from which to choose this time ...


**I will you all many spring dreams and enough sleeping late! 


**An ironic theme, indeed, for an insomniac. Ah, well . . .


General Comments:

**The phrase "spring dreams," which many haiku had, seems like a title if used as L1; if used as L3 it was like an explanation. I preferred those haiku which made me think of spring dreams without being told.


**Tough! I wish that I had more votes to play with this time.


**Thanks again for this invitation to participate, read and vote on some very good haiku!


**Haiku - a spring moment!


**my votes... or it was a dream?


**Many "moons" to gaze at! Excellent entries.

Thank you for participating in the APRIL 2015 Kukai!


With much appreciation,


The Shiki Monthly Kukai Team