




_________First Place__________


late fall -

the sound of acorns

on the greenhouse roof


hilary tann


 ________Second Place________



her greenhouse gloves

laid inside out



 _________Third Place________



every table

a different color


Yu Chang


 _________Below Third Place________



in the greenhouse

-this small spider




early spring blizzard

ten thousand greenhouse lilies

in full bloom




cloudless sky

a spider lily blooms

near the greenhouse


Patrick (Bangkok)


through frosted glass

sun patterns play

on the greenhouse lily


Carol Raisfeld


window panes rattle

her crowded greenhouse -

the smell of dirt


Marylouise Knight


late afternoon-

an autumn sunset gilds

the greenhouse roof




abandoned greenhouse-

a loose flap of plastic

flutters in the breeze





greenhouse -

a new president

takes office




tired of rain

jumping into the greenhouse

a man and his frog


emile molhuysen


chrysanthemums --

father and his oxygen

wheel through the greenhouse


Earl Keener


posturing to

his image on the greenhouse

a mockingbird




empty greenhouse

his orchids at the church

already fading




hot mist

in the greenhouse -

pink orchids


Luke Penfield


the greenhouse--

his hand brushes

against my thigh


Kathy Lippard Cobb



the smell of orchids

through the greenhouse door

hard frost


gary steinberg


sunlight on ice -

in the greenhouse wrinkled fingers

count out seeds


Alison Williams


wide open

the greenhouse door-

summer escapes


Barb Campitelli


in the cold of autumn

the heat of a greenhouse

peachy roses


Lynda Lessing


inside a greenhouse

yellow dotted froggy

watches the rain




stars of snow


on greehouse windows


R. Marie Stutts



frosty windowpane...

inside the greenhouse

floral breath


Carmen Sterba


greenhouse walk

the reach of grandma's arm

into the gardenias


Cindy Tebo


winter kitchen nook

the greenhouse was never built -

her prize-winning plants




frosty night ~

in the greenhouse

day continues


max verhart


too late

to admire her lilies -

abandoned greenhouse


Penelope Davis Greenwell



cool morning

inside the greenhouse window

water streaks




one greenhouse

roots for a homeless

c o m m u n i t y


copyright 11/1/2000 by Wendy C. Bialek


greenhouse effect--

robins still here in November

without songs


Billie Wilson


frozen pond --

inside the greenhouse

poinciana blossoms




dimly seen

through frosted windows

greenhouse orchids

