March 2004 Kukai

In the listing below, after each poem the author is listed, and then a three digit code revealing how many 3-point, 2-point, and 1-point points were cast for this poem by the other participating poets.

(2,1,4 = 12) would indicate that the poem above received two 3-point votes, one 2-point vote, and four 1-point votes.

March 2004 Kukai Results

Kigo Theme: Spring Field(s)

First Place -- 33 Points

spring field

the crow pecks

at its shadow


(3,8,8) = 33

Second Place -- 23 Points

spring field -- 

the snowman's broom

on the ground


(4,2,7) = 23

Third Place -- 17 Points

spring field

the smell of woodsmoke

among the blossoms

Earl Keener

(2,4,3) = 17

Fourth Place -- 15 Points

spring field

the birdbath

still frozen

Owen Burkhart

(0,4,7) = 15

Fifth Place -- 12 Points

between spring field

and blue sky


Roberta Beary

(1,2,5) = 12

spring field

birds take their seats

on the scarecrow

Grzegorz Sionkowski

(1,1,7) = 12

Sixth Place -- 11 Points

spring field--

children's voices come and go

with the wind

Kathy Lippard Cobb

(1,2,4) = 11

Seventh Place -- 10 Points

spring field- 

I crown my kid sister

with a daisy chain

Agnes Eva Savich

(1,1,5) = 10

Eighth Place -- 9 Points

spring field


with the wind

Mark Hollingsworth

(0,3,3) = 9

cardinal sings

at the edge of a spring field

I whistle back

oino sakai

(1,1,4) = 9

spring field

she picks a bunch of flowers

for his grave

Tore Sverredal

(0,3,3) = 9

moonless night

from a spring field

the scent of daffodils


(0,3,3) = 9

spring fields

your footsteps next to mine

filling with rain

Lesley Dahl

(2,0,3) = 9

Ninth Place -- 8 Points

spring field - 

a kite soaring

over the treetops

Audrey Downey

(1,1,3) = 8

feeling the earth

beneath my knees

spring field

Carol Raisfeld

(0,4,0) = 8

prevailing wind--

a farmer spreads manure

on the spring field


(1,1,3) = 8

Tenth Place -- 7 Points

spring field

a fistful of pussy willows

and muddy shoes


(1,1,2) = 7

spring field

the sun in the ice

on the path


(2,0,1) = 7

spring fields

behind each tractor

hungry seagulls


(1,0,4) = 7

spring field -- 

a worm takes off

in the crow's beak


(0,1,5) = 7

Eleventh Place -- 6 Points

spring field

the sway and song

of redwings

George Hawkins

(1,1,1) = 6

spring fields --

a farmer counts

bales of hay

Laryalee Fraser

(0,1,4) = 6

rooster crows -

over the spring field

a rainbow

Zhanna P. Rader

(0,1,4) = 6

Twelfth Place -- 5 Points

spring field-

teenagers circle

the bonfire

tina stanton

(0,1,3) = 5

spring fields-

brushing curls

from the barber's poncho


(0,2,1) = 5

little lamb - 

its first step in the world

the spring field


(0,1,3) = 5

Thirteenth Place -- 4 Points

spring field

the mud holds fast

to my boots

Kevin Welch

(0,0,4) = 4

spring field

a surveyor's transit

marks the center

Ed Markowski

(0,0,4) = 4

the smell

of our first kiss

spring fields


(0,1,2) = 4

early spring fields--

the welcoming curves 

of just plowed earth

Mary Lee McClure

(0,1,2) = 4


after the rain . . . 

spring field poppies

Darrell Byrd

(1,0,1) = 4

junk yard--

hub caps just beyond

the spring field

mike farley

(1,0,1) = 4

spring field

a buttercup blanket

for the lover's picnic

pamela molhuysen

(0,1,2) = 4

wasted ~

on this poet

the spring field


(0,1,2) = 4

Fourteenth Place -- 3 Points

Spring field - 

weeds hurrying to grow up

before the crops

Vasile Moldovan

(0,0,3) = 3

spring fields . . . 

the wedding lavender

gives a dusky hue

ron moss

(0,1,1) = 3

spring fields

of wildflowers - 


Deborah P Kolodji

(1,0,0) = 3

Free Format Theme: Luggage

First Place -- 18 Points

making his home

on grandpa's luggage

attic spider


(0,5,8) = 18

Second Place -- 15 Points

luggage carousel - 

the baby's eyes follow

the red bag

Zhanna P. Rader

(0,3,9) = 15

Third Place -- 14 Points

tangled vines--

my entire world tied

to the luggage rack

Kathy Lippard Cobb

(1,1,9) = 14

direct flight --

our luggage takes

the scenic route

Laryalee Fraser

(1,3,5) = 14

the station cat

asleep in the shadow

of my luggage


(2,1,6) = 14

Fourth Place -- 13 Points

new luggage --

the first clue that

he's leaving


(0,3,7) = 13

Fifth Place -- 12 Points

second honeymoon

sunlight fills

the space between our luggage

Ed Markowski

(1,4,1) = 12

battered luggage

a used road map

tears along the fold


(1,4,1) = 12

Sixth Place -- 11 Points

luggage check-in

she slides the bag

with her foot

Carmel C. Lively

(0,1,9) = 11

Seventh Place -- 9 Points

on the curb

against battered luggage

a lost kitten

Brenda Roberts

(1,1,4) = 9

luggage carousel - 



tina stanton

(0,3,3) = 9

connecting flight

my only luggage

an empty stomach

Earl Keener

(1,2,2) = 9

atop the luggage

on the donkey's back --

a little boy

Tomislav Maretic

(0,2,5) = 9

Eighth Place -- 8 Points

luggage truck

the depot disappears

in the mist


(0,2,4) = 8

at the airport

luggage and baggage

his and hers

Carol Raisfeld

(1,2,1) = 8


still feeling like

so much luggage

mike farley

(1,1,3) = 8

hand luggage

the sound of sea waves

in a snail shell

Grzegorz Sionkowski

(0,3,2) = 8

Ninth Place -- 6 Points

auntie's old luggage

still so full

of her Thai tales

john tiong chunghoo

(0,2,2) = 6

circling, circling

on the luggage carousel

a softly mewing box

Mary Lee McClure

(1,0,3) = 6

rush hour

a stray dog sleeps

at the luggage counter

Tore Sverredal

(0,2,2) = 6

airport mall

a dog eyes me from the dark

luggage cage

Darrell Byrd

(1,1,1) = 6

secret luggage

holding our clothes

against each other

pamela molhuysen

(0,3,0) = 6

Tenth Place -- 5 Points

almost Mardi gras--

catfish fillets

in his carry-on luggage

timothy russell

(1,0,2) = 5

long journey

on the luggage tag

the wrong name

James M. Thompson

(0,1,3) = 5

meadow slug --

both homeless

and luggageless


(0,1,3) = 5

second marriage--

each brings luggage

from the first


(0,1,3) = 5

new hope -

arriving in America

with one piece of luggage

Angie Kunath

(0,1,3) = 5

Eleventh Place -- 4 Points

standing alone

against her luggage

at the end of the line

Audrey Downey

(0,1,2) = 4

hobo's luggage

one squeaky grocery cart

holds all he owns

Zaida Lysle

(0,1,2) = 4

bus terminal --

on a pile of luggage

a toddler sleeping

Ruzica Mokos

(0,1,2) = 4

Twelfth Place -- 3 Points

teary eyed

a lone traveller

no luggage

Kylie Hooklyn

(0,1,1) = 3

which one of us

would she want to inherit

this unused luggage

Mark Hollingsworth

(0,1,1) = 3

luggage packed

the black of night

washes into gray

gary steinberg

(0,0,3) = 3

Refugees camp - 

a bloodhound sniffing

among the luggages

Vasile Moldovan

(0,1,1) = 3

Excess luggage dumped

To make way for a long life

Its all in the mind

Deepak Amembal

(1,0,0) = 3

from homespun luggage

a silk moth

takes flight

George Hawkins

(0,1,1) = 3

shine in his eyes

and a note-book full of verses --

wanderer's luggage

Josko Armanda

(0,0,3) = 3