


_________First Place__________

gathering storm--

a sheepdog circles

the flock




 ________Second Place________

choppy river--

a dog barks and barks

on the opposite shore

Earl Keener



 _________Third Place________


morning stroll

the chihuahua rides

in his master's hand

ana b


_________Below Third Place________


just big enough

for puppy and me -

my new bed

Carol Raisfeld


every other dog

on my jeans



hunter's moon

the retriever remains


gary steinberg


autumn wind

the dog barking

at the fence

Martin Gottlieb Cohen

evening drowse

the old dog rests his head

on my lap

Darrell Byrd

carpet bombing --

the dog's

little accident

Paul David Mena

autumn evening

my basset hound takes me

for a walk in the park

Becky Bunsic (tukiko)

christmas morning

the puppy leaves

a present

roberta beary


autumn mist

somewhere out of sight

a dog howls

Gene Williamson

jogging in the park,

a pugilist with his

snubbed-nosed dog


the old house dog

for Alzheimer's patients

a new name each day


winter home -

always sharing my mood,

little friend with a tail

Ghost Cat

old fire station--

a dalmatian lifts its leg

to the hydrant

Kathy Lippard Cobb

winter wag -

the dog in the kitchen door

drums both jambs

Nancy Smith

Wilted buttercups

overgrowing the grave

-- dog cemetery

Ange`le Lux

nicely framed

a look-alike portrait

doggy and bossy

emile molhuysen

walking the dog

along the shiny railway

dreaming of station

Micheline Beaudry

dog on the dance floor

wearing Mardi Gras beads

wagging to the beat

Bettina Davis


the farmer counts his harvest

of prairie dog pelts


beloved dog

now a stuffed toy

sits on the chair

celia crook

a cocker spaniel

waits for the school bus--

homemade bread



fox terrier

only his hair

left on me

alan j summers

encircled in sleep,

the old timer dreams --

of other dogs' bottoms


The dog's barking

at the cemetery gate,

It's not morning yet.

Horst Ludwig


fur standing straight up

on my dog

Patricia A. Laurent

our Mastiff snores

two calico kittens sleep

warm beneath her jaws

R. Marie Stutts

come here puppy dog

let me dress you

in my doll's clothes

pam molhuysen

a dog barks

early Sunday morning -

one clear sound

Marylouise Knight

that seeing-eye dog

with the red handkerchief

guiding her safely

Edith Muta

a tissue disappears

in the jowls of the Great Dane

SUE Torres

early morning

birders spot

golden retriever pointing

Janet Parker

shaggy longhaired dogs

terrorist's latest victims

once called afghan hounds


walking to bus stop


by friend's dog



naming our

yellow lab


family reunion -

the old dog does my favourite trick

then soils himself

Rob Scott

first all-night drenching

season change dawns ...a black dog

trots through the back yard


a dog snivelling

the nonchalant wind listens

burnt ground laughing
