(6/29, 1997)
FIRST PLACE quiet lake -- on the narrow beach a lone canoe -acm moonlit beach~ from the lifeguard stand soft laughter JoannSECOND PLACE small footprints stop at waters edge deserted beach tina stantonTHIRD PLACE The night tide runs through footprints in the sand Margarita Drozdoff crackling driftwood - beach bum warms his feet HarryBELOW THIRD PLACE starry night barefoot on the pebbled beach Yu Chang rocky beach watching the same moon sandy beach -willard city beach crumbs in her hands for pigeons and seagulls Hilary Tann voyager on the beach a glass ball Stephen M. Osborn the swordfish on sale at the beach market sword pointing at the sea gilles fabre daybreak ~ even her imprint gone from the beach Mark Alan Osterhaus new driftwood hidden in the fog on this beach norm jensen Beach dunes anchored by sea oats - children hiding, seeking. Peg Lowmiller clutching his blankey dazzled by this busy beach he plops for a nap Zoned Cat waves upon the driftwood beach all the colors white paul m back from the beach the moon comes up redder than my sunburn Laura Young beach souvenir a ship in a bottle Marco Fraticelli home from the beach tossing seashells into the dumpster doris k. sunrise walk on a glittery beach shore crabs drift ahead Ferris