


_________First Place__________

flooded fields -

a swan floats between

fence posts.

Ben Miners



 ________Second Place________

soft rain -

the old stone fence

green with moss

hortensia anderson



 _________Third Place________


leaning over

the split-rail fence –

fragrant roses

Linda Robeck

_________Below Third Place________


schoolyard fence -

memorial flowers

in the chain link

Carol Raisfeld

behind the brick fence

a red ball appears

and disappears

Bettina Davis


deep in the woods

this old stone fence

still standing

Janet Parker

wire fence

the smell of coal dust

from the barge

Martin Gottlieb Cohen

broken fence--

wildflowers fill

the empty spaces

Kathy Lippard Cobb

gathering clouds

     the weed whacker catches the fence

Gary Steinberg


glancing back -

her black nose

between fence posts



nosy neighbors --


climb over the fence


sweet peas in bloom

my dog's tail disappears

under the fence


this year's quake

the neighbor's fence

in another yard

Cindy Tebo

bird feeder

a black cat creeps

by the fence


four strand fence

a boy and the old bull

face each other


above the creek

a crooked fence

morning mist

Patricia A. Laurent

dandelions bloom

first one then three then nine

no respect for fences

Jennie Townsend

tornado siren

the overpass fence

laced with litter


prairie fire

a few charred fence posts --

nails holding nothing


old gray fence

between weathered boards

a black cat slinks

James M. Thompson

old fence

deep in brambles

two eyes


through the fence

the large eyes

of the colt

Carmel C. Lively


spring frost--

a meadowlark drops

to the fence rail

Ellen Compton

beyond the fence -

oat grass and sand stretch

to the sea

MaryJane Turner

the old broken fence

lays down before

the apple blossom

Chris Swift

twittering sparrows

atop a chain link fence

brown tree snake below

Eileen Blas Schaefer

hoar frosted world

on an iron fence

some crows

max verhart

jots in magenta

crowding the orchard board fence…

wild stand of crane's-bill
