

- the first of six special kukai honoring Masaoka Shiki -


_________First Place__________

afterlight. . .

the mountain on fire

with poppies

Kathy Lippard Cobb



 ________Second Place________

mountains in spring

overlapping bird songs

all around

Carol Raisfeld  



 _________Third Place________


in the mountains

walking into and out of

the sound of the river

Rob Scott 

_________Below Third Place________


butterfly migration

mountain stones

open and close

Lesley Dahl       

he cuts cherrywood

for the views: thirty-six

of Mount Fuji

mary seabright


the echo of

an elks bugle

Adam Loose

in my old eyes

what once was a mountain

is now a hill


ochre mountain

an elf owl looks

at me sideways


mountain air

the fire flares

as the fiddler plays

Earl Keener

mountain mist-

poised on each leaf tip

a clear droplet


mountain ~

the shadow spreading

on water

Martin Gottlieb Cohen

snow capped mountain

at its foot trees blossom

equally white

max verhart

thank you, dogwoods -

I was so tired of gazing

at that dark mountain


with each           step

up the mountain

father's arm in mine

-roberta beary

fine steady rain;

the branches of mountain ash

dip lower

Joe Kirschner

mountain climber

shouts at friend


Alan Wilde

hunter's blind

halfway up the mountain

a curtain of fog



just out of reach

that mountain

Maleti (Mary Lee McClure)

mountain high

all eyes following

the setting sun

Gene Williamson

splitting wood--

the mountain cool deepens

at sunset


mountain air

the goat above me

on a thin ledge

Cindy Tebo


noonday heat

the mountains recede

in pale blue

Maria Steyn

mountain brook

the stepping stones

hold a rainbow

MaryJane Turner

mountain climbing

cord snaps

ten thousand foot fall

lauren b. bennett

in the distance


behind the mountains

Becky Bunsic (Tukiko)

mountain backdrop --

slow windup of a southpaw

on the pitcher's mound


the mountain

is still standing

behind the fog

Bettina Davis

morning glory

sun peers over mountains

a tear in her eye


boys with a light

chuckle under a blanket

moving mountain



its shoreline

the mountain

Linda Robeck

escaping life's din

at a friend's mountain solace

throbbing silence


late afternoon -

the snow-capped mountain

turns silhouette

hortensia anderson

clouds hide the mountain

the sound of your plane



summer viewing...

giant mountain obscured

by leafy sapling

Jay Neville

mountain air

so fresh and clean

drifts around the great outdoors

Danielle Thomson

such tall mountains

seeming to reach

the seventh heaven


new mountain

two plates


-Paige Hudson-

morning rain

from behind the clouds

mountain peaks

James M. Thompson

snowy foothills

nestled like lambs

against the mountain's flank

Rose Marie Stutts

after downpour -

swollen mountain spring

comes in my yard

Jasminka Nadaskic Diordievic


to the top of a mountain -

the thermal

Alenka Zorman

mountain range

looms above the lake

hum of speedboats

Carmen Sterba

this crisscross of wires —

while mountain chickadee bears

no grudge moonviewing
