January 2016 Kukai

Dear Friends,

Here are the results for the January 2016 Kukai, wherein our Kigo subject was FIRST READING, and our Free Format subject was MOVING WATER


Congratulations to ***Rita Odeh***, winner of our Kigo section and to ***Shrikaanth***, winner of our Free Format section! 


VOTERS' comments are indicated by "**"

POETS' comments are indicated by "^^"

Kigo Theme: 




First Place -  22 Points


first sunrise-

a spider, too

reading the silence


Rita Odeh

Haifa/ Israel

(2,5,6) = 22 pts



Second Place - 17 Points



first reading

the weight of the new

diet book


Paul Hodder

(0,4,9) = 17 pts

**New Year resolutions! After so many parties, even the diet book gains weight, or at least becomes so important to us! Very playful and at the same time so serious!



Third Place - 16 Points


Dr, Seuss

my diction

in my daughter’s voice


Michele L. Harvey


(0,5,6) = 16 pts

**My mind's ear just kept coming back to this one...



 15 Points 


first reading

baby&me deep

in mother goose


Roberta Beary

(1,2,8) = 15 pts



13 Points 



back from war -

first Braille reading of a tale

to his boy


Lavana Kray


(0,3,7) = 13 pts



first reading the river opens up at last


Bill Pauly

(0,3,7) = 13 pts

** Very interesting allusion, that the river finally gets to speak his mind and allow us to read him! Perhaps as a result of meditation, observing and understanding nature, we get as a reward a moment of illumination.


reading the look

on your face

first light


Sondra J. Byrnes

New Mexico USA

(0,2,9) = 13 pts



 12 Points 



dark matter--

a new look

at what I can't see



(2,2,2) = 12 pts



first reading ...

the last year spills

from a bookmark


Vinay Leo R.

(0,4,4) = 12 pts



First reading --

recalling the warmth 

of my mother's lap ... 


-- Chitra Rajappa

(0,3,6) = 12 pts



11  Points 



notes in the margin

of the book she left behind —

New Year’s Day alone


Shelley Krause

(1,2,4) = 11 pts



a line through

my first resolution ...



S.M. Abeles

(1,2,4) = 11 pts



heads together --

sounding out words

of their first book



(0,4,3) = 11 pts

**Love the visual of the heads leaning in together over the book...


doctor reading

my baby's growth ...

first scan


(Archana Kapoor Nagpal, Bangalore, India)

(0,4,3) = 11 pts



first reading ...

warmed by a breath

of hot tea


Boris Nazansky

(0,4,3) = 11 pts

**I like the simplicity of this scene.


new year . . .

searching the news

for something new


Bill Kenney

(0,3,5) = 11 pts



new years day

opening a novel

on the train


Ruth Powell

(0,1,9) = 11 pts

**Resonant with the feeling of being carried along...



10 Points 


first reading...

on the steamed glass

his farewell poem


Criss Dexter

(1,1,5) = 10 pts



first reading

where words lie before

their utterance



(0,4,2) = 10 pts



a new year -

reading the future

in the "Help Wanted" ads



(0,3,4) = 10 pts



before reading

smelling every poem--

new book


Kashinath Karmakar


(0,3,4) = 10 pts



9  Points 



fresh snow

animal tracks

first reading


Bernard Gieske

(1,1,4) = 9 pts



afternoon darkness…

Issa becoming more



D W Skrivseth

(0,3,3) = 9 pts


8  Points 


 first reading . . .

the will that reminds me

nothing lasts


Garry Eaton

(0,2,4) = 8 pts



 7 Points 



deep footprint

in fresh morning snow:

where no one walks


Danijel Bara

(2,0,1) = 7 pts



first reading

nothing transpires

in between the lines.



(0,3,1) = 7 pts



first reading -

my tattered

old bible


John McDonald Edinburgh Scotland

(0,1,5) = 7 pts



first reading

my blood pressure

under control


Barbara A. Taylor

Mountain Top, NSW


(0,1,5) = 7 pts



 6 Points 



the treaty with the aliens

seemed promising at first

then we read the subtext


F.J. Bergmann

(1,0,3) = 6 pts



first reading;

a snowflock is stopping

at my window


Manuela Burlacu

(0,1,4) = 6 pts



an unread electric bill ...

New Year's candle 



Juhani Tikkanen

(0,1,4) = 6 pts



fresh snow finding all the woodland calling cards


Donna Bauerly

Dubuque, IA

(0,1,4) = 6 pts



first reading

the tealeaf couple settle



Nancy Smith

(0,0,6) = 6 pts



5  Points 



holy scriptures... 

from being human

to humane


Vandana Parashar 



(1,0,2) = 5 pts



a month since her death

last journal entry takes me

out of the New Year


Harvey Jenkins

(1,0,2) = 5 pts



first reading 

birch and oak varieties

of frost calligraphy


Jon Espen Vassbotn

(1,0,2) = 5 pts



first reading of the year

her posthumous haiku

just published


Yukiko Yamada

(1,0,2) = 5 pts



first reading

still lightyears

to go


Oddbjørn Aardalen

(0,2,1) = 5 pts



cuneiform symbols

I read the passage of birds

new year’s first snowfall


Deirdre Godwin

(0,2,1) = 5 pts



first reading -

he asks her to make



Ana Drobot

(Bucharest, Romania)

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



New Year morning

first reading by the fingers

a lump in the breast



(0,1,3) = 5 pts



first reading

within sight of the surviving



Barbara Campitelli

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



 4 Points 



New Years day

murmuring the river reads

the same sky


Beate Conrad

(1,0,1) = 4 pts



sunday morning

playing chiropractor

with a new book


todd eddy

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



broken seal - 

her love letter's

first reading


-Priscilla Cook

(0,1,2) = 4 pts

**I liked that this haiku reflects the reality that there is - by definition - only ever one first reading... and also hints that there may be many more.


first reading

the guest director

snores softly



(0,0,4) = 4 pts



 3 Points 



community garden plot

something I didn't plant

so much red leaf lettuce


Bill Hudson

(1,0,0) = 3 pts



and be

the first reading as a myth

(and the last one)


Andrei C. Szava

(1,0,0) = 3 pts



my book’s dawn-

on the first page

mild sunray


Munia Khan

Dhaka, Bangladesh

(1,0,0) = 3 pts



first ebook,

a long sleepy day

in winter sun


--Kirsty Karkow

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



New Year's Day morning

I open my old Bible

after quite some years


Horst Ludwig

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



storm -

in the helmsman's hands

the Quran


Dorota Ocińska


(0,1,1) = 3 pts



first reading

in his native tongue



Carolyn Coit Dancy

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



"what dogs know"

first reading aloud

to my dog


Chandra Bales

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



first reading --

faded letters 

from my shoebox


James Dobson

Prudhoe, UK.

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



Twelfth Day -

absorbed in the dinosaur book

grandson and grandma



(0,1,1) = 3 pts



first reading

an old friend buys the flowers



Beth Powell

(0,1,1) = 3 pts

**I think anyone recognized the beginning of Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway! I have spent some years studying it. She is an old friend by now. Interesting way of creating a modern haiku, just like Woolf herself created a new novel!


first reading

year of the monkey

haiga cards



(0,0,3) = 3 pts



 2 Points 



in the sunny spot

rapt in a new book

dry fingers


Ignatius Fay

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



first reading -

her Dear John letter



Darrell Byrd

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



"Call me Ishmael."

thus it starts but already

my past intrudes


Gerry B.


(0,1,0) = 2 pts



his last will

a stenographer's



Alegria Imperial

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



words dance

celebrating new year

-coffee steam


Nimi Arora

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



writers’ retreat

first reading alone

in my room


Tom Painting

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



her letters

with yester years warmth

second day of snow


Vishnu P Kapoor

Chennai, India

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



reading a New Year’s card -

the shape of

a monkey’s shadow


Angela Terry

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



Away from Kazakh

on a sidewalk bench

reading Persian haiku


Ken Sawitri

(Jakarta, Indonesia)

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



new diary

leafing through

the summer weeks


Eleonore Nickolay


(0,0,2) = 2 pts



chapped lips

I choose Shakespeare

for my first reading


Anitha Varma

Kerala, India

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



Midsummer Night's...

seduced by the nymph

in a world of words


Gautam Nadkarni

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



first read

he can now write



quamrul Hassan

(dhaka, bangladesh)

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



1  Point



first novel...

first reading...

first rejection


Tom Conally

Gibsonville, NC

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



Finally starting

a book bought in college --

resolution kept.



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



poet Keats

on his peak in Darien

a sea wind blowing


Michael McClintock

(0,0,1) = 1 pts

^^For me, one of the greatest (and my first) "a-ha" moments in English literature was reading Keats' poem "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer"!


First reading -

the child's eyes on

colorful pictures

above words


Aziza Hena

Dhaka, Bangladesh

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



first reading -

he tries to read the headlines

of the wet newspaper



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



first reading

"... at your own risk"

in second gear



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



first reading

with good intentions in mind -

a new diet book


Natalia Kuznetsova

Moscow, Russia

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



content to be blind -

boy's first read of Mouse Sumou*

to his grandparents


Daniela Bullas

(0,0,1) = 1 pts

^^Japanese folktale


January 2

reading grandma’s old diary

today we are twins


Anne Zooey Lind

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



first reading -

last year's journal

. . . any progress?


Jane DeJonghe

(0,0,1) = 1 pts

**A near-universal experience for any journal-keeper, I think!


our mailbox

filled with greeting cards –

I still delay reading



(0,0,1) = 1 pts




the haiku anthology…

my first reading




(0,0,1) = 1 pts



boathouse --

a leisurely look at the photographs

in first reading


Kumarendra Mallick

Hyderabad, India

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



pioneer child's life


here and gone



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



"first reading"

then the life beyond the quotes ...



Rafał Zabratyński

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



first reading of the year-

is that Grandpa’s handwriting

on the ex libris?


Cristian Mocanu

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



First reading was

just the last love letter

since the yesteryear 


Vasile Moldovan

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



No Points This Time, Sorry. 



cold spring teahouse dark

stubborn winter holding on

first reading brings light



(0,0,0) = 0 pts



Water tricking down her cheek,

Helen read the buzz 

in Annie’s loving throat.


Robert C. Howard

Belleville IL



imprints in mind 

and marks on the buttocks - first reading

on an uneven rock


Ajaya Mahala

Pune, India



closed captions on

to binge on Downton Abbey

-- New Year's Day





The slice 

of an onion

Release the rapids.


Gary Serock




first reading:

year of the monkey predicts

healing for roosters


Cyndi Lloyd



first reading:

dozing, dreaming of a great white whale

shipwrecked on Sado Island…





grandfather's book

opened in New Year's cold light

first reading





 again and once more

I ask what this word is...

first reading


~ Tete John (Kenya)



drawn into

the first reading in church --

New Year's Day


~ Isabelle Prondzynski




New Year's passing

the first reading

is his will


--Diane Mayr



holiday rush --

the time it takes

to break in a book


Terri L. French




awakened to New Year -

reading from  the time from cellphone

blasts of fire crackers


gillena cox

St James, Trinidad and Tobago



New Year—

a baby, an hourglass

figure in his future

an end


Bill Gottlieb



first reading:

"Childhood memories"

by Ion Creangă






deep in history notes

my first dirty book


Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy 

Birmingham UK



the first book

on a new library card--

dollar bill bookmarks





First light

New bible, new markers

New truths to be mined


Hazel A. Witherspoon



grandfather's glasses

and newspaper happily

baby gurgles


Frances O'Keeffe


General Comments:

**Not many haiku submitted seemed to fit with the guidance we were given. (Note: Japanese people traditionally select some personally meaningful material to read on January 2; reading it is called the first reading of the year.


 **Ah, there were so many wonderful haiku! I found it difficult casting my votes. Six points just wasn't enough.


**The prompt was challenging and I loved it


 **How I love to read all these marvelous entries. Thanks to everyone!


 **I've never thought the "first . . ." convention travels well. As the note suggests, it's a specifically Japanese practice that can't have much meaning in other parts of the world. Moreover, it goes back to the lunar calendar, according to which the beginning of the year is associated with the first signs of spring. January 2 is just another winter day.


**A terrific theme indeed!

Free Format Theme: 




First Place -   29 Points



your ashes...

the river carries away

a part of me



(2,4,15) = 29 pts



Second Place -  26 Points



low tide

a hermit crab

tries on houses


Jon Espen Vassbotn

(2,3,14) = 26 pts

**So clear and un-fussy... for me, this is the kind of haiku that sinks in and stays in your mind for the rest of the day.



Third Place -  21 Points


clear night

moonlight spins

the water wheel


Rafał Zabratyński

(2,5,5) = 21 pts

**In spite of a rather flat first line, this catches the imagination.



19 Points 


the reflection

of the heron



helge t.

(0,5,9) = 19 pts

**Great capture of that moment when the reflection becomes too disturbed to see.



15 Points 


filling the gaps 

between the floes ...

these stars


(Archana Kapoor Nagpal

Bangalore, India)

(1,2,8) = 15 pts



14 Points 



river under ice our silence 


Ann K. Schwader

(0,4,6) = 14 pts



a boiling kettle

forgotten on the stove...

winter sunset


--Kirsty Karkow

(0,3,8) = 14 pts

**An entrancing picture -- beautiful.

**One can make a bit of a story from these images and the word "forgotten", but that is not required.

**Ah yes, not so much forgotten as ignored in my household. I hear that whistle blowin’.



12 Points 


flash floods...

the moment it all begins

to make sense


Ana Drobot

(Bucharest, Romania)

(1,2,5) = 12 pts



winter rain

a shrunken stream

carries the sky


Alegria Imperial

(0,3,6) = 12 pts



11 Points 



river at sea-

the silent exchanges



Ajaya Mahala,

Pune, India

(1,3,2) = 11 pts



the talk

icicles lengthening

from the eaves


Tom Painting

(1,0,8) = 11 pts

**Is that the talk I think it is?


spring breakup

the thunder and lightning

of river song


Angela Terry

(0,4,3) = 11 pts



buzzards cry a river full of rain



(0,2,7) = 11 pts

**Multiple meanings gracefully expressed.



10 Points 


storm runoff -

sorting through our things,

now yours or mine



(0,3,4) = 10 pts

**Loved the tension between uncontrollable events and the desire to be in control, here.



9 Points 



melting snow--

all the typos

i see


Sondra J. Byrnes New Mexico USA

(1,0,6) = 9 pts



from the waterfall

taking home a fern

sketched in pencil


Michael McClintock

(0,3,3) = 9 pts

**I like the quiet surprise in this one


nothing to say -

the sound of waterfall

at night


Israel López Balan

Mexico City

(0,2,5) = 9 pts



8 Points 



a drenched rose

her lips

reluctant to open


Ken Sawitri

(Jakarta, Indonesia)

(1,1,3) = 8 pts



trail of a raindrop

on the windowpane

first love


Boris Nazansky

(0,2,4) = 8 pts



winter dusk;

after the birdsong dies-

the gurgling brook


manoj saranathan

(0,2,4) = 8 pts

**Appreciated the way in which this haiku brings attention to the shifting nature of attention.


harvest field

the first dipperful

over his head


Barbara Snow

(0,1,6) = 8 pts



dusky stream

the ant journeys

on last year’s leaf


Nancy Smith

(0,1,6) = 8 pts



7 Points 



a tear drops

into a clear creek -

who can separate them?


Danijel Bara

(2,0,1) = 7 pts



single pane windows

carried ice crystal patterns

into melt puddles


eric p

(1,2,0) = 7 pts



sugaring days

snowmelt outpaces

the snow


Michele L. Harvey


(1,1,2) = 7 pts

**sugaring days is such a great term for a snowy day. and the snowmelt outpaces the snow is such a vivid visual.


the dog’s

last injection—

snow flurries


Cyndi Lloyd

(0,1,5) = 7 pts



ebb tide 

the shore comes alive

at sunrise


Tom Conally

Gibsonville, NC

(0,0,7) = 7 pts



6 Points 



spring shower

white-and-pink flowers

are so fragile


Dorota Ocińska

Poland (Łodź)

(1,1,1) = 6 pts



steady rain --

the peaceful sound of drips

from the trees


~ Isabelle Prondzynski


(1,1,1) = 6 pts



no snow for Christmas

the empty rooms

of the children


Eleonore Nickolay

( France/Germany)

(1,0,3) = 6 pts



waterfall --

my words of joy

are white


James Dobson,

Prudhoe, UK.

(1,0,3) = 6 pts



garden waterfall -

there are as many rainbows

as many viewers


Daniela Bullas

(0,2,2) = 6 pts



ah, moon

moving water again

you rock


Anne Zooey Lind

(0,2,2) = 6 pts



the moment

I saw you, bluebird...

first drizzle


Rita Odeh

Haifa/ Israel

(0,1,4) = 6 pts



intensive care unit...

the stars fall one by one

from melting icicles


Criss Dexter

(0,1,4) = 6 pts




the stream running by

my evening walk


Bill Kenney

(0,0,6) = 6 pts

**Liked the connection and the little bit of tension between the narrator & nature.

**I liked the play on words in this one.


steady rain

the happiness of children



Barbara Campitelli

(0,0,6) = 6 pts



5 Points 




on steel-gray waves

Dad’s camp sweater


Ignatius Fay

(1,0,2) = 5 pts



Rivers over plains,

crimson streams beneath our skins -

life gifting nectar.


Robert C. Howard​

Belleville IL

(0,2,1) = 5 pts



cold night

on the pond a ........ripple



(0,1,3) = 5 pts



bottleneck --

a raindrop's ramble

down my windshield


Terri L. French


(0,1,3) = 5 pts







Paul Hodder

(0,0,5) = 5 pts

**so much is conveyed in these three words. You have the flow

water, the water fall, and the water flowing away. I love it



4 Points 


seeking always seeking

the river rolls on

to find the sea


Frances O'Keeffe

(1,0,1) = 4 pts



acid rain

I drop a tab

of coolness



(0,1,2) = 4 pts



snowfall: the only gift from my childhood


Andrei C. Szava

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



swiftness of deadwood

in moving clouds

in moving water


Vishnu P Kapoor

Chennai, India

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



empty shore —

not a wave washes

your name away


Vinay Leo R.

(0,0,4) = 4 pts



3 Points 



rain on teahouse roof

hides braided lovers joy song

natural wonder



(1,0,0) = 3 pts




through a gauntlet of currents

they follow an urge


Gerry B.


(0,1,1) = 3 pts



the frozen river

freely flowing beneath…

a cold smile


D W Skrivseth

(0,1,1) = 3 pts




fox fitfully curled

on moonlit rocks…



(0,1,1) = 3 pts



a steady drip

passed my window

january icicles



(0,1,1) = 3 pts



a light drizzle

the man pisses balancing

on his two stumps


Bruce H. Feingold

Berkeley, CA


(0,1,1) = 3 pts



passing river -

green shrubbery bowing

to take a dip


gillena cox

St James, Trinidad

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



lightning through stained glass 

water rising

under Noah's ark


Garry Eaton

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



wind on the sea the sea reaches back


Simon Hanson

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



spawning run

behind large boulders

salmon stop to rest



(0,0,3) = 3 pts



frozen river ... 

thick ice 

moving nowhere


Juhani Tikkanen

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



birth pangs--

the stream gurgles

over the day moon


Anitha Varma

Kerala, India

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



boat ride...

my thoughts moving faster

than the rapids


Gautam Nadkarni

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



catching the water

from our leaking roof --

heavy rain


~ Anne Njeri


(0,0,3) = 3 pts



New Year’s outing

so many things passing

under the old bridge


Cristian Mocanu

(0,0,3) = 3 pts

**Easy to see and feel this one, and also interesting to see what "things" each reader's mind might fill in.



2 Points 


flash flooding

we evacuate patients

in a rowboat



(0,1,0) = 2 pts

**I love this image and can really identify with it.


baptism . . .

whose water is it,

child of God?


Bill Pauly

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



bubbles in

the bathtub

my father with mask



(0,1,0) = 2 pts



frost smoke

the full moon moves into

a bride


Svend A. Doggfall

(0,1,0) = 2 pts




but the roaring forties

in your eyes


Oddbjørn Aardalen

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



chopping ice

on the Rivanna River

moving water



(0,1,0) = 2 pts



all routes

have become muddy streams

autumn downpour


Yukiko Yamada

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



pre-term birth the flow of dreams through flash floods


Yesha Shah

Surat, India.

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



El Nino

Mississippi flows freely

deep in the new year


Donna Bauerly

Dubuque, IA 52003

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



Hawaiian waterfall

the weight of the world

on her back



(0,1,0) = 2 pts



still water

below the moving leaves...

windy day


Dejan Pavlinović

Pula, Croatia

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



a chinook wind

starts the icicles dripping--

wet wool socks



(0,1,0) = 2 pts



cleaned-out fridge --

floodwater ferrying

olives to the sea



(0,0,2) = 2 pts



hogging the hot tub

her husband

and mine



(0,0,2) = 2 pts



vernal torrent -

a young birch with a nest

dashing to the falls


Natalia Kuznetsova

Moscow, Russia

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



tilting the paper

the water colors blend

oh the threatening seas


Bill Hudson

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



flash flood 

a child’s inner tube

carried by the river


David Grayson

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



rain timpani

the sound of 

moss growing



(0,0,2) = 2 pts



the river meanders time to gather scent of violets



(0,0,2) = 2 pts



1 Point 



granny's rocker

high on the cart



John McDonald


(0,0,1) = 1 pts



moving water -

overnight the river

changes direction



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



whitewater …

the surf digs sand from

beneath my feet


Darrell Byrd

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



summer rain

brother and me

buck naked


Carolyn Coit Dancy

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



ripples after ripples 

in my placid life... 

pouring rain


Vandana Parashar


(0,0,1) = 1 pts




with eyes on

ice floe



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



bamboo arrangement

with random sips of water

it makes do


Harvey Jenkins

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



The slice 

of an onion

Release the rapids.


Gary Serock

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



swan feather floats

on moving water-

rippled beauty


Munia Khan

Dhaka, Bangladesh

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



last day of summer...

the tide



Kevin Knezevic

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



she didn't make it—

tonight falling snow

muffles the city



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



i spoke to the rain

the rain said: there is a river

running through your heart


Carol Pearce-Worthington

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



shelf ice-

coyote watching

the river flow


Ruth Powell

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



multi-coloured litter

floating on Ngong River --

Soweto dump site


~ Arnold Echenje


(0,0,1) = 1 pts



Summer morning…

shimmering sunshine splashes

down the waterfall




(0,0,1) = 1 pts



Gi Gong --

I smell the ocean's

blue hour



(0,0,1) = 1 pts



Silent night – slowly a white star descends


Beate Conrad

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



a slipstream

moving unseen

sixty winters


Beth Powell

(0,0,1) = 1 pts




the air that holds

a skipping stone

daydreams of you


S.M. Abeles

Washington, DC

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



Weekend chores

Rainbows dance

While doing dishes


Hazel A. Witherspoon

(0,0,1) = 1 pts



No Points This Time, Sorry. 



Martian polar caps

ice flowers

alternating springs


F.J. Bergmann

(Secretary's Comment: I  enjoyed this scifaiku!)



my mom’s electrocardiogram

too long-expected


Manuela Burlacu



Rain drops

covering my pond

in a bowl


Aziza Hena

Dhaka, Bangladesh



Spring St. Croix

clear, lively sparkling

morning sun 


Horst Ludwig



rain rain rain

shooting the rapids

happy ducks


Bernard Gieske



a plastic Santa

shoots the rapids…

the big low


Barbara A. Taylor

Mountain Top, NSW




moss at the foot steps

stays stranded as it is

flows of running water.





Cracks in ice

signs of moving water

despite frigid cold


Phil Mizener



I sit on the bank

watching water slip away

I miss you so much


Deirdre Godwin



pop-up storm

the gurgle of rain

through a rusted grate


--Diane Mayr



waiting out winter

longing to dance with

the Waters of March


todd eddy



rain after

the wildfire, hosing

winter, ash


Bill Gottlieb



winter sun --

my shadow ripples

with the waterfall





early morning row —

we work so hard to move

the top six inches





plastic rubbish

lies stuck on the riverside --

blocked drainage


~ Antony Joseph




the river flows by --

her shadow has rhythmic gait

of a teen


Kumarendra Mallick

Hyderabad India



two kids cheer on

their floating toy cars --

open drainage


~ Patrick Wafula




blue sky again –

the river depose

ice floe ashore






a fish grazes

spring on steps


Nimi Arora




upon gentle breeze-

snow fall


Kacy Lee



 bridal night 

her smile belies

her bleeding heart


quamrul Hassan

(dhaka, bangladesh)



General Comments:

**This is HARD! I had 17 in my first draft picks


 **Wish I had more points to give. Quite a few nice ones in this prompt.


**So many amazing entries but very few votes to give ...hard indeed!


**A delight to read the entries. And tough decisions to award the points!


**Yes, many are very moving. Once more, thanks to everyone.


**Wish I had more points to award for this free-format vote.


**It was lovely to read all the entries. I wish I had more points to give!


 **I love this prompt- I love moving water


 **Just about everything moves faster than I do these days.

Thank you for participating in the January 2016 Kukai!


With much appreciation,


The Shiki Monthly Kukai Team