Winter Evening

winter evening



_________First Place__________


winter evening

the last dried pepper

goes into the soup


Earl Keener



 ________Second Place________


 winter evening

a tiny voice

asks for a hug


Carol Raisfeld


  ________Third Place________



winter evening

even the stars



paul t conneally


 _________Below Third Place________


winter evening

waiting for her return

the bath grows cold


gary steinberg


winter evening

the embers still glow

after the fire



old dog

scratching at the door

winter evening


~A Ramey

winter evening

grampa drops a screw

from his fly reel


Darrell Byrd


winter evening--

each square in grandma's quilt

a memory


Kathy Lippard Cobb


nothing to do

no one around

winter evening


Ty Hadman

winter evening --

without a sound the snow falls

through the lamppost light


Frans Kwaad

snowflakes drift

through the bonfire smoke--

winter evening


DeVar Dahl


cold winter evening --

Venus moves closer

to the moon


Betty Kaplan


winter evening...

beyond the window

shadows and snow


Laurene Post

a speed skater

moves slowly in the curve

winter evening


og aksnes

thru the window

this winter's evening

framed by frost




winter evening

in the distance

a welcoming light


Sue Mill


Winter evening

beneath a snow blanket

Spring sleeps


Bob Parker

winter evening

old man repairs his snowshoes

at the dinner table



a winter evening

ring around the moon

bin full of ashes


* Debra Woolard Bender


a piece of moon

caught high on a bare limb -

winter evening


Marylouise Knight


winter evening

one last crow caws and...



Johannes Manjrekar

winter evening

through the pine forest...

moonlit carcass


Martin Gottlieb Cohen

winter evening

fog rolls in

veiling the lights


Patricia A. Laurent


winter evening

  my neighbor builds

  a crooked fence


Mark Brooks


he shivers asking

spare change outside blockbuster's -

a winter evening



winter evening

sky grows darker

putting me to sleep

