July 2003 Kukai

In the listing below, after each poem the author is listed, and then a three digit code revealing how many 3-point, 2-point, and 1-point votes were cast for this poem by the other participating poets. (214 = 12) would indicate that the poem above received two 3-point votes, one 2-point vote, and four 1-point votes.

July 2003 Kukai Results

Kigo Theme: Ant

First Place - 18 points

in the throat 

of a white blossom

busy black ants

gillena cox

(0-6-6 = 18)

Second Place - 16 points

the sun is setting -

even an ant on the wall

has a long shadow

Tomislav Maretic

(0-5-6 = 16)

Third Place - 12 points

new job--

an ant visits

on coffee break

Stephen Amor

(2-1-4 = 12)

Fourth Place - 11 points

long day

a trail of ants

into tall grass

w.f. owen

(1-2-4 = 11)

Fifth Place - 10 points

evening stroll

we step across

the ant parade


(0-3-4 = 10)

in the tool box

looking for a way out

carpenter ants


(0-3-4 = 10)

yard work -

an ant lurches past

carrying a leaf

Carole MacRury

(0-3-4 = 10)

Sixth Place - 9 points

a line of ants

threading themselves

through shadows

r. wilson

(1-2-2 = 9)

wood ant

the toddler

strokes it flat


(2-1-1 = 9)

six ants 

come out of his laptop - 

summer school

Deborah P Kolodji

(0-3-3 = 9)

paper boats

the black ant clings

to its matchstick

Johannes Manjrekar

(1-3-0 = 9)

Seventh Place - 7 points

circle of giggles ~

guessing which ant will carry

the largest bread crumb

deborah russell

(0-2-3 = 7)

Buddha's thoughts--

a column of ants in the

furrow of his brow


(1-1-2 = 7)

recycling center -

a thousand ants

on a pepsi can

Earl Keener

(0-1-5 = 7)

Eight Place - 6 points

old sidewalk

ants cover a ball

of ice cream


(0-2-2 = 6)

cool grass

a red ant crawling

between each toe

oino sakai

(1-0-3 = 6)

blood test -

red ants invade

the broken tile

roberta beary

(1-1-1 = 6)

picnic blanket

the toddler's stomp

misses all the ants


(0-1-4 = 6)

Ninth Place - 5 points

little brother

tries out my glasses --

ant burning !

jane burton

(0-2-1 = 5)

traffic jam

an ant crawls

up my leg

Tore Sverredal

(0-1-3 = 5)

hidden park

ants find the picnic

in the woods

Patricia A. Laurent

(0-1-3 = 5)

the peony,

must not be ticklish --

all those ants

Zhanna P. Rader

(1-0-2 = 5)

Tenth Place - 4 points

feeding ants-

Lord Buddha accepts

my offering

Robert John Mestre

(0-2-0 = 4)

summer cabin 

replace the old 

ant traps

Audrey Downey

(0-0-4 = 4)

on the table

a vase of peonies

and tenant ants


(0-0-4 = 4)

Eleventh Place - 3 points

garden hose

ants stream the other way

above the flood

mark e

(0-0-3 = 3)

out of the ground

another grain of sand

dropped by an ant

Peter H. Pache

(0-1-1 = 3)

the feet of a tree

ants are creeping between roots

on a summer day


(0-0-3 = 3)

city sidewalk

ants surround a fugitive

chocolate melt

Darrell Byrd

(0-0-3 = 3)

a new puppy

digs up the


Carmel C. Lively

(1-0-0 = 3)

ants march one by one

feasting on picnic delights

a summertime feast

Judi Honiker

(0-1-1 = 3)

a picnic table 

long trails of ants collect 

the left overs

late bloomer

(0-1-1 = 3)

clover-filled flower pot ...

in and out


Keith Tobin

(0-1-1 = 3)

midday sun

on the concrete sidewalk

two ants

Horst Ludwig

(0-0-3 = 3)

Free Format Theme: Music

First place - 19 votes

open windows

a lullaby sung

in Cantonese


(3-2-6 = 19)

Second place - 16 votes

summer music --

pebbles being carried

in and out with the tide

Rosa Velt

(2-3-4 = 16)

Third place - 12 votes

empty bandstand

the sounds of crows rise

to the treetops


(1-2-5 = 12)


the painful sound 

of violin practice

celia crook

(1-1-7 = 12)

Fourth place - 10 votes

clink of coins

the same few notes

from the blind boy's flute

Johannes Manjrekar

(1-2-3 = 10)

Fifth place - 9 votes

summertime blues

small fingers tap rhythms

of falling rain

deborah russell

(0-2-5 = 9)

Wind guiding one chime

gently into another -

Eclipse of the moon.


(0-2-5 = 9)

Sixth place - 8 votes

summer dusk -

two guitars seek each other

in clear tones

Tomislav Maretic

(1-1-3 = 8)

a falling drop

out of the bamboo flute

circles in the pond

emile molhuysen

(1-1-3 = 8)

flute song--

the woodpecker changes

its tempo

Kathy Lippard Cobb

(0-3-2 = 8)

summer sunset

falls on a blue note --

park jazz

Ann K. Schwader

(0-2-4 = 8)

Seventh place - 7 votes

drips in the bowl

an octave higher . . .

steady rain

jane burton

(1-0-4 = 7)


drumming on the table

boy's camp


(0-2-3 = 7)

evening's close--

the plucked pangs

of a koto

Mark E. Smith

(0-2-3 = 7)

candles snuffed--

plainsong in the voice

of a mockingbird

Ellen Compton

(0-2-3 = 7)

Eight place - 6 votes


the sounds of violins

continued in my mind

N. Beck

(0-1-4 = 6)

cell phone

plays Ode to Joy

class dismissed

oino sakai

(1-1-1 = 6)

concert in the park--

canvas sneakers

soak up the dew


(1-1-1 = 6)

Ninth place - 5 votes

whistling flute 

sea breeze 

through the beach grass

Audrey Downey

(0-2-1 = 5)

la la... la la... la 

that tune that goes on and on 

all day long


(0-1-3 = 5)

beer party 

her eyes connect with the

saxophone player

Carmel C. Lively

(0-1-3 = 5)

birds chirrup dripping

through the leafy silence

before the sunrise

Ruzica Mokos

(0-2-1 = 5)

Tenth place - 4 votes

straining his ears

for the right notes

the tuner talks about weather

john tiong chunghoo

(0-1-2 = 4)

dimmed hibachi

the faint tune from a koto

somewhere . . . .

Darrell Byrd

(0-1-2 = 4)

empty park;

on a stiff Northern wind

a flute solo

Keith Tobin

(0-2-0 = 4)

harvest festival--

the silent moon above

the taiko drummers

Earl Keener

(0-2-0 = 4)

Eleventh place - 3 votes

oh, stick bug -

I hear the piccolo

in your body

Carole MacRury

(0-1-1 = 3)

playing flute...

ants march through the window

to my kitchen sink

Zhanna P. Rader

(0-1-1 = 3)