March 2012 Kukai

The Shiki Monthly Kukai

March 2012 Kukai

Dear Friends,

Here are the results for the March 2012 Kukai, wherein our Kigo subject was SPRING, and our Free Format subject was DREAM/REVERIE


Congratulations to ***Michele Harvey***, winner of our Kigo section and to ***Angela Terry***, winner of our Free Format section!



The haiku are listed in order of total points received from voters. The numbers reflect the number of voters who gave the haiku either three points, two points, or one point -- followed by the total points for all votes.

Those who were given less than three points and who requested anonymity in such a case are so noted.



In the listing below, after each poem the author is listed, and then a three digit code revealing how many 3-point, 2-point, and 1-point points were cast for this poem by the other participating poets.

(2,1,4 = 12) would indicate that the poem above received two 3-point votes, one 2-point vote, and four 1-point votes.


VOTER'S comments are in italics below the respective poems.


March 2012 Results

Kigo Theme:




First Place  - 26 Points



spring fever

a murmuring brook

begins to babble


Michele L. Harvey

(1,6,11) = 26 pts

**Great word use for increased volume. Using "murmuring" and "babble" to describe water sounds is fresh and natural; hints of a baby prattling.



Second Place  - 23 Points



kite flying

the desire

to let go


Tom Painting

(2,3,11) = 23 pts



Third Place  -  16 Points



spring thaw a river of geese


John Soules

(1,1,11) = 16 pts



15 Points



spring rain

umbrellas blossom

here and there


Terra Martin

(1,2,8) = 15 pts

**I like the picture this depicts.


spring morning

she opens a window

for meditation



(0,5,5) = 15 pts



14 Points



plum blossom

one petal at a time

letting go


Ted van Zutphen

(0,4,6) = 14 pts



13 Points



spring equinox

we agree

to start again


John McManus

(0,4,5) = 13 pts



12 Points



morning stillness -

walking through puddles

of spring light


Angela Terry

(1,0,9) = 12 pts

**A perfect scene in a beautiful haiku. I can almost dream of walking there with you!



11 Points



spring morning

steam from the sugar shack

thickens the mist


S.E. Buffington

(1,3,2) = 11 pts

**Superb evocation of senses, tradition and season.


suburban spring

the sprouting

construction cranes



(1,2,4) = 11 pts



cold spring -

a newborn elk sees

its first sunrise


carmel lively Westerman

(1,2,4) = 11 pts



finally a burst

of good news



Barbara Snow

(1,1,6) = 11 pts



muddy boot prints-

after-school bouquet

of pussy willows



(0,3,5) = 11 pts



spring breeze

the horses prance

in their stalls


Harvey Jenkins

(0,3,5) = 11 pts



spring breeze...

I catch his gaze

and hold it



(0,2,7) = 11 pts

**This causes a pause in my thinking.



9 Points


false spring . . .

her wedding dress

held together with pins


Francine Banwarth

(0,3,3) = 9 pts




the bud I thought

i had lost


Alegria Imperial

(0,1,7) = 9 pts



8 Points



rose petals

on her open grave

spring rain


Cara Holman

(0,3,2) = 8 pts



spring rain...

the sweet smell

of soap on skin


Anne Curran

(0,2,4) = 8 pts



lilac buds


with spring


Peter H. Pache

(0,2,4) = 8 pts



looking for a bench

near the merry-go-round . . .

another spring



(0,2,4) = 8 pts



where you stood

one spring day



Merrill Gonzales

(0,2,4) = 8 pts



spring storm:

a large raindrop

scatters the tadpoles ...


-- Chitra Rajappa

(0,2,4) = 8 pts



he said

she said

spring crosswinds


Gregory Longenecker

(0,1,6) = 8 pts



7 Points



bird walk

a hundred peeps

not one feather


miriam chaikin

(1,1,2) = 7 pts



spring reverie

the icicle's drip grows louder


martin gottlieb cohen

(0,1,5) = 7 pts

**A creative expression using sound

** Excellent use of sound, an insistent tap of spring that can't be ignored.



the plant that looks like mint

- isn't


Paul Hodder

(0,1,5) = 7 pts

**Playful way to "show" taste and plant lore without the "tell".


spring -

my baby is getting  

his first tooth


Cezar F. Ciobîcă

(0,1,5) = 7 pts



6 Points



scribbled words -

all that remains

of spring


Hansha Teki

(1,1,1) = 6 pts





into the budding willow


Donna Bauerly

(1,0,3) = 6 pts



spring bustles -

the child rides his trike

in circles


Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu

(0,1,4) = 6 pts



delivery boy

on his spectacles

specks of spring rain


André Surridge

(0,1,4) = 6 pts

** I love the freshness of raindrops on the specs of a delivery man in this. The contrast between the eye that clearly sees it and the must-be hazed view of the other eye gives it a layered sense of how we see things from opposing ends.


spring rain

a new path

to the waterfall


Ben Gieske

(0,0,6) = 6 pts



5 Points



hurtful as ever

snowdrops among



Johannes S. H. Bjerg

(1,1,0) = 5 pts



spring again-

shoots growing on the

breasts of the girls


Petru-Ioan Garda

(1,1,0) = 5 pts



spring madness

the sound of doves

and then a crow


Stevie Strang

(0,2,1) = 5 pts



spring rain

the popping

of forsythia


Alan S. Bridges

(0,2,1) = 5 pts



another turtle

arrives to the puddle -

spring breeze


Israel López Balan

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



spring breakup--

the smell of mud

from the creek



(0,1,3) = 5 pts

**The spring return of outdoor smells. We forget them during winter.


spring breeze --

the walkers in the park

meet the runners


~ Isabelle Prondzynski

(0,0,5) = 5 pts



4 Points



early spring . . .

the one darkened headstone

with golden lichen


Bruce Ross

(1,0,1) = 4 pts



skulking for skunk cabbage

in a labyrinth of hyacinth...

spring stinks



(0,2,0) = 4 pts



I let the cat out




helge t.

(0,1,2) = 4 pts

**Cats are certainly curious especially about things behind closed doors


third spring -


on your grave


Zhanna P. Rader

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



a lone sparrow

atop the naked branch

viewing spring sun



(0,1,2) = 4 pts



last of the winter

honeysuckle hastening

the hum of the hive


Sara Winteridge

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



frost in spring:

the distance call from a crane




(0,1,2) = 4 pts




where the snowman dies

crocuses bloom



(0,1,2) = 4 pts



spring fog

on a bridge

to the unknown


deanna tief

(0,1,2) = 4 pts

** A beautiful picture of the way mist or fog makes the familiar mysterious, transforming an everyday place into a magical realm.


tulip tips

breaking through the dirt

more than I planted


Adelaide B. Shaw

(0,0,4) = 4 pts



unopened letters

daffodils sparkle

with sunlit frost


Ron C. Moss

(0,0,4) = 4 pts



3 Points



At the barn's peak

spring's shrill--

a scolding jay


Ed Higgins

(0,1,1) = 3 pts

** I like the parallel of peak and shrill


Day time equals night

and all the world awakens

from it's solemn sleep.


Robert C. Howard

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



warm spring night

a man steers my helm

towards venus


Roberta Beary

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



the lilt

of children's laughter-

spring games


Barbara Campitelli

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



daffodil moment

boy and girl stand hand in hand

kindergarten love


Deirdre Godwin

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



spring fever

waiting in the shallows

great blue heron


Stella Pierides

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



silent explosion

a crocus flower breaks through

the snow


Elaine Riddell

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



spring thaw

a seedling

breaks through


Liz Rule

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



spring wind

the chime slowly



--Peter Newton

(0,0,3) = 3 pts

**The juxtaposition of 'sounds' with 'blossoms' got my vote in this haiku. I'm always partial to lines that skid past the expected into a delightful surprise.


gray spring morning . . .

all the butterflies I've chased

through my life


Marylouise Knight

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



2 Points



late walk

the sound of a puck

in spring air



(0,1,0) = 2 pts



spring morning -

even the basket's withes

in bud


Manuela Dragomirescu

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



cherry blossoms blow

in the early morning sun ...

two lovers embrace


Keith A. Simmonds

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



kitchen window view-

the shape of spring

in a single crocus



(0,1,0) = 2 pts



crocus pushing through

winter grass

spring switches on


Frances O'Keeffe

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



face to face

with a magnolia in bloom...

morning walk


Rita Odeh

(0,0,2) = 2 pts




flooding the many in one

butterfly garden



(0,0,2) = 2 pts

**Thank you for a beautiful picture and haiku.


finally spring

bright clouds



rob scott

(0,0,2) = 2 pts




running under the full moon

my shadow follows


Bill Hudson

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



spring shower

a bloated toad fished

from the rain barrel


Terri L. French

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



a tiny grave

white with snowdrops...

the name eroded


--Kirsty Karkow

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



spring gusts;

waves in the grass break-

at the fence


-manoj saranathan

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



my dancing partner

talks about his tomatoes

-Spring Hoedown


doris kasson

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



spring snow

lingers in the shady spots

. . . his broken promises


Catherine J.S. Lee

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



1 Point



Green revolution -

Happy Planet Index:

spring at dawn





witch hazel

aconite snowdrops crocus

he plants spinach





Eyes barely open

Gray spring morning walk,

Oh! tulips!


Pat Lammers



that spring warbler

somewhere on the mesa

it's found water


Michael McClintock




a daffodil bud pops up

in the front yard


Ramesh Anand



Window open here;

Door ajar there; breathing in

Spring's arrival.


Donald Skrivseth



dead leaves -

so colorful

spring crocuses


Virginia Popescu



 cusp of spring

waking into

the same gray


Ann K. Schwader



spring day

I turn off Respighi's Suite -

listen to the birds





surviving winter

possum dies

this spring day





early crow wakes me

his voice thawing

with the spring


Ruth Powell




one of the cat graves

has sunken





such big snowflakes

on the purple crocus-

last day of spring


John Daleiden




No Points This Time. Sorry.




counting the days

until autumn


Barbara Taylor



springtime embrace

found unexpectedly

after the storm


Judi Honiker



April breeze -

on hedges sprinkles

green dust


Vishnu P Kapoor



clumps of gritty snow

and on the sunny side

pink magnolias





windless spring dawn

a deer and her two calves

blend in the fall plowed earth waves


Anne Elisabet Danielsen




drawn in the autumn

sign of spring


Irena Szewczyk



marshmallow feast

around a backyard fire

spring cleaning


Garry Eaton



miring spring

splashing itself -

soggy sidewalks


Juhani Tikkanen



spring -

from an old shoe

toe is sticking out





elusive Spring

daffodils bloom

under the snow


Lorraine Margueritte Gasrel Black



vernal rain

the daffodils you planted

open up


natalia kuznetsova



spring morning

a green shivering

reaches the ear of the light


Oddbjørn Aardalen



dancing through magic

apple blossom rain mother

taught me to love spring


Katie Conway



the malignant sarcoma

of winter is over -

it's Spring!


Petya Gleridis



rogue tulips

tickle the puppy's nose

subverting spring cleaning





spring growth :

orange crocus in the

caterpillar tracks


-- ushi




eager to surprise

with blossoms bursting to bloom


Toni Dalton



pale primula patches of spring sunlight


Sonam Chhoki



cold spring rain--

between bird-feeder and worms

twelve robins


Brenda Roberts



northern March morning

at last, the missing sun features

on my milk carton


Páll Kvaran



unloading trucks

at the supermarket -

the spring's arrival


Robert Naczas



matted lawn

under the bird box

arms shoot


Ralf Bröker



my legs

buried in spring grass --

lost lawnmower





spring morning

red birds return

from vacation


Michael S Brock



Spring forward

Bear facts...

Hibernation over.


Tanja Cilia



after a spring storm

the old family organ is played

by mouse feet


Nicholas Klacsanzky



lambs gambol --

there's a spring

in my step


James Dobson



Robins sing

six deer feed each night

early spring


Trevor Camp



black flurries over

receding snow fields -

spring starlings


Warren Gossett



In the spring garden

Amid bushes and blossoms

A pinwheel spins


Mary E. Gray



Summer shines in green

after exit of hot days

smiles spread all over





cotton dispenser


on the dole





Philly flower show

daydreaming and planning

this year's flowerbeds


Hazel A. Witherspoon



brave crocus

still a week 'til the first

day of spring


Laurene Post



it's springtime again

I cry over los blossoms

the rocks are weeping


Mr. PC



 newly swept streets

quiet spring morning

just some honks from above


Jon Espen Vassbotn




her new secret

by the river unlocking


Bill Pauly



General Comments:


 **My short list was longer than usual


**Thanks again for a lovely collection of spring haiku!


** As a general comment I'd like to add how all these haiku are wonderfully evocative of the senses:


spring reverie

the icicle’s drip grows louder


spring fever

a murmuring brook

begins to babble



the plant that looks like mint

— isn’t


spring breakup--

the smell of mud

from the creek


spring morning

steam from the sugar shack

thickens the mist


**Overall, this classic kigo-theme yielded a stronger than usual set of haiku, IMHO.

Congratulations to all.


 **What an uplifting and delightful set of poems. They have made my morning!




Free Format Theme:




First Place  -  19 Points



faded wallpaper -

those dreams

we shared


Angela Terry

(1,2,12) = 19 pts



Second Place  - 18 Points



dream flight...

the sudden loss

of my feathers


Barbara Snow

(1,4,7) = 18 pts

**Standard flying dream becomes a unique and funny story of waking.



Third Place  -  14 Points



a warm bed

all that remains

of my dream


John McManus

(1,1,9) = 14 pts

**Poignant, and beautiful



13 Points



spring reverie . . .

a hill of nodding



Catherine J.S. Lee

(0,3,7) = 13 pts



11 Points



day moon . . .

a thought bubble

for my daydream


--Peter Newton

(1,1,6) = 11 pts




this heron

. . . these reeds


Beverley George

(1,1,6) = 11 pts



10 Points



a tiny hand

unfurls in starlight-

a baby dreams


Ron C. Moss

(1,1,5) = 10 pts

**This is a very beautiful image.



the blackbird's yellow



Stella Pierides

(1,1,5) = 10 pts



snow day


when it was fun


Adelaide B. Shaw

(1,0,7) = 10 pts



lavender dreams -

a dusty record

keeps playing


Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu

(1,0,7) = 10 pts



9 Points



the sound within the sound of window rain


martin gottlieb cohen

(0,3,3) = 9 pts

**ps I really liked # 61 (the sound within the sound....) but couldn't really see the dream.



8 Points



holding on

to the child in me . . .



Kala Ramesh

(2,0,2) = 8 pts

**What a unique take on "dreams." Brings back images of chasing the ice-cream truck down the street!



sinking in the sun-scented grass

me and a damselfly



(2,0,2) = 8 pts



in my dream

you're still beside me . . .

winter rainbow



(0,1,6) = 8 pts



in my dream

in time for father's

last words


Roberta Beary

(0,1,6) = 8 pts



7 Points



lost in thoughts of you

and then

your call



(1,1,2) = 7 pts



in memory

circling the rim

of our old well


Donna Bauerly

(1,0,4) = 7 pts



dream catcher

she cups her hand

over one eye


Garry Eaton

(0,2,3) = 7 pts



remembering mother -

rain tapping my umbrella


Nicholas Klacsanzky

(0,1,5) = 7 pts



spring night-

a piece of moon falls

on the dog's dream



(0,0,7) = 7 pts



6 Points




to childhood

on a dream


Peter H. Pache

(1,0,3) = 6 pts




the hurricane

just dreams



peter o. silvani

(1,0,3) = 6 pts

**A powerful image. And I like the way the poem is structured.


on a cycle

he sells bouquets and roses

peddling dreams



(0,1,4) = 6 pts



girl in a summer dress

just passing through

my daydream



(0,1,4) = 6 pts



dreaming about you...

your old dog wags his tail

in his sleep


natalia kuznetsova

(0,1,4) = 6 pts

**I'd also have voted for [this haiku] which i loved, but fell short of points.


waking dream --

I still see my

long dead friend



(0,1,4) = 6 pts



dream or not snowflakes



(0,0,6) = 6 pts



5 Points



in a dream

my father tells me

to catch sight of the moon


Francine Banwarth

(1,0,2) = 5 pts



ah the relief--

an encounter with the ex

just a dream



(1,0,2) = 5 pts



glassy reverie

in the old man's gaze

the glow of ash



(0,1,3) = 5 pts



the moment

she could say yes

my iPhone wakes me up


Ralf Bröker

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



in his dream

she keeps boarding the same train-

late spring blizzard


John Daleiden

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



this haiku

was on top of the list..

then it woke


Jon Espen Vassbotn

(0,1,3) = 5 pts



daydream -

her first love



carmel lively Westerman

(0,0,5) = 5 pts




4 Points



journaling my dream

a yearning to vanish

with the morning star


Michael McClintock

(1,0,1) = 4 pts




I have never dreamed

as a caveman


Alan S. Bridges

(1,0,1) = 4 pts



nightmare --

a wolf chases me towards

a dark cave



(1,0,1) = 4 pts



happy birthday --

my brother blows the blanket

while asleep


~ isaac ndirangu

(1,0,1) = 4 pts

** I like the humor in this haiku.


probably blooming now

that forsythia next to our old garage

-this damn parallel parking


doris kasson

(0,2,0) = 4 pts



always younger

smoking cigarettes

in my sleep


Sara Winteridge

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



crow's feet

she follows the lines on

my hand


Irena Szewczyk

(0,1,2) = 4 pts



rolling over

I lose count

of the sheep


Barbara A Taylor

(0,0,4) = 4 pts

** I really stretched a strict adherence to using "dream" here since the sheep counted to avoid insomnia almost become the dream.



the commuter train

rocks me to sleep


Tom Painting

(0,0,4) = 4 pts

**I can relate to this!


spilling over

onto sleeping sands

seafoam dream


Judi Honiker

(0,0,4) = 4 pts



howling wind

even in his dreams

he fights


Paul Hodder

(0,0,4) = 4 pts



first dream -

looking for my mother

among rubble


Cezar F. Ciobîcă

(0,0,4) = 4 pts



3 Points



after the giggle

follows a deafening scream --

infant's dream


~ Brian Etole

(1,0,0) = 3 pts



wake in fright...

invading my dreams



Liz Rule

(1,0,0) = 3 pts



dream come true --

tears roll as she picks up

her trophy



(1,0,0) = 3 pts



woken by a dream

I turn the light back off

to the stars


Bruce Ross

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



a pink butterfly

quivering upon a rose ...

ephemeral dream


Keith A. Simmonds

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



light through the window

the morning dream fades slowly

to ones I live with


Bill Hudson

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



your legs long stairs I long to climb


John Soules

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



cat's sandpaper tongue

lifts me out of a long dream--

breakfast at noon


John Thompson

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



millionaire --

the sleepy beggar



~ emmanuel muteti

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



dream -

the pillow salty

with my tears



(0,1,1) = 3 pts



a fair world ...

I'm too old to dream

something like this


Petru-Ioan Garda

(0,1,1) = 3 pts



love dream --

I find myself hugging

my red pillow



(0,0,3) = 3 pts



autumn mist ...

the apparition

of ebbing dreams


Hansha Teki

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



daybreak !

still reflecting on

what could have been ...


-- Chitra Rajappa

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



65th dream

I return through a turtle

to Schrödinger's box


Johannes S. H. Bjerg

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



cold winter night

I dream of old loves

long forgotten


Stevie Strang

(0,0,3) = 3 pts



2 Points



lost in a dream...


wreathed in clouds


Cara Holman

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



first dream...

Portuguese fishermen

mend their nets


Michele L. Harvey

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



quickly fading

with last night's dream

the sound of the conch


Terra Martin

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



New York fly shop

he dreams of Montana




(0,1,0) = 2 pts



last nights storm

waking from a dream

of having no home


Laurene Post

(0,1,0) = 2 pts



lost in her reverie -

with the lilac fragrance

a nightingale's song



(0,0,2) = 2 pts



bullet hit --

my dream in a battlefield

comes to an end


~ Elijah Juma

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



winter afternoon-

by the sunny window




(0,0,2) = 2 pts



presque vu

his name remembered

in a dream


Terri L. French

(0,0,2) = 2 pts

**A common experience very cleverly stated.


waking up --

my heart beats faster

after the nightmare


~ Macharia Joseph

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



Potatoes and soda bread

Even my dreams

Mark the calendar


Mary E. Gray

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



my kitchen daydream

is of trampolines--

the toast pops up


James Dobson

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



recurring dream

wakening again

in a sweat


Ruth Powell

(0,0,2) = 2 pts





for the start of a dream



(0,0,2) = 2 pts



dawn spills into gaps

last night's dream

almost gone


rob scott

(0,0,2) = 2 pts



1 Point



his mind is quiet...

the man sleeps and sees no dreams

in the black hole calm





back to sleep

flying the same

Revolution Kite


Rita Odeh



escaping dreams-

the blackbird's story

that never ends


Ted van Zutphen



If I were awake

this magic dream might vanish

better stay in bed.


Robert C. Howard



Huddled, shivering

Under my red umbrella

Dreaming of the beach


Pat Lammers



insomnium -

even the crickets

keep silence


Israel López Balan




to distant lands

only in my dreams


Barbara Campitelli



autumn dream

father wakes up

by his scream


Ramesh Anand



pregnant dog --

i visualize its breasts

sucked by puppies





on the bank

casting a dream

for a rainbow


Ben Gieske



the spring`s first wagtail

a dream

in black-white


Oddbjørn Aardalen



Long dead relations

gather to celebrate-

Am I dreaming?


Donald Skrivseth



rumbling thunder

my dream dance interrupted

by mayhem





As daylight bleaches

the hem of your dream,

you sleeptalk of plums.





this moment with you -

I dream of time suspended



Elaine Riddell



dawn --

a nightmare leaves me






friendly match --

our school dream-team

carries the day





debts will go away

when i win the lottery

dreams ignore all odds


Mr. PC



leg in plaster --

I outrun Usain Bolt

in dreams


Sonam Chhoki



first light-

grasping for your closeness

as I waken


Hazel A. Witherspoon



quiet place --

sitting next to God

in heaven





if all is empty

what can be held?

this dream, then…




**I'd also have voted for [this haiku] which i loved, but fell short of points.


little league star

the innocence of her

major league dream






No Points This Time, Sorry.



Waking from bad dreams--

At midnight

lightning cracks


Ed Higgins



Pa teaching sun

fishing line throwing -

kid dreams golden fish





hard to imagine

this calm dawn with wren warble

is a dream





wafting on shore

summers the waves

filled my lips


Alegria Imperial



happy moment --

I recall the MP's sweet talk

on development





that touch in dream -

each breath in morning savours

scent of her body


Vishnu P Kapoor



Snow Buddha's

trust in ever falling



Juhani Tikkanen



waking to moonlight

reach out to the silver light

dreaming without sleep


Deirdre Godwin



memories and shadow

old man's reveries last

a lifetime


Harvey Jenkins



imagine a mirage

grasping elusive essences

mirrored fantasies


Lorraine Margueritte Gasrel Black



I leap from bed

the man with an ice axe

gone with my dream


--Kirsty Karkow



writing down

my journey to the moon --



~ Catherine Njeri Maina



nightmare --

dreaming that am

a satan's soldier






framed in a window

the girl of his dreams


André Surridge



 in a dream

the twining of our legs

midsummer night


Greg Longenecker



sweaty dream --

a lady sits on my thigh

at the beach


~ Dominic Kuvonga



 white horses hooves trotting


in a reverie


Petya Gleridis



a dream

sailing with the wind

at a mere thought





spring fever

the days of blooming

our honeymoon dream


Merrill Gonzales



moonbeams on the lake

would a kiss too mean that

I am dreaming?


Páll Kvaran



waking from dreams

the morning foggy

as is my head


Michael S Brock



Ant yawns and stretches

Almost awake...

Smell of earth.


Tanja Cilia



happy moments --

my dream interrupted by

a cold splash





Heavy rains

sitting near the fire

early dreams.


Trevor Camp



sleeping girl -

a blue angel

watching her dreams


Virginia Popescu



dozy afternoon

armchair daydreams

a world of promise


Frances O'Keeffe



after the earthquake --

a Fukushima spa owner

dreams again


~ Isabelle Prondzynski



terrible dream--

whose heart wished

that one?





the kindness of touch

in a dream

wakes up with me


Marylouise Knight



she holds me tighter--

two hearts

in the octopus dream


Bill Pauly



General Comments:


**Not at all an easy task but i had fun selecting these...


**Outstanding poems in this section. I'd also have voted for #52 and#124 [This comment also appears with those poems] which i loved, but fell short of points. 


**Thanks again for this delightful read!  


**There is a sub-genre of haiku and linked tanka form - "dreamku", fine examples may be found at Roswila's Dream & Poetry Realm.



Thank you for participating in the May 2012 Kukai!


We will announce the May 2012 Call for Submissions on Monday, May 7th. See you then!


With much appreciation,


The Shiki Monthly Kukai Team