Sweet and sour meatballs in cucumber cups

Makes 15-17 meatballs


2 Cucumbers peeled and cored


1 lb ground Beef

1 tbsp soy sauce

1/8 tsp. black pepper

½ tsp. Onion powder

½ tsp. paprika

½ tsp. Garlic powder

1 egg

¼ cup bread crumbs


¼ cup Red bell pepper

¼ cup Yellow bell pepper

¼ cup Green bell pepper

¼ cup onion

¼ cup Ketchup

1 whole Lime (juice)

2/3 cup Pineapple jam

½ tsp. salt

1 tbsp sugar

Greedy Tips:

    • After the sauce is made toss the meatballs in and remove from the heat
    • Allow them to sit in the sauce for 5 minutes before serving so the sauce can cling to the meat
    • 1 lb of beef makes about 17 meatballs at 1 1.5 inch diameter, but you can make more if you make them smaller

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