cookie and cream icecream cake

Original post and video instructions :


6 egg yolks

¾ cup white sugar

2 cup whole milk

2 cup cream

1 tablespoon Vanilla extract

¼ teaspoon almond extract (optional)

½ vanilla bean stalk

½ tsp. Nutmeg

36 Oreo cookies (cream removed)

6 tablespoon melted butter

Greedy tips

    • As you can see my cookie sheets cracked when assembling, if you want yours to remain solid, slice into three as soon as it comes out of the oven when it’s still soft because as it cools it hardens. but even if it cracks use them anyway
    • In the video I used parchment paper, however I recommend using saran wrap because if your parchment/wax paper is not strong it will rip when wet from the ice-cream
    • Do be patient, the ice-cream needs to firm up to it can be sliced easily
    • To release it from the pan run a little water on the bottom of the pan and the cake will come out easily
    • When tempering your eggs gradually add the warm mile mixture to the egg, if the milk mixture is too hot the eggs will scramble, and form little clumps in the mixture. But if that does happen a little no worries just strain the liquid before churning into ice-cream.
    • You can make this same recipe with no eggs for an egg free ice-cream base click here then follow all the instructions for the cookie n cream recipe
    • A sharp hot knife cuts this like butter, boil some water and place the knife in the water for 1 to 2 minutes dry the knife then slice the cake.
    • This is the ice cream maker I use