Honey Mustard Jerk Pork with Crostini sticks

At least 40 appetizer servings



5lb pork shoulder (mine was bone in)

1 cup salt

2/3 cup sugar

2 cup buttermilk powder

1 tablespoon allspice

1 whole onion

6 – 8 thyme stems

2 cups hot water

12 cups cold water


4 tbsp Dijon Mustard

1 tbsp Sugar

1 tbsp Salt

1 tbsp paprika

2 tbsp Soy sauce

1 Onion

3 sprigs Thyme leaves

5 cloves Garlic

1 tsp. Ginger

2 stalks scallion

1 tbsp Allspice

1/2 Scotch bonnet (1 whole one for more spice)

½ tsp. cayenne pepper

2 tbsp oil


Left over marinade

Pork reduction (au jus)

½ cup Dijon mustard

¼ cup Honey


    • In a large container dissolve buttermilk powder, sugar and salt in the hot water
    • Add thyme, allspice and Cold water. Mix and ensure everything is dissolved
    • Add the pork and cover, store in refrigerator overnight.
    • After brining, wash and dry thoroughly, score the skin with a sharp blade
    • Grind together all the marinade ingredients in a blender then massage it unto the pork. Let it sit for 4 hours
    • Remove excess marinade form the pork before grilling. (i kept mine in the refrigerator until it was time to make the sauce)
    • Place the pork on a grill skin side down and allow to sear do this for all sides
    • Place pork into a covered roasting pan with tray and water underneath to catch the drippings.
    • After 2 hours of cooking strain most of the drippings from the pork into a pot with the marinade, honey and mustard. Put the meat back in the oven for another 1 ½ hours
    • Cook sauce until thick and saucy then set aside
    • After the last hour of cooking remove the cover and baste the pork in the Dijon sauce
    • Caramelize at 500 for 5-8 minutes
    • Allow to rest for 15 minutes before chopping up

For Crostini sticks

    • Cut bread into thin strips and brush with oil and sprinkle with salt on all sides
    • Bake at 425 until crispy and golden brown on all sides

Greedy Tips

    • I use buttermilk powder since its not as perishable as the liquid.
    • Let the meat rest well after its out the oven so the juices can settle and they won’t run out when cut
    • General rule of thumb is 1 hour cooking time per lb of meat
    • Crostini is a baguette (French bread) sliced thin, oiled and either grilled or toasted with toppings on it. I had no French bread so I used hard dough bread.