Roasted redpepper ricotta ravioli with lavender cream

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Ravioli (makes 28 )

1 pack wonton wrappers

1 cup ricotta

¼ cup roasted red pepper chopped

3 tablespoons chopped shallots

½ cup chopped baby spinach

Lavender Sauce (2 servings)

1 ½ salted tablespoon butter

2 tablespoon lavender leaves

1 tablespoon shallots chopped

1 garlic clove shredded

½ cup heavy cream

2 pinches of salt

2 pinches black pepper

1 teaspoon maple syrup

Greedy tips:

    • Today’s tips are all about substitutions, Lavender isn’t just lying around in the herb section of every grocery store. And you most certainly may NOT use the therapeutic potpourri lavender. You may substitute the lavender for rosemary by half. So the above recipe would call for 1 tablespoon of rosemary.
    • As for the maple syrup, you can sub it for honey or brown sugar.