Apple pie

Original Post:


3 apples

1 lime

½ cup sugar

½ cup flour

1 ½ teaspoon cinnamon

4 tablespoon melted butter (salted)

½ sheet of puff pastry

Few sprinkles of flour


    • Preheat oven to 350 degrees
    • Cut the tops off the apples, using a melon baller scoop out 80% of the insides not coming too close to the skin
    • Rub the apples with the lime to prevent it from browning and squeeze some lime juice on the cored insides
    • Remove the seeds from what was scooped out, and chop finely. Also chop the apple tops
    • Mix apples, sugar, flour cinnamon and butter in a dish until all the apples are evenly coated
    • Spoon the mixture back into the hollow apples. Make sure to pack it down tightly
    • Roll out the puff pastry in a lightly flowered surface and cut thin strips with a sharp knife
    • Place the strips in the apple top in a lattice pattern each apple uses about 8 thin strips 4 in either direction
    • Place apples in a baking dish and fill with water half way up the apple
    • Cover with a foil paper and cook for 20 minutes in the oven
    • After the 20 minutes remove the foil, raise the temp to 375 and bake uncovered for another 15-20 minutes the puff pastry will puff up and be golden brown
    • Remove from water filled dish and cool for 5-8 minutes before serving