

2 cup flour

2 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon vegetable shortening

¼ teaspoon salt

1 cup water

2 tablespoon salted butter

½ cup oil

Instructions: click here to watch metemgee make them.

    • In a bowl mix the flour baking powder, shortening and salt
    • Form a well in the center and slowly add the water, incorporate to form slightly sticky dough
    • Cover with a damp paper towel and set aside for 30 minutes to an hour
    • Melt butter in the oil in a dish
    • After the dough has rested separate into four pieces.
    • Dust flour on a work surface and roll one piece into a large circle brush the entire surface liberally with the butter oil mixture
    • Make a radial cut from the center to the edge and roll the dough around into a cone shape
    • Fold the excess dough over on the top or the cone (the larger end)
    • Flip over and press the pointed end of the cone back into the dough
    • Let it rest for another 20 minutes after you have done all four pieces
    • After the time has passed on a floured surface roll each dough again into a large disk
    • Place on a warm pan and when it starts to bubble flip i
    • Brush the cooked side with the butter oil mix
    • Flip again and brush with more butter
    • After 2 to three minutes fold into four and place in a sealable container
    • Vigorously shake the dough to release the layers and the flakes