ThunderRidge Finals
May 19, 2023
Written By: McKenzie Guertin
High school finals are upon ThunderRidge no matter the class a student is enrolled in. Whether that is an IB class, an AP, or a regular class. There are numerous ways to study, and by studying for a final exam it will lead a student to get a passing grade or excelling on the exam they’re taking.
International Baccalaureate (IB) finals are different from AP exams and baseline class exams. Many of the classes will have students take an IA and/or a final exam.
IB English is different from the rest of the IB curriculum when it comes to finals. In IB English students are asked to write their IB HL Essays. The IB HL Essay is an essay that is graded by someone who knows the IB English curriculum outside of the ThunderRidge. The essay itself has a minimum of 1,200 words and a maximum of 1,500 words. The topic of the essay is decided by the student. They must choose one of the six books from the class that they’ve read during the school year. From there they must choose a central concept to connect to the book of their choice. It is also important to note that during IB English HL II the book a student chose for their HL Essay cannot be used in the IA, or the two papers written senior year.
As for AP classes, the final exam will be the AP test associated with the AP a student is taking. After the students finish their AP exams they are done with the class and gain an off period for the rest of the year. For a class such as AP World students have to complete a series of Document Based Questions (DBQ’s) within the time limit. The results of the AP exam will be uploaded to College Board by late June to early July.
Students enrolled in regular grade level classes will have a final that typically includes materials from the entire year. Different classes give different finals that can be in the form of a project or a unit exam. For some classes, the finals will end up being multiple choice if they have a test for their final.
With the 2023 school year coming to a close and with summer on the horizon, students may not like the study for their final exams. However, it’s important to study for finals in order to succeed and to feel good about the grades received going into the summer.