Post College Choices

Post College Choices 

 March 31st

Many students choose to go to college after high school, as college is greatly encouraged. This is a very good option if they plan on having a career in the future that requires more education, such as a teacher or businessman. Sometimes, students don’t know what to do after college because they can’t jump straight into their career right away. They don’t know how to start their new career, or how to live efficiently. Here are some great options and activities for students to do after college.

There are a variety of different activities, opportunities, and jobs that are available to college graduates. Some of these include taking a gap year, finding an internship, and turning to a passion job.

A simplified version of a gap year is a year where students take a break from academic pressure and figure out what they want to do with their lives. There are different approaches to how people take their gap years, however, the most common is taking a job. Jobs will allow students to take a break from school and earn some money. 

Internships are great for those who are looking for more experience. It allows students to see what a certain job or position looks like firsthand. The internship chosen completely depends on the individual, but some internships that are good for everybody are web development, mobile app development, and software testing.

A passion job is a job that a person has wanted for a long time. Passion jobs can be very difficult to obtain because most passion jobs require lots of experience and education. For example, becoming a waiter at a restaurant would be easier than becoming the president at a company. Employers are looking for experienced individuals for the president position that college graduates just don’t have yet. So, trying to find a passion job mostly depends on if the job is attainable at this stage of life.

Some more examples are volunteer opportunities, regrouping at home, and working for a college. These do not pay as well as the others, however, they are very good for yourself and the environment. Volunteer opportunities are a great way to spend free time after college. They can help the environment and other people, and they have proven to improve mental health. Some really good volunteer opportunities are helping at an animal shelter and community service. Regrouping at home is a great way to relax after college. Family is a great source of inspiration and a safe place for many people, so going home can help students recharge their batteries and get ready for the rest of their life.

Hospitals can be very busy and do not have enough people to attend to all of the patients, so there is plenty of help needed. Helpers are people who deliver food and water, and keep the patient's company. Helpers do not assist doctors or nurses in official hospital business such as diagnoses and medical tests because those include private information. However, helpers are paid for their help (in most hospitals).

Whether it’s taking a gap year, finding an internship, or volunteering, there are many different choices for what to do after going to college. All of them are very good for gaining more life experience and preparing for careers after college.