See a Therapist Online for Anxiety

See a Therapist Online for Help Overcoming Anxiety

Online Therapist via Skype for effective Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia and other Phobias and for the treatment of OCD.

Email me to discover more about this online therapy service and to schedule a Skype therapy session with me.

I will teach you how to work with your anxiety and reactive thinking using the well-tested and respected methods of Mindfulness Therapy.

Mindfulness Therapy is very effective and most people see significant improvements after the first few sessions once you start applying the techniques that I will be teaching you.

Most, if not all of my clients, have already tried and are looking for better alternatives to medications. The focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to treat the underlying cause of your anxiety rather than just trying to manage symptoms.

Online Therapist for Anxiety

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Online Therapy for Anxiety

Anxiety Therapist Online

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Online Therapist for Anxiety

Online Therapy for Anxiety

Do please contact me if you would like help overcoming an anxiety disorder like Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, or OCD.

The online psychotherapy option is very effective, provided you use a video platform like Skype so that we can see each other as well as talk to each other. Seeing each other is essential as it will improve the quality of the psychotherapy process immeasurably.

See a therapist online for the treatment of anxiety

If you would like to see a therapist online for help with anxiety, I invite you to contact me and tell me more about yourself and how I can help you, and then we can schedule a session via Skype to help you overcome your anxiety.

So many people, these days, really like the convenience of online therapy for their anxiety. It’s much easier and it’s also just as effective, as long as you use a video platform like Skype.

If you can see each other, then the effectiveness of communication is just as good as it is seeing a therapist in person.

So if you’d like to see an online therapist for help with generalized anxiety disorder or social anxiety disorder or OCD or for agoraphobia or any other form of anxiety, then please email me and we can schedule a session at a time that works for you.

The style of psychotherapy that I offer via Skype is called Mindfulness Therapy and this is particularly effective for anxiety.

Basically, during the online sessions, I will teach you how to apply mindfulness for working with your anxiety, for neutralizing those anxiety reactions that have become habitual.

We do this by actually learning how to meditate on our emotions and our thoughts using mindfulness meditation, where we make the emotion the central focus of your meditation.

We learn how to build a relationship with your emotions whereby you do not react or identify with those emotions, but are able to sit with the emotion in very much the same way that you would be able to sit with a child that was in pain.

In order to be comforting to the child and help the child you need to be able to sit with the child without becoming reactive, and that the first stage of mindfulness training. We call this developing equanimity, which simply means that you can sit with your emotions without becoming reactive, in that same way.

When you can do that then you can respond to the anxiety, or other emotions that you have detected that feed that anxiety, in a way that helps them heal.

So the first step is not making the anxiety worse by reacting to it. The second stage is learning how to respond to your anxiety with compassion, how to help that anxiety heal, and one of the primary ways we do this is by building that very relationship itself, the relationship between your True Self. And the emotion, which we often call the Little Self.

When that anxiety feels the presence of your True Self then that facilitates the healing and resolution of that anxiety. In most cases the real reason why the anxiety does not heal is because it becomes isolated from your True Self. And that is similar to the situation in which a child is abandoned and isolated from its parents. It needs its parents in order to overcome its own fear and to grow in a healthy way.

And so it is with our emotions. Typically they become isolated and cut off from our True Self, and this prevents them healing.

So during mindfulness meditation we strive to re-establish this relationship between your True Self, the Observer, and the emotion itself. This is the first stage of mindfulness therapy for anxiety. And there are many other aspects of Mindfulness Therapy for anxiety, which you can learn about by spending more time on my website and reading more of the pages there and watching more of the videos on my website.

But if you’d like to get started with me and see for yourself just how effective online Mindfulness Therapy is for treating anxiety, then simply email me and we can schedule is Skype Therapy session for your anxiety.

Most people see results within the first three to four sessions. The mindfulness approach is extremely effective for treating anxiety.

So if you’d like to see an online therapist for help with your anxiety and you like the mindfulness approach that I am specialized in and teach you during the online therapy sessions, then simply reach out to me via email and schedule an online therapy session. Thank you.

See an Online Therapist for Help with Anxiety

Do please contact me if you’d like help with anxiety. If you’d like to see an online therapist for help with anxiety then go to my website and learn about the online therapy for anxiety service that I offer via Skype.

Working with an online therapist is obviously very convenient and all the studies show that online therapy is just as effective as therapy in a face to face situation in a therapist’s office. There’s no difference, especially if you use Skype or other video platform, so you can see each other. That’s the most important thing.

So Skype Therapy is much more effective than email therapy or some form of chat format. Because when you can see each other the efficiency of communication is greatly increased and that’s quite important for working with the concepts of psychotherapy that can help you overcome your anxiety.

So I teach Mindfulness Therapy, which, over the years, has proved to be immensely effective for overcoming all kinds of anxiety, whether that’s a generalized anxiety disorder, whether it’s obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, or whether it might be fear of driving, or any other kind of anxiety that you might be struggling with.

Mindfulness Therapy really is excellent at helping you control those patterns of habitual reactive thinking that feeds your anxiety. It is probably the best approach available.

CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy, is often recommended for working with anxiety and it’s quite good, but I believe Mindfulness Therapy is the next step up from CBT.

It works much more directly with thoughts and with emotions. It works on changing your relationship to thoughts and emotions rather than focusing on trying to get you to change your thoughts by some form of rational intervention. Often that’s just not so effective because your thoughts are very much emotionally charged by anxiety to begin with and it’s very difficult to just try and convince yourself that your thoughts are irrational and somehow stop those thoughts from bothering you.

Mindfulness Therapy doesn’t try to change thoughts by some sort of rational counter argument but rather it works on actually neutralizing the emotional charge of those thoughts directly by working with the emotions that fuel the anxiety thoughts.

A large part of neutralizing an emotion depends on changing the imagery of the emotion. Emotional imagery describes how we see the emotion in the mind. We may not be aware of this inner psychological imagery, but when you focus mindfulness on the emotion you will begin to uncover its image structure.

Typically, painful or intense emotions have large associated imagery. The size of the imagery is a critical factor and is responsible for the intensity of the anxiety. Changing the imagery and making it smaller can have a dramatic effect in resolving anxiety and other intense negative emotions. This is something you can try yourself and see the effect that it has. There are dozens of other image modifications that we can make that directly affect the intensity of any emotion. We explore this in great detail during mindfulness therapy sessions.

You will see for yourself just how effective this approach is. It only takes, really, three to four sessions with me to learn how to apply mindfulness for working with your anxiety, and I will guide you in how to do this and teach you in great detail how to apply mindfulness so that you can practice by yourself working with your thoughts and with your emotions between sessions. And after three or four weeks of working with me you will see tremendous changes.

Online psychotherapy via Skype for help with anxiety

So please contact me if you would like to learn more. Thank you.


See an online therapist for anxiety

See an online psychotherapist for help with anxiety

So if you’d like to see an online therapist for anxiety and you’d like to get help with overcoming anxiety or panic attacks, please go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service that I offer for the treatment of anxiety without the use of medications.

So, online therapy is a very good option indeed for treating anxiety and depression and other common emotional problems that basically are the result of habitual reactive thinking.

So, anxiety is a classic example of this, where we become, essentially, identified with patterns of reactive thinking that proliferates and feeds the underlying anxiety. So, technically anxiety thoughts don’t cause anxiety but they do feed the emotion of anxiety. So learning to work with reactive thoughts is a very important part of overcoming anxiety.

I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy, which is particularly focused on helping you control habitual reactive thoughts.

If you’d like to learn more about this and you’re interested in online therapy then do go to my website and contact me with any questions you may have.

Being able to see a therapist online for anxiety is, of course, very convenient and is very effective indeed, especially if you find it difficult to travel to see a therapist in their office. And really as long as you can see each other using Skype, there’s no difference in the effectiveness of online therapy compared to in-person therapy. You need to be able to see each other. That is the main thing and that is made possible by Skype.

So again if you’d like to see an online therapist for help with your anxiety do please reach out to me and send me an email.

I see people throughout North America and I also see people in Western Europe, and as far away as Australia and New Zealand and even Japan.

All you need is a good internet connection and you can schedule Skype Therapy sessions with me.

So if you’d like to see an online therapist for help with your anxiety give me an email and schedule a therapy session so you can see for yourself just how effective Mindfulness Therapy is for overcoming those patterns of habitual reactive thinking that feed anxiety. Thank you.

I would like to Talk to an Online Therapist for Help with My Anxiety

Online Mindfulness Therapy is a very good choice for helping you control your anxiety. Sessions are very informative and focus on giving you practical mindfulness tools for overcoming your anxiety.

If you would like help from an online therapist for your anxiety or panic disorder, then please email me to ask your questions about this online therapy service and to schedule an online therapy session with me via Skype.


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See my linkedin article: See a Therapist Online for Anxiety

See a Therapist Online for Anxiety

See a Therapist Online for Anxiety