Online Counseling for treating Anxiety

Online Counseling for treating Anxiety

Online Counseling via Skype for effective Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia and other Phobias and for the treatment of OCD.

Email me to discover more about this online therapy service and to schedule a Skype therapy session with me.

I will teach you how to work with your anxiety and reactive thinking using the well-tested and respected methods of Mindfulness Therapy.

Mindfulness Therapy is very effective and most people see significant improvements after the first few sessions once you start applying the techniques that I will be teaching you.

Most, if not all of my clients, have already tried and are looking for better alternatives to medications. The focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to treat the underlying cause of your anxiety rather than just trying to manage symptoms.

Online Counseling for Anxiety

Online Therapist for Anxiety

Anxiety attack treatment without the need for medication

Contact me via email to find out more about Online Psychotherapy sessions via Skype with me.

Everyone that I have worked with really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

”The thing that distinguishes Peter’s approach from other forms of therapy is that the results are pretty much instant, but you are still working with your emotions at a very deep level (unlike, for example, CBT) so are able to create lasting change.”

During these Skype therapy sessions I will teach you mindfulness-based methods for facilitating recovery from all forms of anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, chronic depression, and for help with and other forms of emotional suffering, by applying the very successful techniques of Mindfulness Meditation Therapy.

This approach is remarkably effective and most clients see noticeable recovery after 3-4 Skype sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness-based Skype Therapy is very effective for stopping anxiety and depression without the need for drugs. It is far better to treat the root cause of your emotional pain instead of just treating symptoms.


Find an Online Therapist for Anxiety

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist and I provide online therapy for anxiety and also for treating depression without the use of medications. This is a non-medical approach. It employs mindfulness based psychotherapy, which I find to be preferable to medications because it helps you change the underlying process that causes your anxiety and depression. And that's far better than just treating symptoms.

You need to change the underlying mental process that's causing your anxiety. And this is typically in the form of reactive thinking and other forms of habitual conditioned reactivity that operates unconsciously.

So during our online therapy sessions I will teach you how to apply mindfulness to work with these unconscious habitual reactive processes so that you can change them, because once you begin to make them conscious then you can basically neutralize those habits one by one. You can neutralize the reactive habits of thinking, rumination or worrying or whatever it might be that feeds the anxiety or depression.

So this is one very important process, basically uncovering those conditioned reactive habits.

If you're interested in working with an online therapist who specializes in mindfulness therapy then do please go to my website and learn more about this service and reach out to me by email. Contact me if you have any questions and schedule an online therapy session at a time that works for you.

One particular focus is on anxiety. This is by far the most common condition that most people struggle with, anxiety. There are many different types of anxiety disorders ranging from social anxiety disorder including agoraphobia, there are panic anxiety disorders. There are anxiety disorders based around intrusive thoughts such as OCD. There is health anxiety, where people feel unreasonably anxious around anything to do with physical symptoms or visiting doctor or fear of a possible disease and so on.

There are many different types of anxiety disorders that we have to work with and overcome. Again re-emphasizing the fact, these anxiety disorders are due to psychological habits and these habits operate unconsciously, and it is by making them conscious that you can change those habits. You can retrain the mind to stop feeding anxiety or depression.

So during mindfulness we learn to uncover these habits. We do this by actually focusing consciousness on the anxiety itself so we can discover the detailed network of reactive thoughts that support it. When you'd find a reactive thought that supports the anxiety, all you have to do is stay conscious, to stay conscious with that thought and not identify with it, not become unconscious, whereby you identify and become consumed by that thought.

Having thoughts is not the issue. The issue is this habit of blindly identifying with thoughts or beliefs. Having beliefs is not the issue. You could have a belief that there may be something wrong with your heart rhythm or whatever or some other physical symptom. You can have a belief but that's very different from becoming reactively identified with that belief such that the belief essentially controls you.

So that's what we're trying to change, this compulsive quality of reactive identification. We do that focusing mindfulness on the beliefs, on the thoughts, on the emotions themselves. And this is what allows us to break free from their control, and when he can break free from the control of reactive thoughts then you can change them. You can actually begin to develop internal relationships based on compassion that can help anxiety and fear and depression heal.

So if you'd like to learn more please reach out to me and we can schedule an online therapy session at a time that works for you. I see people worldwide. All you need is a good internet connection and Skype and PayPal for making a secure online payments for your sessions. So if you would like to get started please contact me now. Thank you.


Online Counseling for Anxiety by Skype

Online Therapist for Anxiety over Skype or FaceTime or Zoom

Welcome. If you'd like to see an online psychotherapist for anxiety, I invite you to go to my website and learn more about the online anxiety therapy service that I offer via Skype.

Many people prefer online therapy to the more conventional in person therapy because it's more convenient, obviously, and it also gives you a greater sense of control over your therapy process, over your recovery from emotional issues that you are dealing with.

Online Therapy is specifically designed to teach you new tools to work with your anxiety and also depression and other common psychological problems. It's designed to teach you how to change the relationship that you have with your anxiety.

The biggest problem that I've come across in my work as a psychotherapist is that people fall into the trap of what is called "reactive identification," that is that they become consumed and overwhelmed by their anxiety or other intense emotions that get triggered.

So anxiety is basically a habit. It is a series of conditioned reactions, habitual conditioned reactions, that are triggered by certain events, with certain thoughts or situations that produce severe anxiety or panic attacks or other forms of anxiety disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder.

Basically, the problem is that we become identified with these emotional reactions and their accompanying thoughts. And this is what we must train to reverse, by working with those thoughts and emotions.

I teach Mindfulness Therapy, which I have been teaching online for over ten years now, and I find that to be by far the most effective way for working with reactive emotions and thoughts. It teaches you how to establish a relationship with your emotions such that you are not overwhelmed by them that you do not become identified with them out of habit.

When you can establish a non-reactive relationship with your anxiety, then you can be much more effective in helping that anxiety heal and resolve itself. So Mindfulness Therapy is very good at doing this, in helping you overcome that habit of identifying with anxiety, and then promoting the right conditions for healing that anxiety.

Most people who I work with online can expect to see significant changes after just three or four sessions with me. The Mindfulness Therapy approach is extremely effective, and I invite you to see for yourself.

So please if you are interested in seeing a psychotherapist online and you would like to try working with an online therapist for help with your anxiety using Mindfulness Therapy, then please go to my website and email me and we can schedule a therapy session via Skype at a time that works for you and for me. Thank you.


Online Treatment for Anxiety via Skype

How to overcome anxiety using mindfulness - Mindfulness Meditation Therapy

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I specialize in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression. If you'd like to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome anxiety or depression do please go to my website and learn more about the mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression approach that I teach.

Please email me if you'd like to schedule a Skype therapy session for using mindfulness to manage anxiety.

I will teach you how to apply mindfulness to overcome anxiety. This approach is very very effective. It's designed to teach you mindfulness-based methods for working with reactive thoughts and with your emotions themselves. We have to learn how to control habitual reactive thinking because that's one of the main factors that fuels anxiety.

So that's very important, but we also use mindfulness to work on the emotions themselves. You learn to meditate on your anxiety. This is the most effective way to heal the anxiety. We don't want to just put up with it. We don't want to indulge it. We want to heal it and there's no better method than learning how to meditate on your anxiety. So I'll teach you how to do that during these online therapy sessions.

So if you would like to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome anxiety and you'd like to learn about mindfulness meditation for anxiety, please go to my website and email me to schedule a session. Thank you.


Best online treatment for anxiety and panic attacks

Online Counseling for Anxiety by Skype

Talk with a Psychotherapist Online through Skype for effective online treatment for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD) or any psychological problems not requiring medical treatment. Email me to find out more about this online psychotherapy service and to schedule a Skype therapy session with me.

Let me answer your questions about psychotherapy via Skype, and when you are ready, you can schedule a Skype counseling session with me.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional internet counselor. I specialize in Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy for the treatment of anxiety, depression and addictions.

Now, online treatment for anxiety is becoming highly popular for many reasons. Greater convenience is certainly one of those reasons, but another reason is, of course, because of the condition itself - anxiety. People plagued by anxiety disorders often find it extremely difficult to visit a therapist in his or her office, in-person. So the online therapy option is a very attractive alternative for the treatment of anxiety disorders and also for other anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia and social anxiety.

Whatever the style of therapy that you prefer, you need to transform the underlying structure of the anxiety or depression itself.

Standard Talk Therapy can be useful, but often it does not look at the underlying structure, the underlying process that creates your depression or anxiety.

The same can be said for medications - the drug may provide a temporary relief from symptoms for awhile, but medications are not going to change the underlying psychological process that generates your anxiety or depression.

So, it's very important to seek what we can call a process-centered therapy to try and change the underlying process that creates the anxiety or depression. CBT is an example of a process-oriented therapy. Mindfulness Therapy, which is a system of work that I developed in the 1980's incorporates CBT and cognitive therapy along with mindfulness, and this is another very popular process-oriented therapy that works very well for anxiety and will help you break free from the underlying reactive habits that cause your anxiety.

Contact me to discover more about this online therapy service and to arrange for an online therapy session with me to help you overcome anxiety and panic attacks.

This online counseling service is available throughout the USA, UK and Europe and world-wide.


Online Counseling for Anxiety

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Online Counseling for treating Anxiety

Online Counseling for treating Anxiety