Online Therapist for Anxiety Los Angeles, California

Online Therapist for Anxiety Los Angeles, California

Online Mindfulness Therapy for anxiety via Skype for California, including:

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno, Sacremento, Long Beach, Oakland, Bay Area, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara

Online Therapy for anxiety California

Online Therapist for Anxiety

Online Therapy for Anxiety

See my Linkedin article: Online Therapy for Anxiety

Online Counseling for Anxiety by Skype

Email me if you would like to learn more about Online Psychotherapy sessions with me.

Everyone that I have worked with really benefits from the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I found Peter’s website serendipitously and I can honestly say that I have had excellent results in six sessions utilizing Peter’s approach which, while based in the teachings of the Buddha, are fully compatible with any religion or philosophy."

During these online counseling sessions I will teach you mindfulness-based methods for promoting recovery from all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, OCD, depression, and addiction, including alcohol addiction and other emotional problems, by applying the very practical techniques of Mindfulness Therapy.

This approach is very effective and you will notice tangible changes after the first 2-3 online sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy is highly effective for controlling anxiety and depression without using drugs. It is far better to treat the psychological cause of your emotional pain instead of just suppressing symptoms.


Online Help for Anxiety - Talk to an Online Therapist

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I provide an anxiety chat online help service through Skype where you can get the help that you might be looking for for managing anxiety, panic attacks, OCD and other forms of emotional suffering, including depression.

So during this chat therapy service I will be teaching you mindfulness-based methods for working with your anxiety. The challenge is to prevent the habit of becoming overwhelmed and automatically identified with anxiety reactions and thought reactions that get triggered in the mind. This is by far the central problem that we address during mindfulness training.

We tend to become overwhelmed. We tend to become caught up in anxiety based thinking, and it happens automatically in a conditioned way without our choice or without any sense of control. During mindfulness training we gain control by actually focusing conscious awareness on those emotional and thought habits themselves.

The more you see them, the freer you become from their grip the less they become habitual and when they break that compulsive blind quality of habitual reactivity then the emotions and thought patterns begin to dissolve by themselves. This is a very effective and well-tested method of working with anxiety. You focus your conscious attention on the anxiety but learning not to react to the anxiety.

It is like learning to maintain balance. Say on the edge of the river, in order to maintain and strengthen your balance so you don't fall into the river, you have to actually practice walking on the bank of the river.

And this is the way it is for any form of learning, you have to actually engage with the challenges that cause you to go off balance. Same applies to developing strength through going into a gym, where you need to strengthen the muscle groups in order to be able to run the marathon or whatever you might want to do.

You have to work specifically on strengthening those muscles that are habitually weak. It's the same with anxiety. Anxiety is simply a learned habits and the habit can be overcome by purposefully facing your anxiety. Not arguing with it, not trying to suppress the anxiety, not trying to convince yourself that you don't need to feel anxiety. Those approaches are very, very limited in their effectiveness.

The real effective way to overcome anxiety, as I say, is to learn to stand your ground in the face of anxiety, to learn to maintain your independence in the face of your anxiety, to learn how to maintain freedom in relationship to your anxiety and the reactive thoughts that feed that anxiety.

So during mindfulness teaching we actually purposefully find the thoughts that create the anxiety, we purposefully find the anxiety itself and we focus mindful attention on those mental objects until you have complete freedom and balance.

So if you're interested in scheduling a chat therapy session with me for help with your anxiety or depression of help with panic attacks as well, then please simply go to my website, learn more about the mindfulness therapy approach and about online chat therapy in general and let's schedule a Skype therapy session at a time that works for you. Thank you.


Online Treatment for Anxiety via Skype

Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety available via Skype or FaceTime or Zoom

Please contact me via my website if you would like to talk to an online psychotherapist for help with anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, OCD and phobia.

So would you like to see an online therapist for anxiety? Seeing an online psychotherapist for the treatment of anxiety is a very good option if you specifically want to learn how to manage your anxiety yourself without relying on continual treatment by a psychotherapist or medications.

Medications are useful in some cases but typically do very little, indeed, to change the underlying cause of your anxiety. And that's what you really need to focus on if you want to recover.

So we don't want to become reliant on a therapist or medications or other treatment protocols to overcome our anxiety.

Rather focus your efforts on learning how to manage your emotions and thoughts more effectively. And that's what I teach during my online Mindfulness Therapy sessions.

I will show you very practical ways of eliminating anxiety by working with your emotions using mindfulness.

So Mindfulness Therapy is similar in some ways, some properties, to CBT but it's actually much more focused on helping you change emotions directly, on promoting healing rather than trying to get you to change your views or beliefs as is the typical focus in CBT.

We want to find those emotions that are stuck, essentially, and we want to help them change and heal so that you no longer feel anxiety when you encounter the triggers in your life that trigger anxiety. That's the goal and, in my opinion, Mindfulness Therapy is one of the most effective methods for achieving this goal.

So if you like to learn more and you are interested in seeing an online psychotherapist for anxiety then simply go to my website and contact me and we can schedule a Skype Therapy session at a time that works for you.

Most of my clients come to me for help with anxiety and want to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome their anxiety.

Typically clients have already tried conventional talk therapy, sometimes for years. Most of my clients also have had experience with prescription medications and anti-anxiety medications, and usually want to do something different.

The overwhelming opinion from my clients is that talk therapy, just talking about your emotions, is not really very effective in the long term, and the same for medications, they may provide a temporary relief, but they do not provide a long-term solution for anxiety.

So people come to me, and if you want to start with me, then simply send me an email, and you will see significant improvements after the first three or four sessions with me because the focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to teach you how to work with your emotions and how to promote healing of the anxiety and depression and other emotional suffering.

So please contact me if you'd like to get started with online therapy for your anxiety. Thank you.


How to overcome anxiety using mindfulness - Mindfulness Meditation Therapy

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I specialize in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression. If you'd like to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome anxiety or depression do please go to my website and learn more about the mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression approach that I teach.

Please email me if you'd like to schedule a Skype therapy session for using mindfulness to manage anxiety.

I will teach you how to apply mindfulness to overcome anxiety. This approach is very very effective. It's designed to teach you mindfulness-based methods for working with reactive thoughts and with your emotions themselves. We have to learn how to control habitual reactive thinking because that's one of the main factors that fuels anxiety.

So that's very important, but we also use mindfulness to work on the emotions themselves. You learn to meditate on your anxiety. This is the most effective way to heal the anxiety. We don't want to just put up with it. We don't want to indulge it. We want to heal it and there's no better method than learning how to meditate on your anxiety. So I'll teach you how to do that during these online therapy sessions.

So if you would like to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome anxiety and you'd like to learn about mindfulness meditation for anxiety, please go to my website and email me to schedule a session. Thank you.


Online Treatment for Anxiety via Skype

How to Overcome Anxiety Without Anti-anxiety medications

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist and I specialize in a system of psychotherapy that I developed several years ago now, called Mindfulness Therapy. So if you're looking for an online therapist to help you overcome anxiety without using medication then I invite you to take a look at my website and then e-mail me if you'd like to ask any questions and also to schedule an online therapy session with me if this interests you.

Most people really enjoy the convenience of online therapy. And people are always looking for alternatives to medication. Medication may have its place but it's really important that you understand that medications cannot change the underlying cause of your anxiety or panic attacks. The underlying cause of anxiety, and I would say this applies to depression as well, his psychological in nature. It is primarily a subjective psychological habit that becomes established and is rapidly and easily activated by stimuli, certain factors either external factors or internal factors such as thoughts and beliefs. But the mechanism that generates the anxiety is psychological and is basically a habit. I call this the "anxiety habit" and the anxiety habit can be changed.

The most important way to change any habit is to bring more conscious awareness to it. This of course is a primary feature of Mindfulness Therapy. Mindfulness is all about developing more conscious awareness around the thoughts and emotional reactions of the mind. It's learning to see them clearly without becoming blindly attached to them, blindly identified with them, so that you become a victim of your thoughts or beliefs or other emotional reactions that may be activated in your mind.

We want to become free from the mind, basically. We want to be free from its contents. We don't want to be controlled by habitual emotional or cognitive reactions.

So developing this freedom from content of mind is a central feature of the system of mindfulness therapy that I have been working on, and it is very, very effective indeed. And most people see substantial changes within a very short time, usually no more than a few weeks once you start applying the mindfulness methods and mindfulness meditation techniques that I teach.

We have to stop running away from our habitual emotional and cognitive reactions. We need to turn things around, and this means we actually learn to meditate on the mind. This is the definition of mindfulness meditation. It is not about trying to escape the mind or divert the mind onto the breath or other more positive or neutral objects. The purpose of mindfulness meditation is to meditate on the mind and liberate yourself from those habits that cause suffering.

So if you'd like to learn more about this approach and you are motivated to overcome your anxiety without medication, then please email me and let's schedule a trial psychotherapy session.

I see clients all over North America and Western Europe and the UK and as far away as Australia and Japan. All you need is an internet connection and we can schedule a Skype Therapy session at a time that works for both of us. So if you would like to get started and you would really like to make significant changes in your anxiety, then please contact me now.


Online Therapist for Anxiety Los Angeles, California

Online Therapist for Anxiety Los Angeles, California