Overcome Your Anxiety - See an Online Psychotherapist

Overcome Your Anxiety - See an Online Psychotherapist via Skype

Talk to a Psychotherapist online via Skype for effective online mindfulness-based psychotherapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia and other Phobias and for the treatment of OCD. 

Email me to discover more about this online therapy service and organize a Skype therapy session with me.

Online Psychotherapist for Anxiety

Online Therapist for Anxiety

Linkedin article: Online Psychotherapist for Anxiety

Online Therapy to Overcome Anxiety and Panic Attacks without Medication 

Please feel free to contact me by email to find out more about Skype Therapy with me. 

Everyone that I have worked with really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

”The thing that distinguishes Peter’s approach from other forms of therapy is that the results are pretty much instant, but you are still working with your emotions at a very deep level (unlike, for example, CBT) so are able to create lasting change.”

During these Skype sessions of Mindfulness Therapy I will teach you how to use mindfulness for recovering from all forms of anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, OCD, chronic depression, and addiction recovery and other forms of emotional suffering, by applying the very effective methods of Mindfulness Therapy. 

This approach is extremely effective and most of my clients/students notice tangible improvements after the first few online sessions with me. 

Online Mindfulness-based Skype Psychotherapy is very effective for overcoming anxiety and depression without the need for drugs. It is always better to treat the psychological cause of your psychological suffering rather than just managing symptoms.


Online Treatment for Overcoming Anxiety via Skype 

Reach out to me by email if you would like to schedule Online Therapy with me. 

Online Therapist Specializing in the treatment of Anxiety Disorders

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist and I specialize in the treatment of anxiety disorders. So if you're looking for an online therapist for anxiety and then I encourage you to go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service for treating anxiety that I offer via Skype. 

It's very easy to get started. All you need is an internet connection and Skype and PayPal to make your secure online payments for sessions and then you can get the kind of help that you need. 

So I specialize in mindfulness therapy for treating anxiety disorders and mindfulness therapy is immensely effective because it teaches you how to break free from the underlying habitual reactivity that really is the foundation of anxiety. 

Whether that's generalized anxiety disorder or social anxiety disorder or if you suffer from panic attacks or if you are suffering from agoraphobia or any other kind of phobia or even even if you're struggling with driving anxiety, all forms of anxiety are essentially psychological habits. We learn them over time, often they get started in childhood because a child is not very skilled at processing intense emotions, whether those are traumatic emotions or intense fear based emotions. Whatever kind of emotion they might be, it's very difficult for a child processes so it tends to get stuck, essentially, and get suppressed and pushed down in the mind and it becomes a source of emotional energy that feeds emotional reactivity later in life. 

So that's how anxiety disorders typically get started. But we don't have to go back to childhood to change our anxiety disorder. We can't change the past but we can change the present and that is where we look at the actual psychological habit that's getting triggered right now. How it actually works right now in your present existence, how does that work. What other kind of reactive thoughts that proliferate around that anxiety and that feed it? What other emotional reactions are associated with the anxiety and that feed it, and so on. 

We need to uncover the actual structure of your anxiety, how it really works. And mindfulness is the best tool available for doing this. So during the sessions I will teach you how to use mindfulness, how to apply mindfulness to work with your anxiety. And basically what we are learning to do is just take it out of that unconscious habit mode and put it into a conscious space. We do this by actively meditating on our anxiety. 

Trying to avoid your anxiety, trying run away from it and suppressing it is not going to help it heal. It actually ends up feeding the anxiety. But when you bring conscious mindful attention to your anxiety then you are creating the perfect conditions to help that anxiety heal and dissolve itself now, no matter what the cause was historically. 

So we build a conscious relationship with our anxiety. We also build a friendly compassionate relationship with that anxiety. So anxiety is very much like a child. It's stuck. It doesn't know how to heal itself. It requires its parent to do that because its parent has more resources, more consciousness, and a larger perspective to come and comfort the child and allow the child to heal its anxiety by providing a safe and conscious and loving space. 

This is what we need to do with our anxiety. When you create that kind of relationship with it then that violence will heal. This has been proven over and over again. I have worked with hundreds of clients now and in every case this is what really makes the difference. When they stop running away from their anxiety and instead turn toward it and actually learn to meditate on the anxiety. This is what makes the difference. 

If you'd like to learn more about how to apply mindfulness for healing anxiety and you would like to talk to an online therapist for help with your anxiety, then please contact me and tell me more about how anxiety is affecting you and I will be happy to explain to you in more detail how mindfulness therapy can work for you. 

Most people see tremendous changes within three to four sessions. It's quite surprising how effective mindfulness therapy can be. So please contact me if you would like to get started. 


Online Therapist for Anxiety via Skype - Learn how to deal with anxiety 

See an Online Psychotherapist via Skype for Help with Anxiety

Do please contact me if you'd like help with anxiety. If you'd like to see an online therapist for help with anxiety then go to my website and learn about the online therapy for anxiety service that I offer via Skype. 

So working with an online therapist is obviously very convenient and all the studies show that online therapy is just as effective as therapy in a face to face situation in a therapist's office. There's no difference, especially if you use Skype or other video platform, so you can see each other. That's the most important thing. 

So Skype Therapy is much more effective than email therapy or some form of chat format. Because when you can see each other the efficiency of communication is greatly increased and that's quite important for working with the concepts of psychotherapy that can help you overcome your anxiety. 

So I teach Mindfulness Therapy, which, over the years, has proved to be immensely effective for overcoming all kinds of anxiety, whether that's a generalized anxiety disorder, whether it's obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, or whether it might be fear of driving, or any other kind of anxiety that you might be struggling with. 

Mindfulness Therapy really is excellent at helping you control those patterns of habitual reactive thinking that feeds your anxiety. It is probably the best approach available. 

CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy is often recommended for working with anxiety and it's quite good, but I believe Mindfulness Therapy is the next step up from CBT. 

It works much more directly with thoughts and with emotions. It works on changing your relationship to thoughts and emotions rather than focusing on trying to get you to change your thoughts by some form of rational intervention. 

Often that's just not so effective because your thoughts are very much emotionally charged by anxiety to begin with and it's very difficult to just try and convince yourself that your thoughts are irrational and somehow stop those thoughts from bothering you. 

Mindfulness Therapy doesn't try to change thoughts by some sort of rational argument but rather it works on actually neutralizing the emotional charge of those thoughts directly by working with the emotions that fuel the anxiety thoughts. 

You will see for yourself just how effective this approach is. It only takes, really, three to four sessions with me to learn how to apply mindfulness for working with your anxiety, and I will guide you in how to do this and teach you in great detail how to apply mindfulness so that you can practice by yourself working with your thoughts and with your emotions between sessions. And after three or four weeks working with me you will see tremendous changes. 

So please contact me if you would like to learn more. Thank you. 


How to Overcome Anxiety through Mindfulness Meditation Therapy

Mindfulness Meditation Therapy is one of the most successful psychotherapies available for overcoming anxiety disorders. It has elements of CBT but focuses much more on changing the actual process that creates anxiety and depression in the mind.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist offering Mindfulness Therapy, which is my specialty and which I talk about in my book, "The Path of Mindfulness Meditation."

If you would like to learn more about how to overcome anxiety through mindfulness meditation, do please go to my website and learn more about this unique approach to overcoming anxiety.

Mindfulness Therapy is particularly effective for anxiety and also for depression, and this is because it teaches you how to change your relationship to your emotions and to your thoughts so that you don't become so easily overwhelmed by recurring patterns of emotional reactivity or intrusive thoughts.

This is the major problem that most people face - is what we often call "rumination" or "automatic reactive thinking" that triggers the underlying emotion of depression or anxiety.

Mindfulness allows us to break free from this automatic process by making it conscious. We begin to see the thoughts as triggers and the moment we see the process happening we can stop it right there and then through becoming conscious of that trigger.

With practice you can learn to see thoughts and emotional reactions as they arise in the mind, but then you are able to stop them turning into anxiety and depression. In this way, we take the fuel away from that underlying anxiety or depression. If you stop feeding the fire of anxiety or depression then the emotion will burn itself out and healing becomes possible.

During Mindfulness Therapy we learn how to actually meditate on our anxiety or depression or other painful emotions. And, it is through this process that you begin to change the whole process that creates the emotional suffering.

If you would like to learn more about how to overcome anxiety or depression using Mindfulness Therapy, please go to my website and CONTACT ME and then we can schedule a therapy session over Skype.

Mindfulness Therapy works really well through online Skype therapy sessions. So, please go to my website and contact me. Thank you! 


Online Therapist for Anxiety via Skype - Learn how to overcome anxiety

I will be most happy to answer your questions about online therapy, and when you feel ready, you can schedule a Skype counseling session with me.

How to overcome Anxiety Attacks without medication

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional mindfulness therapist and I offer online therapy over Skype. 

So how can we overcome anxiety attacks without medication?

The problem of an anxiety disorder is that it's not short-lived like "normal anxiety", it persists, it is recurrent. It keeps affecting the quality of our life on a daily basis, it keeps coming back. That is not a normal state of anxiety. It's basically become a self-sustaining habit that recreates itself over and over again when certain triggers are present. For example driving anxiety. So chronic driving anxiety or phobia is quite different than the normal kind of anxiety we might experience when traffic is very heavy or when weather conditions change on the road. So driving anxiety disorder is one in which we are propelled into panic attacks and to extreme fear reactions by really quite normal triggers. 

So in that case we need to find a way of changing the underlying habit that causes that anxiety. This we can do through mindfulness therapy and other forms of psychotherapy that address the underlying habits that is causing the anxiety. 

Medications may have a place in some situations, but it's really important to understand that medications are not going to change that psychological habit. All medications do is relieve the symptoms for a while. 

So, if you have persistent anxiety, an anxiety disorder, such as a phobia or such as OCD or a panic disorder or agoraphobia or any other form of extreme anxiety, then you need to look at the underlying psychological habits. 

We can change that by becoming more conscious of how the habit works. The typical response that we have, usually, to any kind of unpleasant experience such as anxiety is that we run away from it. We try to avoid it. We try to avoid the triggers that produce that anxiety. But this really starts to strengthen that anxiety habit. 

It means that we become more and more under the control of habit and that simply strengthens the habit. So, in Mindfulness Therapy we recognize this as a primary problem: avoidance and also aversion to unpleasant emotional reactions. That's really what feeds the habit. 

Instead, we learn to sit with our anxiety in much the same way as we might sit with a friend who is in pain. You learn not to become as upset as our friend, but rather to become a safe and supportive person that is able to provide a space around that anxiety that's what helps the person overcome their anxiety if we can provide that protective space. 

Is very much the same with our emotions. We learn to become friends to our emotions by creating a protective space around them so that the emotions don't ignite further reactivity in the form of reactive thinking and react to behaviors that feed that anxiety. 

When you can sit with your anxiety in this way not reacting to it then you're creating the ideal conditions in which that anxiety will begin to change itself and begin to heal. And when you're not reacting then you can actually participate in is healing, you can help it heal itself. So we call this building the alliance between your True Self and Little Self. The Little Self is the anxiety and other emotional habits that operate blindly out of consciousness like any habit to feed that anxiety. 

The True Self is that part of you that can observe the anxiety without reacting. It's what can be present with the anxiety without becoming anxious. So once you get that dynamic between your True Self, the observer mind and the Little Self, the reactive mind, then you can begin to change those habits. 

I will teach you how to do this during these online therapy sessions that I offer. So if you'd like to learn how to avoid and overcome anxiety attacks without medication, do please go to my website and then email me to schedule an online therapy session. This approach of using mindfulness is very effective indeed, and most people see significant changes after the first two or three sessions. 


Online Psychotherapist for Anxiety

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Overcome Your Anxiety - See an Online Psychotherapist

Overcome Your Anxiety - See an Online Psychotherapist