Find an online therapist for help overcoming anxiety

Find an online therapist for help overcoming anxiety

Online Therapist via Skype for effective Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia and other Phobias and for the treatment of OCD.

Email me to discover more about this online therapy service and to schedule a Skype therapy session with me.

I will teach you how to work with your anxiety and reactive thinking using the well-tested and respected methods of Mindfulness Therapy.

Mindfulness Therapy is very effective and most people see significant improvements after the first few sessions once you start applying the techniques that I will be teaching you.

Most, if not all of my clients, have already tried and are looking for better alternatives to medications. The focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to treat the underlying cause of your anxiety rather than just trying to manage symptoms.

Online Therapist for Anxiety

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Online Therapy for Anxiety

How to overcome anxiety without depending on anti-anxiety medications

Please feel free to contact me to learn more about Online Mindfulness-based psychotherapy with me.

During these online therapy sessions I will teach you how to apply mindfulness for working with all forms of anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, OCD, depression, and addiction, including alcohol addiction and other forms of emotional suffering, by using the very successful teachings of Mindfulness Therapy.

This approach is particularly effective and you can expect to notice tangible reduction in the intensity of your anxiety or depression after 3-4 Skype therapy sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness Therapy is extremely effective for controlling anxiety and depression without relying on drugs. Treat the cause of your emotional pain rather than just trying to manage symptoms.


See an Online Therapist for help overcoming Anxiety

During the Skype therapy sessions that I offer, you will learn mindfulness therapy techniques for managing the habitual reactive thinking that feeds anxiety and depression. This approach is very effective and most people see significant reduction in the intensity of their anxiety after 3-4 sessions.

Online Therapist for help with an Anxiety Disorder

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist for anxiety and depression and other emotional problems. If you would like to talk to an online therapist to help with anxiety or depression, simply go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service and then contact me by email and we can arrange for a Skype therapy session.

The style of therapy that I offer online is called mindfulness therapy which is an immensely effective for helping you manage anxiety. It will teach you how to break free from the psychological habit of reactive thinking and rumination and intrusive thoughts that feeds the underlying anxiety itself.

Mindfulness therapy is extremely good for training yourself to overcome unconscious emotional habits and most of my clients see quite dramatic changes after three to four sessions of online therapy for their anxiety, and this is simply because it's very direct and it focuses on the actual process that creates anxiety.

When you start to apply the mindfulness techniques that I teach, you will soon see how you can take charge of your anxiety and how you can really reverse the process of being overwhelmed by reactive thinking.

If you'd like to learn more and you would like to talk to an online therapist to get the help that you need for your anxiety, then please go to my website and send me an email and then we can schedule an online therapy session. Thank you!


Anxiety attack treatment without depending on medication

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy, which I offer online via Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression, addictions and many other common psychological-emotional problems that really respond well to mindfulness training.

So if you're looking for an online therapist to provide you with effective techniques for working with your anxiety and reducing it and eliminating your anxiety, then please reach out to me. Simply e-mail me. Tell me more about yourself and the particular problems that you're struggling with and ask any questions you may have about online mindfulness therapy.

So seeing a therapist online is a very good choice for most people, especially if you use Skype so that you can see each other, then really, there's no difference at all in my experience between online therapy or seeing a therapist in person.

So how do we apply mindfulness for working with anxiety? Well there are lots of different aspects to this, but the first most important thing to understand is that anxiety is a habit. It's something that got established early on in your life and it became habitual, which means that it operates out of consciousness.

So the first aspect of recovery from any kind of anxiety condition is developing more consciousness and that is exactly what mindfulness is all about. It's developing an awakened consciousness to see your anxiety clearly as it is without reacting to it, without becoming lost in the constellation of reactive thoughts and beliefs and emotional reactions that make up the structure of anxiety.

We practice seeing all of these components clearly and without becoming unconscious, without becoming reactive. When you react you essentially lose consciousness and you become controlled by that habit reaction. So this is the first necessary condition for healing anxiety: developing more consciousness.

The second part of mindfulness training, and I will teach you how to do this, is to develop compassion and friendliness towards your anxiety and other emotions that make up that anxiety. The friendliness component is an essential ingredient of mindfulness. If it does not have compassion or love within it then it is not mindfulness. It may be awareness but it's certainly not mindfulness. Mindfulness must have this. There's this added quality of friendliness and compassion.

So we learn to cultivate compassion towards our anxiety and, of course, that is precisely what the anxiety or fear needs. It needs to reconnect with that bigger part of you that can provide love and compassion. Anxiety typically gets started when those mental formations become disconnected from your True Self. When they become isolated and cut off from your True Self, that's what allows them to proliferate and that prevents them from healing.

So if this interests you if you are interested in talking to an online therapist who specializes in mindfulness therapy for anxiety then do please reach out to me by email.

Go to my website learn more about mindfulness therapy in general for treating anxiety and then email me and lets schedule a Skype therapy session you will see very quickly just how powerful mindfulness therapy and training can be for her healing anxiety and other forms of emotional suffering.

So if you want to get started with the mindfulness approach rather than medications please contact me. Thank you.


How to Overcome Anxiety through Mindfulness Meditation Therapy

Mindfulness Meditation Therapy is one of the most successful psychotherapies available for overcoming anxiety disorders. It has elements of CBT but focuses much more on changing the actual process that creates anxiety and depression in the mind.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist offering Mindfulness Therapy, which is my specialty and which I talk about in my book, "The Path of Mindfulness Meditation."

If you would like to learn more about how to overcome anxiety through mindfulness meditation, do please go to my website and learn more about this unique approach to overcoming anxiety.

Mindfulness Therapy is particularly effective for anxiety and also for depression, and this is because it teaches you how to change your relationship to your emotions and to your thoughts so that you don't become so easily overwhelmed by recurring patterns of emotional reactivity or intrusive thoughts.

This is the major problem that most people face - is what we often call "rumination" or "automatic reactive thinking" that triggers the underlying emotion of depression or anxiety.

Mindfulness allows us to break free from this automatic process by making it conscious. We begin to see the thoughts as triggers and the moment we see the process happening we can stop it right there and then through becoming conscious of that trigger.

With practice you can learn to see thoughts and emotional reactions as they arise in the mind, but then you are able to stop them turning into anxiety and depression. In this way, we take the fuel away from that underlying anxiety or depression. If you stop feeding the fire of anxiety or depression then the emotion will burn itself out and healing becomes possible.

During Mindfulness Therapy we learn how to actually meditate on our anxiety or depression or other painful emotions. And, it is through this process that you begin to change the whole process that creates the emotional suffering.

If you would like to learn more about how to overcome anxiety or depression using Mindfulness Therapy, please go to my website and CONTACT ME and then we can schedule a therapy session over Skype.

Mindfulness Therapy works really well through online Skype therapy sessions. So, please go to my website and contact me. Thank you!


Anxiety Counseling Online over Skype

How to overcome an anxiety disorder through Mindfulness Therapy via Skype

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I provide online mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression and addictions. But mostly people come to me for help with anxiety disorders. This is by far the most common problem that most people struggle with. So if you're interested in mindfulness therapy for overcoming an anxiety disorder do please reach out to me by e-mail. Go to my website, learn more about Mindfulness Therapy and how it can help you overcome your anxiety disorder.

So anxiety disorders, generally, describe problems that are persistent, that are chronic in nature. It's not the short term anxiety that we might experience for example giving a presentation or something like that. We are concerned with persistent recurrent anxiety. So generalized anxiety disorder is one kind of very common anxiety that is characterized by chronic worrying, just catastrophizing, just basically a form of anxiety that is characterized by the proliferation of anxiety based thoughts that just keep feeding that anxiety in a vicious circle. Social anxiety disorder as another anxiety disorder that I work with is also based on a whole network of habitual reactive thoughts and beliefs that feeds a basic underlying insecurity in social situations.

And it is very important to work with your anxiety disorder and not let it grow and gain strength, because it tends to continue to grow if not checked. It's like a weed. And if you don't take care of it it will start to limit you more and more. Because one of the key problems that people experience when they're suffering from an anxiety disorder is they start to get into patterns of avoidance and aversion, that is trying to run away from the anxiety. They try to limit their exposure to anxiety producing situations. They try to avoid the source.

The only effective method to overcome an anxiety disorder like generalized anxiety disorder or social anxiety disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder as well is by actually not avoiding it but actually facing it very directly, very head on. But in a strategic way. Not just allowing yourself to become overwhelmed by the anxiety.

Then we choose to meditate on each of those thoughts. So this is developing non-avoidance. This is developing that conscious relationship. We learn to see the anxiety producing thought as an object in the mind, which is what it is, what it always was to begin with. We see it as an object that gets triggered in the mind and it arises in the mind. And our job is to see it clearly without identifying with it, without trying to push it away.

So we develop a conscious relationship with it, as if we hold that thought in a space and we embrace it in that space but without feeding it through reactivity. That is what produces change. And it can be very quick as well in producing changes and basically undoing that habit of reactive thinking that feeds the anxiety.

So we deliberately meditate on our anxiety thoughts, we don't avoid them. The second part of mindfulness therapy involves looking at the structure of those thoughts. Besides the proliferation of reactive thinking around the anxiety we also look at the actual structure, the internal structure of the anxiety itself, and that structure is in the form of imagery.

So all emotions are based around imagery, that is what holds them together in the mind, gives them structure and investigating that imagery is a very, very effective way of neutralizing the anxiety habit, the anxiety reactions, to begin with.

So to learn more simply e-mail me and to schedule a session simply tell me what times and days work for you and we can then go ahead and schedule the first therapy session. Most people see quite dramatic changes after that very first session and certainly within three or four sessions you can expect to see major improvements and a major reduction in the level of anxiety that's affecting you. So please reach out to me by email and let's schedule an online mindfulness therapy session for your anxiety. Thank you.


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Find an online therapist for help overcoming anxiety

Find an online therapist for help overcoming anxiety