Linear Perspective: Observational Drawing

This project was about linear perspective. I was asked to take a picture of a hall and quite literally, draw that hall or space that I took a picture of. The piece/ project was made with pencil, paper, and my computer to map out where the converging lines were. First I took the picture, then I emailed the picture to my laptop, then created and mapped out converging lines. After that I drew the background first, trying to draw the picture as closely as possible, I placed my point then proceeded to draw the hall.

I used space, line and shape to create this piece. By minimizing the shapes and lines that are farther back, it creates perspective and does not feel as flat. You could even create some movement from these elements, because it looks like the back wall is moving away from you.

This piece does not relate to my life, it's not a room in my house, it's a room in the school. School is part of my life, but I do not consider the hall that drew a part of my life. I think that I struggled the most on the brick wall, there are many different sized bricks that do not match the original wall, and I was lazy and did not count each line of bricks. I simply estimated and proceeded to draw the wall.Â