
1) Of which in-class project (Pinch Pots, Coil Pot, Slab Project, Artist Inspired) are you most proud? Why? Please explain and be specific. What did you learn from doing this project (about yourself as an art maker and/or about the technical process of working with clay)?

I think my best in-class project was my coil pots. Although they were not that creative, I think they came out cleaner then the rest of my in-class pots. I also understood the properties and what clay likes, and does not like. I really thought I wouldn't like the coil technique in general, I thought it would be hard to work with. And in some ways it was, but it's easier to create larger forms without having to hollow them out. I also learned that clay has a large learning curve. Keeping the pots a certain way while drying, and planning out before hand what you were going to do. 

2) How has taking this class changed the way you think about ceramics? This could include your own art-making, how you appreciate art, and/or how you might look differently at art in the world around you.

Glaze is very complex, and there are just like an infinite amount of possibilities. And I feel like I didn't even begin to grasp some of glazes complexities. I thought I would understand 3-d objects more (in a drawing sense), but ceramics didn't really seem to affect anything. Maybe I am just already proficient enough in 3-d things. I definitely improved my ceramic skills, not that I'm very good. But I feel like I can control the clay better than before. I didn't think it really had an impact on my art really, my dad works with ceramics so I have been growing up with ceramic figures all my life. 

3) What recommendations would you make for ways that the class could be improved (please don’t worry about hurting my feelings- artists learn from, and expect, constructive criticism).

I think this class is really good, I cant think of any problems with your education. Sometimes I feel like you teaching us how to do something is sometimes too long, but then I remember how much time you give us for projects. So I actually think the way you teach us certain techniques is actually affective. And I also don't think you're not engaged enough with us, I think you do a good job providing help to people who look like they need it. Overall I don't see any problems with your teaching. I think you should continue to do what you have been doing.