relief sculpture

My idea with this piece was changed about 3-4 times. My first idea was to create a mouth open with a tongue and other things coming out. I scrapped it because I was bored of the idea, I thought something was missing and that it wasn't creative enough. I used one of the jaws in my next idea, and my next. And finally, in my final idea (again using one of the original jaws) I came up with this. Im not sure what it means, if it means anything. 

this piece was created with a structure of aluminum foil, and two layers of clay. aluminum foil to create the basic shape (and so it is structurally sound-ish), the first layer of clay to create a smoother shape, so I can add the blanket and have a smooth(ish) finish. 

If you could not tell, the color of the gums fade from dark purple to a sort of lavender, to pink. the whole piece is basically based on the gradient of the gums and teeth. and if you focus on that aspect too much, youy start to forget that you're actually looking at a set of jaws..