84 color project

For this project we were asked to create a piece that included all 12 colors, with 3 shades and 3 tints. We used pre-primed canvas, acrylic paint (red, yellow, blue, white and black) and paintbrushes. I first came up with three ideas and chose the one I like the most. Then sketched it out on the canvas- making changes as I went. I then started with the primary colors, then secondary and finally tertiary colors. 

I used color, value and form to create balance and contrast throughout the piece. Color, obviously because the assignment was to make an 84 different colored piece; Value because we had to create tints and shades of the colors. Lastly, Form because I used sharp angles and curves where the different colors were, to make it easy to see what was what.

I don't have a story for the piece, I just enjoy creating aliens and mushrooms when I draw. I think I excelled at the primary and secondary colors, but the tertiaries colors looked a lot like the secondary colors. I also think the alien is the best part of the piece. I think I also could have made the piece even more complicated if I had come up with what the pieces actual colors were. If I had that in mind at the time, all of the colors would be completely different because of the layering effect it would have.