elements project

lots of ear wax 

clay, glaze 

other angles:

I created this sculpture based on the assignment to create a functional object that relates to the four elements (water, air, fire, and earth). I decided to create a candleholder (related to fire) made up of only ears. The candles go into the canal of the ears; kind of like earwax, it's supposed to be a play on words. 

I started with a sketch of stacked ears, but I decided to make it more interesting and have the ears kind of lying everywhere. That way, the holder can hold more than just one singular candle on top, and it looks more interesting. 

I really liked how this turned out, although it's not fired yet I think it will turn out very colorful which I wanted. The top two ears broke off while I was glazing, so hopefully they fuse when they get fired because of the glaze.


a little earwax 

clay, glaze