3D design

My work I think is very visual, I like to imagine things that are said in my mind. And with my pieces, I like to focus on how the color is matching with other colors and the shape of my pieces. Another big thing for me is compositing, all things that are visually appealing. But I think when it comes to weaknesses and strengths, my works are hard for me to create in a 3 dimensional way (unless its simple and clean), but when it comes to 2 dimensions, I think that's where my strengths show. Maybe because when you think and visualize things in your mind its 2 dimensional? I'm not sure, but that's just the case. I think in the beginning I didn't know how to implement my strengths into my early pieces. But I think in the case of the rings, you can see that I focus more on what I'm good at, like color, and shape. I think the most challenging project was either the clay form, or the relief sculpture. The relief sculpture I changed my idea on like  around 5 times, and I just could not get something that I loved and kept having ideas. But I think the clay form was physically harder because of the processes I was new to, like timing things right to where I could work with the clay better. And thats why most of the clay pills are a little wonky (and not to my liking). The project I am most proud of is definitely the clay forms, because the process was so long and different for me, that when it was finally done it was great. But I do think the coolest (visually) project was my final one- sustained investigation #4. My goals are really just to do more art, I feel like I've been straying away from art and I wanna do more things based around art. especially things like designing clothes (I really really wanna do that this summer with Enzo) and bigger more intimidating pieces.