
張貼日期:May 29, 2016 12:39:30 AM


日西沉 月東昇 大地一片好安寧

Sunset west, moonrise east; The earth is tranquil and still.

黑夜中 一輪明月一盞燈

A bright moon; Beacon on a dark night.

天邊月 放光明 照亮歸人的旅程

Moon (above the horizon) emanating brightness, Lighting the path of return.

暗地裡 一片玉壺透冰清

In darkness, shining through a jade pot as clear as ice.

憑窗望前塵 踽踽獨行 步步堅定

(Against a window,) gazing back in time; Alone, walking, each step firming.

月光在茫茫中 溫暖著寒冷

Moonlight in vast emptiness; Warmth in frigid cold.

夜來風幾聲 怡然至性 了然至情

Sound of wind at night; Content with ones innate abilities.

月光在動蕩中 撫慰著不平

Moonlight amidst turbulence, providing comfort

四下空寂靜 露滴晶瑩 天籟細聽

Stillness all around, drip of sparkling dew; (Carefully) listen to nature's sound

月光在浩瀚中 指引著群星

Moonlight in vast emptiness; Guiding sentient beings (guide star for the masses)

真愛賦詩韻 一身化成 無限生命

True love writes poetry in rhyme. Fully transformed, life is boundless.

月光在默默中 訴說著永恆

Eternal moonlight in the midst of silence