Persian Gulf War Veteran

Michael Conniff

Interviewed by:

Lucy Blood and Abby Marks



"If they [the military] wanted me back tomorrow I would leave, I would do it."

~ Michael Conniff (25:30)

Michael Conniff

Date of Birth:
May 30, 1960

Branch of Service:
US Army and US Navy

Dates of Service:
1977 - 2007

Location of Military Service:
Lebanon, Germany, Iraq,
and Kuwait

Residence at Time of Interview:
Orleans, Massachusetts

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Michael Conniff's Story:

Like many veterans who served in the Persian Gulf War, Michael Conniff truly exemplifies what it means to be a hero. He grew up in Mansfield, Massachusetts and lived an ordinary childhood. After graduating from Southeastern Regional High School, Michael Conniff joined the military and served in multiple conflicts.

Michael was inspired to enlist into the United States Army because both his father and brother served. He was first deployed to Kaiserslautern, Germany, where the mission was to protect the Berlin Wall. After four years in the army as an Infantryman with no combat, Conniff realized he wanted something more. In 1983, Michael decided to transfer into the United States Navy. There, he worked in the Aviation Ordnance and Explosive Ordnance Disposal in the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU). Michael worked on several different ships, including: USS Constellation, USS Saratoga, USS John F. Kennedy (see more information below). During this period, Conniff stored, serviced and inspected weapons. Soon after joining the navy, Michael Conniff saw his first action of violence in Beirut, Lebanon in October of 1983 (before the Persian Gulf War). In this memorable campaign, 243 of of Michael's comrades and friends were killed in a bombing of the Marine barracks. Despite this occurrence, Conniff continued to serve in the 24th MEU for 26 years. For operations such as Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Michael would fly on CH-53 Helicopters to prepare the landing zone for the rest of the navy. Michael Conniff’s other campaign took place in 2003, in Operation Iraqi Freedom, during the Iraq War.

In 2007, Michael injured his right lung due to chemical exposure. He was removed from the military and placed on the Permanent Disability Retirement List. After leaving the navy, Michael Conniff has continued to battle PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Even though he struggles with disturbing flashbacks, Michael would still return to the military if need be. Michael Conniff looks back on his military experience as an aspect of his life from which he learned life lessons. He currently resides in Orleans, Massachusetts with the company of his two dogs.

Ships Michael Conniff Served On

Photo of Michael taken at Daenner Kaserne in Kaiserslautern, Germany in 1977