Nauset Regional High School

Witness to War: Serving a Nation

"Any nation that does not honor its heroes will not long endure."

~ Abraham Lincoln

An Inter-generational Oral History Project

Welcome to the Nauset Regional High School Witness to War: Serving a Nation website.

Created by high school history and government students, this online collection of oral history is dedicated to all brave men and women who served our nation as members of its armed forces. Our mission is to collect, preserve, and make accessible the stories of veterans now living on Cape Cod.

It is our hope that these stories will inspire others, as they have inspired us, with real-life examples of service and sacrifice. We also hope these stories will encourage future generations to explore the human costs of war, with the goal perhaps, of someday preventing it.

The Witness to War: Serving a Nation project is a proud contributor to the Veterans History Project of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.